Fall of 2020 I watched many people- including 2 girlfriends, literally SHRINK by “drinking a new product” in 90-Days. Coming off menopause, I was desperate, but hopeful due to watching “them shrink”- so I decided to say YES to whatever they were doing. I had a well-developed “menopot” and it HAD to go. Although I had not found anything in 10 years since menopause, what I saw/ heard and read excited me. (For the science click here: https://zipslim.tv/joy/) The product is a delicious drink mix that tastes like blackberry lemonade called Zipslim. https://zipslim.info/joy
As it turned out, the company, Beyond Slim, has a quarterly contest called REBOOT66 and my two girlfriends each won $1000.
OK. Now THAT caught my attention. Sarah and Mitzi and another friend David, all won $1000. The categories they choose from are not weight loss, they are Fitter, Healthier and Happier.
Flash forward several months.
I embraced, have used and have shared the Zipslim and LOVE my personal results. As a Beyond Slim coach I’m excited to share MY results with others who are searching for better health and weight loss. As a former personal trainer, this excited me as it was HEALTHY weight loss while maintaining OR gaining lean muscle.
My story is below. If you know anyone who can benefit please reach out to me. My personal mission in life is to help people become the healthiest version of them in body, mind and spirit. THIS will help anyone who is looking for a healthy transformation.
When I Look in the Mirror Now I absolutely LOVE who I see, she looks like the REAL ME!
No matter your age, or if you are a man or woman- Zipslim will help. Check out the details on my website. Beyond Slim offers a 90-Day Satisfaction money back guarantee. I’m here to support anyone looking for support. Come with a positive attitude. Anything is possible.
Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach