Our FGXpress Story

FGXpress – New Model, Global, Successful



If you’re having success with your business now and want to increase the duplication process and assist many on your team…. subscribe to our newsletter.

If you’re looking for a team where your up line actually works hands on with you till you’re earning $1500-2500 per month. Send us an email info@FGXnow.com


Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton











Do you need People or Meetings First?

People or Meetings First?



If you’re having success with your business now and want to increase the duplication process and assist many on your team…. subscribe to our newsletter.

If you’re looking for a team where your up line actually works hands on with you till you’re earning $1500-2500 per month. Send us an email info@FGXnow.com


Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton



Creating your Ideal Distributor

It doesn’t happen by chance……

finding and connecting with your perfect distributor…… what part to you play in finding your ideal.


Short Video we did as part of our Coffee and Conversation videos


If you’re looking for a team where your up line actually works hands on with you till you’re earning $1500-2500 per month. Send us an email info@FGXnow.com


Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton



New “Hands On” Training Approach Setting Records

Setting new records in your business

January 3rd 2015 we started a new Training program with our team. It’s a Hands On” approach and the results so far have been fabulous.

Instead of the normal 20% of the people we speak with agreeing to go see our company presentation, we now have over 80% agreeing to go to see our presentation. Imagine your business when you are getting 4 times the number of people to go and view your info. Imagine what your check will do!

In the video below, we shared the overview with our team.

If you’re having success with your business now and want to increase the duplication process and assist many on your team…. Check out this overview.

If you’re looking for a team where your up line actually works hands on with you till you’re earning $1500-2500 per month. Send us an email info@FGXnow.com


Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton



PowerStrips for 24/7 Detox?

PowerStrips for 24/7 Detox?

Your Amazing Liver!

One of the benefits we are hearing about from the PowerStrips, from FG Xpress, is that when worn they perform like a 24-7 detox. What an easy, simple and effective way to keep your body performing as it was intended! Simply peel back and adhere to your body. We are experiencing placing the PowerStrips behind the neck (Vagus nerve, and below the belly button (Dan Tien) for additional digestive support. Our friend, a professional reflexologist suggested this and it has been powerful.

REPORTED BENEFITS of the PowerStrips:

  • Restful sleep patterns
  • Improved energy and mood
  • Mental clarity, memory and sharper focus
  • Reduced stress and tension
  • Almost instant pain relief
  • Immune system boost
  • Increase muscular strength
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Less cravings for sugar or sweets
  • 24/7 detox and rebuild

Your Amazing Liver!

PowerStripsThe liver weighs about three pounds and performs more than 500 functions for the body. After the brain, heart and lungs, the liver is the most important organ. Because the liver is so important, your body is designed so that if as much as 80% of your liver were cut out, it would grow back to full size in approximately 3 months! Your body can function almost normally with as little as 1/6th of your liver. Because the liver is designed in this way, it is usually hard to determine if the liver is damaged until the damage is quite advanced.

Traditional Chinese medicine says the liver and kidneys are the organs that “age” us. For this reason, almost all longevity herbs used in Chinese medicine are liver and kidney tonics. Without a clean, efficient liver and healthy kidneys, toxins and waste products are not filtered out of the blood, which then becomes heavier and more sluggish. This causes poor circulation and reduced oxygen and nutrient carrying capacity. As a result, tissues fed by the blood are undernourished. Cells begin to deteriorate and age. The eye and brain cells are especially affected because the blood has to flow against gravity to reach them.

The Master Cleanse is a great way to cleanse your liver and kidneys at the same time as increasing your body’s hydration (the percentage of water in your body). www.themastercleanse.com – another great way is as easy as wearing a PowerStrip. (Each PowerStrip is designed to last 48 hours. You can divide them in half, and place wherever you wish to feel relief.)

