Beyond Slim’s Return Policy: Zipslim (90-Day Satisfaction Guarantee)

I have been in the health, wellness, nutrition and fitness industry my entire life and I have never seen such a generous Return Policy as what Beyond Slim offers.

I thought I’d share it here and if you are interested in trying the Zipslim product, please click here for additional information OR to place your order. My results are below. I’ll encourage and coach you for free.

Zipslim comes in both ‘charged’ and ‘decaf’ and tastes like blackberry lemonade. I enjoy one mid-morning and one approximately and hour before dinner.

You can reach me in several ways. 802-999-1815 (cell), (email) or through my website.

See these Testimonials- I guarantee you will be inspired:

Click to access bys_90_day_guarantee.pdf

Look What’s New with Katie Hale….

It’s an honor to share Katie Hale’s journey to optimal health and well-being. One thing I love about Katie’s journey is she can authentically share her story AND her solutions that she discovered in her own personal quest. As someone who has been ‘self-taught’ by study and personal experience called “life”, her journey is likely to offer hope to anyone who is or has been overweight.

Katie reminds me of several of the best personal trainers and health coaches who also overcame obstacles in their own life and led them to help others. Because of their personal experience and journey they are effective in what they do and can relate to help others. This is one reason why Katie is such an effective ‘coach’.

In 2010 Katie was at her heaviest weight of 265. When asked when her weight began to become a personal issue for her she mentioned that she gained only a little when she had her children, but really put the weight on between the age of 29 and 32. Lifestyle, stress, “life” out of control in many areas, was the main cause of her weight gain. But she didn’t sit back and do nothing, she found a solution and began changing her lifestyle and nutrition and over time lost lots of weight and regained her health and spunky outlook on life.

Being proactive, Katie did several things to eventually drop over 100 pounds, but like many people, some of the weight returned over time. I’m sure she is happy to share her story with anyone who asks. (Email

One of the things that helped make a huge difference was finding a company that has been around for a long time. Many people may have heard about nutritional MLM companies that have shakes and supplemental pills, and for many years this helped in her weight loss and healthy lifestyle journey. Eventually, unfortunately, due to some health challenges, she discovered that there were ingredients in some of the products that her doctor told her to avoid.

Her decision was to be 100% transparent and authentic, so she stepped away from sharing those products but continued to (and still does) support and inspire people to ‘keep on keeping on’ with their health and weight loss journey. Actually, many of her former customers and health coaches are now using and recommending Katie’s latest innovative discovery – ZipSlim, to their daily regime and getting amazing results. It can be added to any nutritional or dietary program and simply be a BONUS, so if you eat Keto, Paleo, are using other ‘programs’ and products, simply adding the ZipSlim can help you lose additional inches much quicker. Watch this 1 minute video to learn how to lose 3x more weight:

ZipSlim is backed by science, formulated by Dr. Mark Drucker, and was brought to market January, 2021. The company is so confident in the product and results that they offer a full 90-Day Money Back Guarantee. They have two formulas, ‘charged’ and ‘decaf’ and both taste delicious. Think ‘blackberry lemonade’. Just 2 per day and see yourself “Drink to Shrink”.

Click here to watch a 5-min. video that explains how this ‘blackberry lemonade’ flavored drink helps FLIP the SWITCH to your metabolism.

Like many who have lost weight in the past it often returns to some degree. Sometimes, with fad diets, you actually end up larger and gain more weight, and end up with a compromised metabolism than when you started. This is why many of us say we RELEASE the weight, not LOSE the weight, as when you lose something you often find it again. 🙂

When I reconnected with Katie this past year, she had been searching for a solution to get back on track after the stressful 2020 ‘pandemic’ and to drop what many people now refer to as “Pandemic Pounds” or “Covid-20”. I can relate, as I was in the same situation looking for a healthy solution.

The photo to the left is Katie at her all-time lowest size and weight. She felt energetic and unstoppable in all areas of her life. Her goal is not necessarily return to that same size when she was 34, now at age 43 she is well on her way thanks to ZipSlim.

