POWER STRIPS and Where to Place Them
People across the globe are discovering a new health product called Power Strips. People are asking us what are Power Strips? How do the work? And where do I put them?
When we were first introduced to the Power Strips we had 2 specific areas we wanted to see improvements in:
I had experienced shoulder pain for over a year and had limited range of motion. I guess the medical establishment labels that a “frozen shoulder”. My best scenario would be for me to use the Power Strips to get relief from pain and discomfort and be able to use my arm and shoulder freely with no limited range of motion. I placed my first Power Strip on my upper right shoulder- on the upper right side of my back/shoulder blade.
Dave on the other hand wasn’t experiencing any pain, but he did have bad sinus issues which had plagued him for over 8 years. He relied on nasal spray several times a night to simply “get through the night”, breath and to sleep. Needless to say, along with difficulty in breathing came occasional snoring.
My first night, after applying a Power Strip I found that I was pain free and sleeping on my stomach for the first time in over a year….which was very exciting. I am a “stomach sleeper” and had not been able to sleep without pain. Prior to that I had not been able to get in a comfortable position and tossed and turned throughout the night. I slept so deep and sound that night. Today, 9 weeks later I am still pain free and have full range of motion.
For Dave, he placed a partial Power Strip on his forehead and a tiny strip across the bridge of his nose. After the first night the right sinus cleared completely, and within 3 nights the left side was completely clear. Today he wears a partial Power Strip over the bridge of his nose approximately once a week.
We love the Power Strips that have offered many other health and wellness benefits. One area that has assisted Dave is with digestion. When we introduced the Power Strips to Shali, a friend of ours who is a reflexologist, he totally understood the technology. He suggested that Dave place half of a Power Strip on the Vagus nerve (behind the upper neck area) and half of a Power Strip on the DonTien, below the belly button. His understanding is that this would assist the body in balancing, clearing and rejuvenating the internal organs. Within a week or ten days Dave realized that his digestion had drastically improved.
(Dave applied ½ of the Power Strip to back of the neck area) and
½ to below his belly button.)
Although many people want to know and understand how the Power Strips are working so well for many situations dealing with Energy, Pain and Discomfort, I personally don’t need to know the details. I have always believed when your body receives the perfect raw materials, such as the ingredients in/on the Power Strips, that the body can perform miracle upon miracle. Clearly this is what is happening.
As for where YOU should placer your Power Strips, it is suggested that you place them on a relatively hair free application site, on a major muscle area or near area you wish to receive relief. Peel off and apply the sticky side to the skin and smooth down. Each Power Strip lasts 2 days. It is best not to get wet as it will lose its effectiveness by lowering the effectiveness of the Germanium.
The ingredients in the Power Strips are:
- Proprietary blend of Korean Red Ginseng (fermented) Germanium and a base of minerals. (Calcium, magnesium, potassium, silver ion) and marine phytoplankton.
Reported Benefits are:
- Restful sleep patterns
- Improved energy and mood
- Mental clarity, memory and sharper focus
- Reduced stress and tension
- Almost instant pain relief
- Immune system boost
- Increase muscular strength
- Reduced inflammation
- Less cravings for sugar or sweets
- 24/7 detox and rebuild
To learn more about the Power Strips by FG Xpress go to www.FGXnow.com or contact us at 802-84607530.
Want to learn more?
Want to try the Power Strips ?
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Dave DeBerardinis
Joy Edgerton
Skype: dave.deberardinis
Power Strips
Power Strips
Power Strips
Power Strips