Attention Beyond Slim Coaches. As of March 1 2023 there changes are in affect. Take advantage of this amazing opportunity by staying in touch and current with all the updates and changes with Beyond Slim. If you don’t have a coach/up line but would like one, reach out to the contact below.
We have some great news for Subscribe & Save members! Starting on March 1, all S&S members will now start saving $10 on each bag of ZipSlim they purchase each month starting Month 3 of their subscription, instead of Month 4 under our previous Loyal Subscriber savings program! We want to reward our most valued customers more than ever before as part of our vision to help millions of people become fitter, healthier and happier! We also believe this will help increase the retention of Customer enrollments in your organization and be beneficial for growing your business as well!
As a result of the change to the Loyal Subscriber program, the 50% CIC will now pay out on new enrollments for 2 calendar months instead of 3. In the 3rd month Coaches will begin earning the Loyal Customer Commission (LLC) of between 10-40% on all their enrollments. The 10% 5 levels deep Generational commissions will also begin being paid out starting on orders in the 3rd month instead of the 4th month.
All qualified Silver Influencers and higher will now have the option to qualify with either 30 Personally Enrolled S&S Members or 30 Referral Points each month. This enhancement gives more flexibility to Coaches depending on how they build their team.

Please note: Beyond Slim now offers a 30-Day Money-Back guarantee on all their products. If you have questions on returns email
Keep up the great work!!
Your Beyond Slim Team and coach Joy/founding coach with Beyond Slim., 802-999-1815, to ORDER or JOIN as a COACH, click here:
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