In asking Katie what her biggest benefits of using the ZipSlim are here is what she said. “I now sleep great, wake up feeling rested, have released 16 pounds in the first month and 7 inches. My biggest feature that has changed is my face! I also have more energy, and more focused throughout the day… and finally am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel because I’m seeing progress like I have never before.”

I invite you to reach out to Katie to learn more. You can visit her website for more details:

She is also available by phone: 802-309-2417 or email:

If you’d like to learn how you can get FREE ZipSlim or to become a Coach with Beyond Slim please click here:

I am super excited to have Katie as a coach on my team. She brings SO much positive energy and expertise to not only my team, but the company. Also her results are inspiring so many people to get fitter, healthier and happier. Join us and if you have any questions and can’t reach Katie, please feel free to reach out to me.


Founding Coach with Beyond Slim


Sick and Tired of Being Overweight? I found….

Are you looking for a healthy product that will help flip your switch to your metabolism? Stimulate fat burning? If so, look no longer. I have struggled with weight gain since menopause and no matter what I did, nothing seemed to work. I found a solution and want to share it with any and all people who are looking for their solution.

I tried many things, from ‘diets’, to Keto lifestyle, Paleo, 30+ days of HOT Bikram yoga thinking surely I could MELT off fat (didn’t lose a pound), to cleanses, including the lemonade Master Cleanse for 20+ days…. nope, that didn’t work either. Well, you name it, I tried it and was very discouraged. I thought this is how I’d have to live my life from now on….. til, at age 64, I found ZipSlim.

Drinking 2 ZipSlim blackberry lemonade tasting drinks per day before my 2 largest meals, along with following some simple healthy daily rituals and BAM, successful weight loss happened. It wasn’t over night, but then again I didn’t put weight on overnight either. Two pounds of weight gain per year x 10 years was a whopping 20 pounds of FAT weight…. surely not muscle, as one could tell by the size of my ‘then’ men-o-pot. I truly looked at least 5 months pregnant…. and in a body part that I had never had issues with prior to age 54.

So what is this delicious and effective drink? Click here to watch a 5-minute video called FLIP THE SWITCH and read about the science behind it. Beyond Slim guarantees you’ll enjoy your many results, and offers a generous 90-Day guarantee or your money back. ZipSlim also comes in both a charged version as well as decaf.

My results are exciting for me but check out how this drink is helping so many others in your journey of good health and weight loss. Many people who shared their ‘story from before to beyond, are personal friends. Weight losses of 20, 30, 40 and all the way up to over 70+ pounds has happened for many of my personal friends.

I need to update my photo below as this is from month 2 of using ZipSlim and I just completed month 5. I have now dropped 19.7 pounds (10 more to go for my ideal weight/size) and over 15 inches… 6.5″ just from around the belly. I’m much fitter, healthier and happier for sure and I can once again look at myself in the mirror and enjoy the reflection.

The photos below can be seen in this link along with their JOURNEY.










Don’t take MY word for it, give it a try and see what ZipSlim can do for you. The benefits are much more than weight loss, thus the company name BEYOND SLIM. If you have questions I invite you to call me at 802-999-1815 (Vermont, eastern time zone) or email me at FREE coaching is available to all customers.

Looking for a way to help others become fitter, healthier and happier and earn both FREE product and earn money? Ask how you can become a Beyond Slim coach. With a large percent of our population being overweight and challenged with health issues, we need more coaches to help us on our mission. Click, here to learn more.

These are the healthy daily rituals that will help you reach your ideal health and weight. Simple to do, simple not to do. This guide helps you keep on track until they are automatic.

Order your ZipSlim today by clicking here.

Joy Edgerton/ Founding Coach with Beyond Slim


Joy’s 21-Day Reboot/Reset….

Are you looking for a way to REBOOT or RESET your health/fitness and nutrition habits? If so, join me in my 21-Day Reboot/Reset Challenge.

What is the 21-Day Summer Slimdown Challenge?

It’s 21 days of learning new habits that will help you become fitter, healthier, happier, and releasing unwanted stress and pounds. Unlike some ‘reboots’ of 66 or 90 days, this is a condensed version that anyone can stick to. Think back at other challenges you may have done in the past. It takes 21-Days to make/break a habit.

It’s FREE accountability and connection with others who are looking for similar goals and a healthy way to RESET and REBOOT the body, the mind, and the spirit.

Requirements: This is the only requirement. Each participant will need to purchase 2 bags of ZipSlim to participate. We suggest Save and Subscribe (cancel anytime) so that you can get the best price.

If you create a group of 5 people, meaning you find 4 people interested in participating, I’ll personally purchase your product for the month.

Support: Support will be via Facebook Messenger, as well as Marco Polo. Each week we will focus on 3 daily rituals that are guaranteed to help you feel better and help you reach your goals quicker. My promise is that this will be fun and inspiring and a great kick-off to self-care, self-nurturing and learning new habits -all while crating amazing weight loss and improvements of health.

Unlike many other 21-Day Challenges, other than purchasing your product, there is no additional cost to participate. We believe it will be life changing in a positive way.

I look forward to helping YOU REBOOT. Our first of many 21-Day Reboot Challenges begins the day after Mother’s Day on May 10th. Join today. Qualify by ordering HERE.

Once you have placed your initial ZipSlim order email me at On the subject line put 21-Day Challenge. I’ll call you and we’ll begin the journey of improved health together.

Let’s get Fitter, Healthier, Happier and Slimmer Together.







Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach & Mentor


Winners of Beyond Slims Reboot66 ….

“Beyond Slim” has a fun Reboot Challenge every 4 months and is called Reboot 66™ –It rewards your Fitter, Healthier, Happier Story.

Studies show that sticking with something for 66 days helps it become a habit, and there’s no better habit than making healthier lifestyle choices. That’s why Beyond Slim® rewards those who complete 66 days on the Metabolic Reboot™ with fabulous prizes 4 times a year.

First Ever Reboot 66 Winners:

The winners announced on January 2nd of the first challenge were Sarah Cranston, Mitzi Appodaca and David Joyce. I personally watched both Mitzi and Sarah literally SHRINK for 3 months last fall, while I was still thinking of trying the ZipSlim. They are, and were my initial inspiration.

Winners of the second challenge were announced on April 3rd and are Kim Adams, Becky and John Spieth and Jason Paul. Congratulations to all for their amazing results.

All winners received their choice of a $1000 Shopping Spree or $1000 Staycation.

If you were to win a REBOOT Challenge what would YOU choose? I think half the people choose the Staycation, while half the people truly need a new wardrobe due to their weight loss. If I were to ever win I’d want to split it 50-50%

If you’re up for a challenge and love incentives and free support, consider signing up for the next Reboot66.

Become a customer of mine at

Sign up here for the challenge. It’s free.

If you have any questions please call me at 802-999-1815 or email me at

Joy Edgerton/ founding coach …. and committed to your success.






Join Joy’s Reboot66 Groups: Improve & Accelerate Your Success Today

Are you looking to Slim Down this summer? If so, join our Summer Slimdown Program… it’s guaranteed to be fun, simple, easy and we promise you the long term results YOU are looking for will be worth it.

Groups will begin April 19th, 2021 and the way it is set up is new customers can join anytime during those weeks. It’s also FREE as long as you are a ZipSlim Customer. Order here:


Win Prizes with Beyond Slims Reboot 66 Contest!

Every person’s experience with the Metabolic Reboot™ program is unique, but one thing proven by science is that it takes 66 days to form a habit. That’s why we reward everybody who sticks with the Metabolic Reboot™ program for 66 days with fabulous prizes as part of our Reboot 66 contest.


What is a Reboot Group?

A Reboot Group is a simple, rewarding, and FUN way for Members of the Beyond Slim® Community to connect for support in achieving their Metabolic Reboot® program goals.

Led by your Beyond Slim® Coach or a Coach (That would be ME!) with whom you’d work closely, you and your fellow Reboot Group members will share victories, break through obstacles, and participate in weekly challenges that will help the 9 Reboot Rituals become the foundation of your healthily, lasting lifestyle change.

What would YOU choose if you WON? $1000 in a new wardrobe or $1000 in a Staycation?

If you are ready to REBOOT and change YOUR body to be fitter, healthier and happier, wait no longer. Join us. I’m confident your results will surprise you in a positive way.


If you have questions please email me at or text/call 802-999-1815.

Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach with Beyond Slim