Some Major Liver Functions:

  • Making three-quarters of your total cholesterol, which is used to produce hormones and bile salts.
  • Storing as much as 1 liter of blood in times of excess blood volume to be able to supply it in times of blood loss or heavy exercise.
  • Metabolizing up to ½ ounce of alcohol per hour.
  • Making 1 quart of bile per day for fat metabolism and neutralizing the acidity of toxins.
  • Detoxifying incompletely digested proteins, excess hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, etc.), drugs, food additives, poisons, etc.
  • Converting beta-carotene to Vitamin A.
  • Breaking down and absorbing vitamins A, D, E, and K. (If your liver is dysfunctional, you will not be able to metabolize these vitamins, no matter how much you take!)
  • Storing excess vitamin A, B-12, D, K, and iron.
  • Converting ammonia, a byproduct of protein metabolism, into urea for kidney excretion.
  • Filtering out bacteria in the blood from the intestines before it enters general circulation.
  • Synthesizing up to 4 ounces of glucose daily, if needed; for example, during fasting or diabetes.
  • Reducing blood sugar swings up to 65%.

The PowerStrips by FG Xpress. Ingredients in the Power Strips:

Proprietary blend of Korean Red Ginseng (fermented) Germanium and a base of minerals. (Calcium, magnesium, potassium, silver ion) and marine phytoplankton.

Want to learn more?

Want to try the Power Strips ?

Click here

FG Xpress

Take a seat in the front row of a day one, ground floor, residual business opportunity. The entire world’s address system, available to you DAY ONE! Seamless. One product, one price, patented, doctor-formulated, brand new, first of its kind, category creator and exclusively ours!

Join the race, the human race, in a brother and sisterhood that erases all country lines, politics and logistical obstacles. Don’t miss out, get in now! Start celebrating your suXess!


  • Global Distribution Ready
  • One Product. One Price
  • Doctor Formulated
  • Patented
  • Seamless!


Click here


Power Strips

Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton


Skype: dave.deberardinis





Power Strips PowerStrips

Power Strips PowerStrips

Power Strips PowerStrips

Power Strips PowerStrips

Power Strips PowerStrips

Power Strips PowerStrips



What do the Power Strips Smell Like?

What do the Power Strips Smell Like?

Our new Perfume….

What is ON the Power Strips that makes them smell so distinct and “delicious”?

Power StripsThere are certain “SCENTS” that we may not be familiar with because of our culture here in the USA with the Western Influence and one is Korean Red Ginseng. Truth be known, it wasn’t until I received an order of the Power Strips by FG Xpress that I even knew what the “scent” of Korean Red Ginseng was like.

We never gave it any thought on what the Power Strips would smell like but were pleasantly surprised.

It is unlike anything I had ever smelled before- and yet, in some way it was familiar and was such an enticing scent that we fell in love with it immediately. We can always tell when either Dave or I personally put on a new application of Power Strips due to the aromatic Korean Red Ginseng scent. Power Strips are applied directly to the skin, topically.

What is Korean Red Ginseng? And is that what you smell when you open your package of Power Strips?

Considered the most effective form of ginseng on the market, Korean red ginseng has health-promoting effects on the human body that range from enhancing the mind to stimulating the libido. As Korean soil is considered to be the ideal location for growing red ginseng, Korean red ginseng offers a rich variety of minerals and nutrients that are beneficial to the body.
power stripsAbout Korean Red Ginseng

Grown 100 percent organically, Korean red ginseng takes six years to mature in soil that requires a 10-year rest between planting seasons. For this reason, Korean red ginseng contains a high amount of active elements and is sold at a much higher price than ginseng that is grown elsewhere. However, since it contains three times the amount of ginsenosides and is grown without the use of dangerous pesticides, the health benefits that it offers may make it well worth the cost.

1. Nutrients

Containing vitamins, amino acids, essential oils and natural enzymes, Korean red ginseng also boasts an unparalleled mineral content. Containing 42 natural minerals, Korean red ginseng offers a wide variety of beneficial nutrients to the body.

