It’s an honor to share Katie Hale’s journey to optimal health and well-being. One thing I love about Katie’s journey is she can authentically share her story AND her solutions that she discovered in her own personal quest. As someone who has been ‘self-taught’ by study and personal experience called “life”, her journey is likely to offer hope to anyone who is or has been overweight.
Katie reminds me of several of the best personal trainers and health coaches who also overcame obstacles in their own life and led them to help others. Because of their personal experience and journey they are effective in what they do and can relate to help others. This is one reason why Katie is such an effective ‘coach’.

In 2010 Katie was at her heaviest weight of 265. When asked when her weight began to become a personal issue for her she mentioned that she gained only a little when she had her children, but really put the weight on between the age of 29 and 32. Lifestyle, stress, “life” out of control in many areas, was the main cause of her weight gain. But she didn’t sit back and do nothing, she found a solution and began changing her lifestyle and nutrition and over time lost lots of weight and regained her health and spunky outlook on life.
Being proactive, Katie did several things to eventually drop over 100 pounds, but like many people, some of the weight returned over time. I’m sure she is happy to share her story with anyone who asks. (Email katie.hale0412@gmail.com)
One of the things that helped make a huge difference was finding a company that has been around for a long time. Many people may have heard about nutritional MLM companies that have shakes and supplemental pills, and for many years this helped in her weight loss and healthy lifestyle journey.
Eventually, unfortunately, due to some health challenges, she discovered that there were ingredients in some of the products that her doctor told her to avoid.
Her decision was to be 100% transparent and authentic, so she stepped away from sharing those products but continued to (and still does) support and inspire people to ‘keep on keeping on’ with their health and weight loss journey. Actually, many of her former customers and health coaches are now using and recommending Katie’s latest innovative discovery – ZipSlim, to their daily regime and getting amazing results. It can be added to any nutritional or dietary program and simply be a BONUS, so if you eat Keto, Paleo, are using other ‘programs’ and products, simply adding the ZipSlim can help you lose additional inches much quicker. Watch this 1 minute video to learn how to lose 3x more weight: https://vimeo.com/486137118
ZipSlim is backed by science, formulated by Dr. Mark Drucker, and was brought to market January, 2021. The company is so confident in the product and results that they offer a full 90-Day Money Back Guarantee. They have two formulas, ‘charged’ and ‘decaf’ and both taste delicious. Think ‘blackberry lemonade’. Just 2 per day and see yourself “Drink to Shrink”.

Click here to watch a 5-min. video that explains how this ‘blackberry lemonade’ flavored drink helps FLIP the SWITCH to your metabolism. https://vimeo.com/gobeyondslim/fliptheswitch
Like many who have lost weight in the past it often returns to some degree. Sometimes, with fad diets, you actually end up larger and gain more weight, and end up with a compromised metabolism than when you started. This is why many of us say we RELEASE the weight, not LOSE the weight, as when you lose something you often find it again. 🙂
When I reconnected with Katie this past year, she had been searching for a solution to get back on track after the stressful 2020 ‘pandemic’ and to drop what many people now refer to as “Pandemic Pounds” or “Covid-20”. I can relate, as I was in the same situation looking for a healthy solution.
The photo to the left is Katie at her all-time lowest size and weight. She felt energetic and unstoppable in all areas of her life. Her goal is not necessarily return to that same size when she was 34, now at age 43 she is well on her way thanks to ZipSlim.

In asking Katie what her biggest benefits of using the ZipSlim are here is what she said. “I now sleep great, wake up feeling rested, have released 16 pounds in the first month and 7 inches. My biggest feature that has changed is my face! I also have more energy, and more focused throughout the day… and finally am seeing the light at the end
of the tunnel because I’m seeing progress like I have never before.”
I invite you to reach out to Katie to learn more. You can visit her website for more details: https://zipslim.info/katiehale/
She is also available by phone: 802-309-2417 or email: katie.hale0412@gmail.com)
If you’d like to learn how you can get FREE ZipSlim or to become a Coach with Beyond Slim please click here: https://beyondslim.biz/katiehale
I am super excited to have Katie as a coach on my team. She brings SO much positive energy and expertise to not only my team, but the company. Also her results are inspiring so many people to get fitter, healthier and happier. Join us and if you have any questions and can’t reach Katie, please feel free to reach out to me.
802-999-1815, JoyEdgerton@gmail.com
Founding Coach with Beyond Slim