No matter what weight loss product/system/health routine you use, if you don’t seasonally rid the toxins from your body, you will simply become a thinner person with the same toxins, only this time, it will be TOXIN OVERLOAD. A skinnier body with less body mass!
I’ve seen it over and over again, for decades in the health and personal training industry, and this cycle, can set you up for dis-ease, or sickness. Then, if you get slack with your healthy habits, and go back to eating too much or not working out, (losing muscle)
you often gain those pounds BACK, and even more. It is such a vicious cycle… but the good news is that cycle can be broken.

I have tools to share if you are on that treadmill of gaining, losing, excited, miserable, etc. and it is actually SIMPLE and EASY. Some of the most effective things are just that. Simple and Easy but you need the right HEALTH DEPOSITS and tools.
So, if your belly is sporting too much of a men-0-pot or beer belly of fat, thank it for doing its job of protecting your internal organs from toxins, but say “THANKS
and I Don’t Need you any more.” (and then reach out to me. 

With the holidays coming, just ridding those toxins will help you lose inches and weight as the fat cells will shrink, with the release of toxins. Want to fit into that holiday outfit this year? I bet you can with this simple advice.
Currently there is a special offer with my company.
The cleanse comes in both capsule and liquid. Get 2 cleanse, 2 Majik (Weight loss capsule) and 2 FREE Metabolic Max for only $177.80, while supplies last. Click here for more details or to order. https://livepure.com/shop/new

Have questions? I’m here to answer them. 802-999-1815 or email me at joyedgerton@gmail.com

Health and Wellness Coach with live PURE.