2. Relieves Stress and Fatigue

Korean red ginseng may be taken to combat weakness and add extra energy to an athletic performance. Ginsenosides, which are found in Korean red ginseng, are also valued for their ability to boost mental efficiency and relieve mental fatigue. Ginsenosides are believed to work as natural adaptogens in the body, meaning that they allow the body to adapt to stress in a natural manner. Korean red ginseng is said to work on the nervous system as a natural tranquilizer and is believed to boost metabolism function as well.

3. For the Sex Organs

Increasing natural testosterone levels as well as blood flow to the penis, perhaps the most widely recognized effect of Korean red ginseng is its libido-enhancing effects on the male sex glands. As ginseng has also been found to stimulate estrogen production in women, those who are in the early stages of menopause may benefit from supplementing their diet with Korean red ginseng.

4. Additional Benefits

It is believed to strengthen immunity due to its natural vitamins and mineral content and may be used as a natural detoxifier. Korean red ginseng reduces cortisol levels in the bloodstream, which is useful to diabetics, as cortisol interferes with insulin production.

As a high dosage of ginseng reduces blood pressure, Korean red ginseng may be especially beneficial for individuals with hypertension. Anti-inflammatory properties found in Korean red ginseng may be helpful for treating rheumatoid arthritis without the use of steroids.

Getting back to the Scent of the Power Strips and the Korean Red Ginseng- many people are finding it erotic…much like the photo below. If you have never had the pleasure of trying the Power Strips for health, energy and pain relief, go to www.FGXnow.com

power strips

Want to learn more?

Want to try the Power Strips ?

Click here

FG Xpress

Take a seat in the front row of a day one, ground floor, residual business opportunity. The entire world’s address system, available to you DAY ONE! Seamless. One product, one price, patented, doctor-formulated, brand new, first of its kind, category creator and exclusively ours!

Join the race, the human race, in a brother and sisterhood that erases all country lines, politics and logistical obstacles. Don’t miss out, get in now! Start celebrating your suXess!


  • Global Distribution Ready
  • One Product. One Price
  • Doctor Formulated
  • Patented
  • Seamless!


Click here


Power Strips

Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton


Skype: dave.deberardinis





Power strips

Power strips

Power strips

Power strips

Power strips


Power Strips for Pain

Power Strips for Pain

Ashley Story will break your heart and give you hope!

Want to learn more?

Want to try the Power Strips ?

Click here

FG Xpress

Take a seat in the front row of a day one, ground floor, residual business opportunity. The entire world’s address system, available to you DAY ONE! Seamless. One product, one price, patented, doctor-formulated, brand new, first of its kind, category creator and exclusively ours!

Join the race, the human race, in a brother and sisterhood that erases all country lines, politics and logistical obstacles. Don’t miss out, get in now! Start celebrating your suXess!


  • Global Distribution Ready
  • One Product. One Price
  • Doctor Formulated
  • Patented
  • Seamless!

Click here


Power Strips

Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton


Skype: dave.deberardinis





Power Strips for Pain

Power Strips for Pain

Power Strips for Pain

Power Strips for Pain

Power Strips for Pain

Power Strips for Pain

Don’t Even Think About Joining Empower Network…….

14 Year Veterans of Network Marketing Dave & Joy Review The Empower Network

Don’t Even Think About Joining Empower Network…….

Until You read and see this

So what’s the deal with Empower Network anyway? If you are anything like me, you have probably started running into this deal and there do seem to be a lot of people pretty excited about it?

That’s how it always starts with a hyper-growth network marketing company isn’t it? The low rumble that the early adopters always watch for and then the explosion into Hyper-Growth where millions can be made if you pay attention and know how to market.

But what the devil is Empower Network? Is this just a clever scam or a real deal that is just on the verge of explosive growth?

So Is It Really Possible To Make Money With Empower Network?

Check it out…

I’ve never seen so many success stories, from so many people, from just ONE program like this one.

Check out results from others….


Rod, that IS “nice”. When you think about the fact that most people have to work 8 hours to earn LESS than $100 per day….

it makes this system the best way to make money I’ve ever seen.


Juanita, you hit the nail on the head!

When you follow the system as we’ve got it designed…it’s nearly impossible not to have results. Congratulations on your $250 day!

Congratulations Jean-Francois! That’s quite a birthday! :)

Let’s be honest: using this method, it was EASIER than what you’d been doing to make less money, wasn’t it?



See, that’s what I’m talking about…

You’re not out there chasing friends and family. You’re not drawing circles on the back of napkins or doing those little “milk and cookie” parties in

people’s living rooms….

Just following a simple online system and watching cash drop in!

Congratulations, Brent!

Making money while you sleep!

That’s a common theme in this business. Happy for you!

Check out what James says below, he is another guy who makes money while drooling on his pillow:

James, you rock. And you’re right!

When you follow a proven system that works… the results flow in!

Check out this email from a lady who just got started a few hours ago:


Man, that fires me UP! Read that again: she’s “never made money online”…

Yet she made her first sale within hours of plugging into our system.

And it happens all the time!

Here’s another one:



Love it! And all you have to do is follow the system!



That’s so bad-ass. And all it takes is TAKING ACTION & getting started!

I can go on and on.

But, here’s the real question:

Are YOU ready to see YOUR success story being told?

Are you ready to start earning what you deserve?

We pay out 100% commissions!

We’ve paid out over $20.4 Million in the last 13 months.

Come get your share!

Empower Network is the simplest, fastest and SAFEST way for you to earn a large income from home!

If you’re ready to get started and just want the order form, you can get in here.


Empower Network


So Can Empower Network Really Give You Overnight Success?

Now a little warning here, Empower Network is not a Magic income Bullet that will fix your bank account overnight unless you already understand how to generate leads online or have some good coaching on how to do it.

Now Empower does have a very powerful compensation plan and I have seen many people generate anywhere from $10,000 to $54,000 in their fist month, however it only kicks in if you can drive enough lead traffic to your Empower Network webpage.

Now because of this, which Empower team you join will dramatically affect your growth and success curve. Keep in mind that there are a lot of good people out there that are flying blind, they got excited, jumped in and ended up with no one to guide them on the best success strategies.

Here is just a quick look at the Special Empower Network Bonuses you will receive by Joining Our Empower Network Team and work directly with us. We are part of a team with added special training, including videos, step by step instruction on exactly “How To” market both with Free and Paid advertising.

The coolest part is you can come in at what ever level is comfortable to you! The base package is only $25. Wow.

Come join us helping others attract the life they want.

Dave & Joy



“The goal is not to do business with everybody who needs what you have. The goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe.” Simon Sinek

Inspiring others to reach their potential.

178 Seconds to Live – a Private Pilot Story

The source is unknown …

Guinea Pig Pilot – 178 Seconds

How long can a pilot who has little or no instrument training expect to live after he flies into bad weather and loses visual contact? Researchers at the University of Illinois did some tests and came up with some very interesting data. Twenty student “guinea pigs” flew into simulated instrument weather, and all went into graveyard spirals or roller coasters. The outcome differed in only one respect – the time required till control was lost. The interval ranged from 480 seconds to 20 seconds. The average time was 178 seconds — two seconds short of three minutes.

Here’s the fatal scenario for all you VFR Pilot (s)

The sky is overcast and the visibility is poor. That reported five mile visibility looks more like two, and you can’t judge the height of the overcast. Your altimeter tells you that you are at 1500 feet but your map tells you that there’s local terrain as high as 1200 feet. There might be a tower nearby because you’re not sure how far off course you are. But you, being pilot in command, have flown into worse weather than this, so press on. You find yourself unconsciously easing back just a bit on the controls to clear those towers. With no warning, you’re in the soup. You peer so hard into the milky white mist that your eyes hurt. You fight the feeling in your stomach. You try to swallow, only to find your mouth dry. Now you realize you should have waited for better weather. The appointment was important, but not all that important. Somewhere a voice is saying, “You’ve had it — it’s all over!”

