Don’t Buy Zipslim until you Read This….

Don’t buy Zipslim until you read this….

If you are looking for a product to help you lose weight while making no other changes, do not buy Zipslim. It will be a waste of your time and money, and you’ll end up telling people that it doesn’t work.

The truth is, if you ARE truly ready to commit to making some small daily changes, then Zipslim may be the best product available for long term FAT LOSS success.

Ask yourself this simple question.
“Am I committed to becoming the healthiest version of myself and am I willing to add daily habits and follow the ‘plan’ that Beyond Slim provides?” If YES, read on. If NO, stop reading here.

What do I mean by that? Back in fall of 2020 I watched several friends literally shrink in 90-days drinking 2 Zipslim per day. BUT, or should I say AND, on top of that they began to embrace healthier daily habits along with the Zipslim and as a result got fabulous results. The whole ‘package’ put together is why they all got great results and 2 years later, have maintained their weight loss.

December of 2020, I decided to give the Zipslim a try. Fortunately for me, my daily habits have always been quick healthy, so I didn’t have to make huge changes, but the little ones I did make ALONG with drinking Zipslim, made all the difference. The biggest difference was ADDING Zipslim and fasting at least 12 hours every day.

Since menopause I had gradually put on 20+ pounds of FAT with the most noticeable fat being around the belly, which is why I called it my ‘men-o-pot’. The dreaded FAT bulge that I swore I would never have! Perhaps you also have added weight and inches over the years? If so, then you’ve probably tried some downright silly diets and fads, only to find that you may have had some success, but in the long run, you are now heavier and fatter than you were. Here I am ‘sporting’ that big belly. I honestly had NO idea how I would ever get rid of it as nothing worked for 10 years. NOTHING, until Zipslim. Check out the 5 minute “Flip the Switch” in this link:

The YO-YO diet syndrome…the good news is you CAN put an end to it.

How? By embracing these 9 Daily Habits, which Beyond Slim calls 9 “Reboot Rituals”. Add these habits for at least 66 days, and you’ll have a lifestyle that becomes automated and gives you success and improved health. Do them for at LEAST 90 days and you’ll love your results. (Beyond Slim also offers a 90-day money back guarantee)

NOTE: With Zipslim you will lose FAT weight while maintaining lean muscle. This is key so if you don’t see as much weight being released, make sure you ARE taking your measurements and trying on ‘tester clothes’. Many people who have lost 25 lbs. look like they have lost 40! FAT takes up to 5x more space than lean muscle.

The 9 Daily Rituals/Habits are: 1. Drink Zipslim an hour before your 2 largest meals each day. 2. Give Gratitude 3. Track your progress daily. (scale, measuring, photos, clothes etc.) 4. Drink more water 5. Move your body at least 30 minutes every day (walking is great) 6. Eat mostly T.H.I.N. foods (total High Intensity Nutrition). We have a full guide to follow! 7. Fast for at least 12 hours every day. (I stop eating at 8 pm and don’t eat until at least 10 am the following day.) 8. Get at least 7 hours of sleep each night. (People notice sleeping sounder using Zipslim) and 9. Check in with your coach or buddy at least once a day. (We have a group on Facebook for Buddy connections and also accountability.)

These habits are easy to do but also they are easy not to do. If you are ready to commit to losing unwanted fat weight forever, then give Zipslim a try. The company has EVERYTHING in place with food selections, mindset, follow up, workouts, accountability and more. The only thing missing is YOU and YOUR PART IN IT. Meaning follow the plan put together by Dr. Mark Drucker and choose your coach wisely as they will be key in helping you stay on track.

Once again, if you are NOT ready to make the necessary changes, do not buy Zipslim. Although you will love the flavor and how it makes you feel, we want you to experience success in a healthy & sustainable way. To become Healthier, Fitter and Happier.

Click HERE to learn more about Zipslim and to place your order.

Reach out to me by email or phone to see if I have a PROMO CODE that I can share with you.

Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach


How to make your Zipslim drink…

Are you curious as to HOW to make your Zipslim drink? If so, here is a brief video of how I make mine. It’s a delicious drink that is easy to make, takes only seconds, and OH SO POWERFUL for boosting the metabolism and more.

Scientifically Proven Benefits of Zipslim: Weight Loss, Reduction in Waist Size, Increased Muscle Strength, Stronger Immune system, More Energy, reduced Feelings of Stress, Happier Mood, Stress Reduction, Improved Sexual Satisfaction, Better Sleep Quality, Reduction in Free Radicals, Anti-Aging, Enhanced Ability to Focus, Improved Memory.

But, don’t take my word for it, give it a try. I literally watched several girlfriends SHRINK in 90-days drinking Zipslim. One gal lost 34 pls. in 90 days and the other approximately 17. It was THEN that I said, “I need whatever you are doing, and I know many people who do as well.”

This was December 2020 and in the middle of the lockdowns and ‘pandemic’ ! People were more concerned than ever about their PANDEMIC pounds, STRESS as well as BOOSTING THEIR IMMUNE STYSTEM. Zipslim was a healthy solution to all of those things and more.

If you have not tried Zipslim and would like a free sample, please reach out – OR simply order today as it comes with a generous 90-Day Money Back Guarantee.

It comes with a full program called the “METABOLIC REBOOT PROGRAM”- simply follow and get results.

Joy Edgerton/ Founding coach with Beyond Slim and YES that is me in the photo before to 7 months using Zipslim.


NOTHING worked for me since menopause until Zipslim. 10 years of trying!!!!! Check out my story here:


Join Joy’s Reboot66 Groups: Improve & Accelerate Your Success Today

Are you looking to Slim Down this summer? If so, join our Summer Slimdown Program… it’s guaranteed to be fun, simple, easy and we promise you the long term results YOU are looking for will be worth it.

Groups will begin April 19th, 2021 and the way it is set up is new customers can join anytime during those weeks. It’s also FREE as long as you are a ZipSlim Customer. Order here:


Win Prizes with Beyond Slims Reboot 66 Contest!

Every person’s experience with the Metabolic Reboot™ program is unique, but one thing proven by science is that it takes 66 days to form a habit. That’s why we reward everybody who sticks with the Metabolic Reboot™ program for 66 days with fabulous prizes as part of our Reboot 66 contest.


What is a Reboot Group?

A Reboot Group is a simple, rewarding, and FUN way for Members of the Beyond Slim® Community to connect for support in achieving their Metabolic Reboot® program goals.

Led by your Beyond Slim® Coach or a Coach (That would be ME!) with whom you’d work closely, you and your fellow Reboot Group members will share victories, break through obstacles, and participate in weekly challenges that will help the 9 Reboot Rituals become the foundation of your healthily, lasting lifestyle change.

What would YOU choose if you WON? $1000 in a new wardrobe or $1000 in a Staycation?

If you are ready to REBOOT and change YOUR body to be fitter, healthier and happier, wait no longer. Join us. I’m confident your results will surprise you in a positive way.


If you have questions please email me at or text/call 802-999-1815.

Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach with Beyond Slim



How to get a ZipSlim Sample…

How to get a ZipSlim Sample…

Welcome to Beyond Slim™, a community on a mission to help millions of people become Fitter, Healthier, and Happier. If you have heard of ZipSlim and are curious about this new weight loss drink-you’ve found the right resource. If you want to experience a sample before purchasing a month supply, call or text me at 802-999-1815 or send me an email message at

1. It’s Simple: Just mix ZipSlim® in 12-20 oz. of cold water in seconds and enjoy!
2. It’s Tasty: ZipSlim® comes in a delicious and refreshing Blackberry Lemonade flavor and you can get it Charged (with 100mg of natural caffeine) or Caffeine-Free.
3. It’s Clean: ZipSlim® contains no artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners or preservatives. It’s also gluten free, dairy free, non-GMO, vegetarian friendly, and keto and paleo friendly.