You now have 178 seconds to live.
Your aircraft feels on even keel but your compass turns slowly. You push a little rudder and add a little pressure on the controls to stop the turn but this feels unnatural and you return the controls to their original position. This feels better but now your compass is turning a little faster and your airspeed is increasing slightly. You scan your instruments for help but what you see looks somewhat unfamiliar. You’re sure that this is just a bad spot. You’ll break out in a few minutes. (But you don’t have a few minutes left. . .)

You now have 100 seconds to live.
You glance at your altimeter and you are shocked to see it unwinding. You’re already down to 1200 feet. Instinctively, you pull back on the controls but the altimeter still unwinds. The engine is into the red and the airspeed, nearly so.

You have 45 seconds to live.
Now you’re sweating and shaking. There must be something wrong with the controls; pulling back only moves the airspeed indicator further into the red. You can hear the wind tearing at the aircraft. You are about to meet your Maker.

You have 10 seconds to live.
Suddenly you see the ground. The trees rush up at you. You can see the horizon if you turn your head far enough but it’s at a weird angle — you’re almost inverted. You open your mouth to scream but. . . . . . you just ran out of seconds.

All pilots, but especially a VFR pilot, don’t press into marginal weather.

Come join us helping others attract the life they want.

Dave & Joy



“The goal is not to do business with everybody who needs what you have. The goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe.” Simon Sinek

Inspiring others to reach their potential.

Ruby Ribbon Overview

Ruby Ribbon Overview


Ruby Ribbon is a privately owned direct sales company selling apparel based on its own designs. Headquartered in Burlingame, CA and New York, NY, the company was founded by Anna Zornosa, a seasoned serial entrepreneur whose vision and passion is the creation of a company that contributes to women’s confidence both through its products and through the career opportunities it creates. Her partnership with Deborah Uri and the Ruby Ribbon Team has created a team deeply committed to its Independent Stylists and with deep expertise in social media, apparel, and direct sales.

Ruby Ribbon was founded by a working mom, Anna Zornosa, AnnaZornosa Ruby Ribbonwho was inspired to create flexible, rewarding opportunities for stylish, dynamic women, who are eager to write their own rules for success.

The collection is sold by a network of Independent Stylists, who introduce the products one-on-one at in-home trunk shows and on their own individual e-commerce sites.

At Ruby Ribbon Trunk Shows, customers receive personal attention and fit assistance, and are able to try on the shapewear and shaping basics in the company of their friends in a fun, casual environment. Hostesses of qualifying Ruby Ribbon Trunk Shows receive 15% of total sales in free merchandise, at least one half price item, and a hostess booking award of one item at 75% off when one of their guests books a trunk show.

Enrollment Options for Ruby Ribbon Independent Stylists

New Ruby Ribbon Independent Stylists are required to purchase a Hello Kit for $199.00, which includes clothing samples, catalogs, brochures, order forms, a display sign, a mesh lingerie bag, business cards and an ecommerce site for two months.

Compensation Plan for Ruby Ribbons

Ruby Ribbon Independent Stylists earn commission on their personal sales, plus additional income from their team’s sales when they recruit others.

Ruby Ribbons Recruiting

Ruby Ribbon is now recruiting Independent Stylists who will start selling its products at parties held in customers’ homes starting in August. “The Independent Stylists who join our company now will be first to market with an innovative product, and will benefit from our team’s experience with both technology and the Internet,” said Uri. “We are dedicated to respecting our Stylists’ life experience and their time by giving them tools that make them productive and efficient in their every interaction with Ruby Ribbon.”

Come join us helping others attract the life they want.

Dave & Joy



“The goal is not to do business with everybody who needs what you have. The goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe.” Simon Sinek

Inspiring others to reach their potential.