In all that we do, we are driven to Go Beyond the status quo and deliver cutting-edge nutrition, proven programs, and a revolutionary distribution model to make a major contribution to society.

I‘m happy you reached out and that I have the opportunity to introduce you to ZipSlim™ and help you get off the diet yo-yo treadmill. It’s the most effective and delicious way to lose 3 times more weight*, reduce cravings, and help you combat Metabolic Overload, the leading cause of mid-life weight gain. Simply mix in water and enjoy twice a day as the foundation of your health routine.

Watch this 5-minute video to help you understand Metabolic Overload and how the ZipSlim works.

AND, if you’re like me, you love getting inspired with others success. Many of these stories are personal friends of mine and accomplished these results in 66 days or less. Those who have dropped significant weight have been using the ZipSlim for 4-6 months.

If you’re inspired and ready to get started without a sample simply go here. Beyond Slim offers a generous 90-Day Money Back Guarantee.

As a customer, you’ll have all the FREE support that you’d like with our proven programs and support groups. I’ll be your accountability partner, coach, to help you stay on track and get the BEST results possible. As a former personal trainer, I know how important accountability is!

Cheers and Congratulations to you for putting yourself first and looking into a healthy way to become FITTER, HEALTHIER and HAPPIER.

Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach with Beyond Slim



The Quiet Nudge From God that Gina Followed…

We recently met Gina Luuloa through a friend, and business associate, (Yonette) and we are quickly becoming friends. In fact, I feel like I have known her for years, perhaps because we have a similar outlook on life, family etc.

One of the first questions we asked Gina was to share a little about herself and why she decided to join Navan, especially after a successful corporate career at Costco’s as a high-level manager. I’m sure YOU will want to know why she left a 6-figure income! As for my perception from what I am seeing, with Gina and others it seems many people have taken a closer look at their lives and priorities during these uncertain Covid-19 times.

Perhaps that is why more people are open to a business from home and one that allows them to be ‘their own boss’… I’ll have to ask Gina if this had anything to do with her decision….

See below- in ‘her own words’.

Gina: “Why did I joined Navan Global”?

“It was a total step of faith. My mom was consistently in pain, my family at large, me, my hubby, kids, sister in law, brother, nieces, nephews…. we needed to become a healthier family. But my mom was my primary focus. I could not watch her continue to use oxycodone like she was. So, when I was introduced to Navan and their products, I really did not have the extra money, but by total faith I joined with the largest kit that was offered – with the most products and best value. I was in and committed to see how Navan could help our family. I also wanted to find a way to take care of each other in Hawaii.

When the Navan box came in I was excited to divide it among the family. Everyone had something to try and for the next 2 weeks that is what we did. After a few days I was sold as my mom was feeling so much better! Years of strong continual pain turned into pain relief. Her pain never 100% goes away but it is gone enough to keep her comfortable, and as a result she is able to stay mobile.

As her daughter, this makes me so happy to be able to add to her quality of life. AND…. I promised my father whom I was very close to, when he passed, I told him I would take care of mom.

Now 40 days into the business, I have seen first-hand how awesome NAVAN products have helped, healed, restored, and changed people. (OH…. and I made money in the process!)

Where is God in all of this.? He was right in the middle of it all. Giving me direction, opening, and shutting doors and giving me those props to step out in faith. I have introduced people to NAVAN pretty much through God putting them on my heart ❤️ and through testimony of how it has changed my life.”

If you’d like to hear many of our testimonials from the Daily Detox Products, the Relieve CBD Pain Relief Cream, the Restore, the Renew Cream, CBD Gummies, CBD tinctures, Regen-X HGH cream, the DREAM for sleep, etc. please reach out to me and I’ll share.

If you are looking for products to Cleanse, Restore and Protect…. now is the time to do it. If you are looking for a way to generate part-time or even full-time ‘executive income’ join my Navan team. We ARE a team who help one another each and every step of the way. In fact during these uncertain times we’re having a great time, helping others, offering hope, and bringing in additional income.

You can reach me at 808-756-3008 (cell) or by email at
Want to learn more about Navan? Go to:

Products got you curious: but let’s chat as I have dozens of pages of testimonials as well as my own with friends and family. 😊

Now, in OUR words:
“To say we are thrilled to have Gina on our team is an understatement. She shares from her heart and is following her heart and God’s whisper. If you join Gina’s team or try the Navan products you are part of something positive and life changing AND you are not alone. Make sure you reach out to her at the contact info above.”.

Dave and Joy



Here’s the Most Effective Detox that is GENTLE & EFFEECTIVE for ALL AGES. No potions/pills/shakes….

PREVENTATIVE HEALTH is KEY to longevity and quality of life. I recently discovered that a company called Navan has an effective and gentle 30-Day Daily detox program…. in fact it’s safe enough for infants -all the way to seniors. Gentle, not dietary with pills, shakes and potions, Navan’s in the form of tincture drops.

You Don’t Have a Memory Problem, You May Have an Inflammation & Toxic Overload Problem….


With so many of us concerned about memory loss or alzheimer’s I found this interesting and one more GREAT reason to do a DETOX. If you haven’t ‘cleansed’ your body in at least 6 months then your health- your body- and your MEMORY may be affected. Toxins are silent killers….. you may not see them but when they are gone, your body functions so much better and like it is meant to.

I have found a great 30-Day Gentle Detox that works…. and is gentle enough for even children. (Did you know that some sources say autism has been linked to a toxic overload after vaccinations? or that studies show that in an umbilical cord they have seen over 200 toxins?)

Benefits of Navan’s 30-Day Detox:

Helps safely remove heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and other toxins
Helps maintain proper pH levels in the body
Helps remove pesticides, herbicides & dioxins from the body
Reduces viral load
Supports immune system function
Supports the body’s ability to trap free radical molecules, making it an effective antioxidant
Helps prevent premature aging by removing the toxic load allowing our body’s normal repair and regeneration mechanisms to work more efficiently
Many detox solutions leave you feeling drained because they indiscriminately remove healthy minerals. Daily Detox removes only unhealthy ions, allowing your body to make way for the good.

WHAT A GREAT TIME TO DO A HEALTHY and EFFECTIVE DETOX! The COVID-19 Pandemic has forced people inside and to eat more processed foods. Now IS the time to rid the bad, and make room for the GOOD. (this includes the chemicals of FEAR stored in the cells of the body).

The Centers for Disease Control says we have 219 toxic pollutants in our bodies including preservatives and pesticides as well as heavy metals like lead and mercury.

Avoiding these toxins is nearly impossible. They are found in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat and the clothes we wear. And, what makes matters even worse, the foods we eat to help protect our bodies are no longer dense in the nutrients and minerals our body needs.

Our bodies’ protective systems are overworked, and it’s evident in the number of health issues we face: lack of energy, inability to focus, stressed immune and reproductive systems, and poor sleep quality (just to name a few)!

Simply put, we can’t put the “good” in our body if it’s full of the “bad.” MORE info here but I’d love to share what I am finding. Also I have 4 30-Day Detox/Restore sets available at WHOLESALE for anyone interested. You can reach us at or by calling direct, 802-846-7530.

#MakeRoomfortheGOOD, #DailyDetoxPlus, #CleanseandDetoxforHealthandVitality, #NavanDetox, #DaveandJoy

Your BODY deserves the best chance for optimum health. There’s also a great business opportunity. If you like helping people and earning money by sharing what YOU believe in, this may be for you. What a great time to have a home-based business where YOU are in control of your destiny and income.

GREAT opportunity for the seasoned network marketers. You’ll love what Trey Knight, CEO and co-Founder put together. It’s fresh and different and pays 50-51% to the field.

Dave and Joy/Navan Global Leaders and Trainers


How to Create a DETOX Test Case and Fund Your Navan Business

Any time is a great time to do a DETOX, but especially if you have been exposed to TOXINS at any time in your life. (We all have) I know many people who have very compromised immune systems due to toxicity such as aluminum, lead, mercury etc. over the years.

Now there IS a way to rid all toxins, including Heavy Metals. Also this is so gentle even young children and aging seniors can use it.

NAVAN Daily Detox Plus


Toxic metals such as lead, cadmium, mercury, and arsenic are widely found in our environment. No matter how hard you try to avoid it, your body is constantly being exposed to these harmful metals and toxins.

They are in the air we breathe, the water we drink, in our food and personal care products. Exposure to mercury, for example, comes from our diet through the consumption of fish (remember the sushi you ate last week?). Lipstick, whitening toothpaste, moisturizer, sunscreen and many other products you use every-single-day have been found to have toxic metals (some naturally occurring and some added).

Needless to say, your body is forever defending itself against these toxins. And long-term or chronic exposure to heavy metals and toxins can seriously affect your health.

Enough is enough. It’s time to get rid of the bad and make room for the good. DAILY DETOX Plus is the only micronized and activated natural zeolite suspension formula available on the market today. It works by producing a net negative charge that traps toxins and impurities, and then safely removes them from the body.

DAILY DETOX Plus is formulated using Clinoptilolite, a Zeolite that has been proven safe for long term use and is the subject of more than 14 clinical studies.


A few good reasons to do a detox!
1. Remove toxins from your cells…. (including heavy metals if you use Navan Daily Detox!)
2. By releasing toxins stored in your fat cells you’ll lose fat weight and inches!
3. More energy!!!!


Now HERE’S the FUN PART. Share this with others and create your own TEST CASE and share your results.

How to CREATE your Own TEST THIS WITH FRIENDS & Fund Your New Business (Or Save $):

HOW: It’s simple. Simply buy the $499 Business pack that has 6 Daily Detox and 2 Restore in the pack. Add an additional Restore as in your first month you’ll need 2 Daily Detox and 1 Restore per person. After that, you’ll only need 1 Daily Detox and 1 Restore.

What is the COST? The WHOLESALE COST is only $559.90 and that is enough of a supply for 3 people for 30 days.

FIND 2 people to do the DETOX with you and you’ll each pay $186.63 plus SH AND saving your 2 friends $40 each.

-or- Charge them the retail cost of $239.85 x 2 people= $479.70. The total cost was $559.90 – $479.70 and YOUR DETOX for 30 Days is only $80.20 PLUS now you are in business as a NAVAN member and can begin earning money.

Think of all the people you know who can benefit. Think outside the box and include children with health challenges such as Autism or older folks who still have fillings with mercury.

I’ve heard many parents share that after their children use the DETOX their speak, motor skills, school work etc. improved. The same with teens with acne. Often times a good cleanse and detox will help improve the skin. IT STARTS FROM WITHIN!




Ready to get Started? Whether you want to earn money or not, this DETOX from Navan is the best detox program I know of. Your body deserves the break. DETOX TODAY with DAILY DETOX and make a difference in your health and those you share it with. Navan’s products CLEANSE, RESTORE and PROTECT!

Dave and Joy/Navan Global Leaders and Trainers



Joy Shares how to DETOX Away your Belly Fat

Today is my son Justin’s 39th Birthday. I went on Facebook impromptu wanting to say something about his Birthday as well as discuss my BELLY SIZE 39 years ago and today….and this is what came out of my mouth. Totally unscripted….

If YOU want to rid some of your belly fat and toxins from your body, check this out. I believe in the Daily Detox and am living proof that it works.

If you haven’t done a Detox or Cleanse in 6 months, now’s the time. Your body deserves it.

To learn about the Daily Detox click here.

To purchase this product or other products from Navan go to :

No matter what your lifestyle, your dietary or nutritional preference, the Daily Detox Plus and Restore program can help you be the healthiest version of you!

Have questions? Let’s chat. 802-846-7530 or email us at We look forward to assisting you!

Dave and Joy/ Navan Leaders and Trainers





NEW DETOX Available – it even removes toxic metals. Benefits include more energy, weight loss, clearer skin…… etc.

I don’t know about you but each year, usually every 6 months, I will do a DETOX of some sort. I think of it as RIDDING the BAD to make room for the GOOD.

Over the years I have done some crazy detoxes, like a detox tea, herbs, the Master Cleanse which is “Fresh squeezed lemons, water, cayenne pepper and Grade B maple syrup concoction, and an apple cider vinegar and herbal cleanse. Last year I even did an expensive ‘doctor recommended’ vegan cleanse and the list goes on. A friend does another detox that starts with a C…. I won’t mention it here but she has to wear Depends (adult diapers) “just in case” she has a blow out. Bottom line, I believe in the benefits of doing a DETOX Cleanse.

FACTS: Toxic metals such as lead, cadmium, mercury, and arsenic are widely found in our environment. No matter how hard you try to avoid it, your body is constantly being exposed to these harmful metals and toxins.

They are in the air we breathe, the water we drink, in our food and personal care products. Exposure to mercury, for example, comes from our diet through the consumption of fish (remember the sushi you ate last week?). Lipstick, whitening toothpaste, moisturizer, sunscreen and many other products you use every-single-day have been found to have toxic metals (some naturally occurring and some added).

Needless to say, your body is forever defending itself against these toxins. And long-term or chronic exposure to heavy metals and toxins can seriously affect your health.

Enough is enough. It’s time to get rid of the bad and make room for the good. DAILY DETOX Plus is the only micronized and activated natural zeolite suspension formula available on the market today. It works by producing a net negative charge that traps toxins and impurities, and then safely removes them from the body.

DAILY DETOX Plus is formulated using Clinoptilolite, a Zeolite that has been proven safe for long term use and is the subject of more than 14 clinical studies.


  • Helps safely remove heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, and other toxins
  • Helps maintain proper pH levels in the body
  • Helps remove pesticides, herbicides & dioxins from the body
  • Reduces viral load
  • Supports immune system function
  • Supports the body’s ability to trap free radical molecules, making it an effective antioxidant
  • Helps prevent premature aging by removing the toxic load allowing our body’s normal repair and regeneration mechanisms to work more efficiently
  • Many detox solutions leave you feeling drained because they indiscriminately remove healthy minerals. Daily Detox removes only unhealthy ions, allowing your body to make way for the good.

FACTS TELL but STORIES SELL. Here is what some people have shared with us regarding the DAILY DETOX/RESTORE products from Navan.

Within the first 2 weeks of starting this detox, I noticed a huge change in the feeling of more energy in particular. My past exposure to chemicals like carbon tetrachloride, lead, solvent-based paints, and photo-developing chemicals to name a few, left me wondering what the exposure had really done to my health. I also seem to be able to concentrate better and just generally feel better all over – and I wake up in the morning with considerably less “confusion” just trying to get a pot of coffee brewed.

I am sure that this is the effects of detoxing from all the bad things I have been exposed to in my work over the years. I can only imagine what degree of toxicity I have been carrying around for all these years! I feel like I have “de-sludged”! This is a miracle cleanse, in my opinion, that is tasteless, gently nudging me back into a better state of homeostasis, and I can really feel it! We all have accumulations of toxins – everyone on the planet should try this product!!! This will be a permanent addition to my daily regimine! Can’t wait to try every single one of Navan’s cleansing, restoring, and protecting products – They are a God send to me! S. I.

“I’ve always had a tendency towards constipation and not using the bathroom for days at a time so am over the moon with excitement that my bathroom ‘habits’ are extremely ‘normal’ daily. I know part of my nausea was due to toxicity in my gut but didn’t know how to rectify it until now. I love my Daily Detox product. It’s easy to use, I can still eat the same as I did before, making it easy to incorporate into my busy life. I have also dropped 7 lbs. in less that 2 weeks. I can’t be happier.” D.L.

“I love the detox and restore products! In the first 5 days following the detox plus, I have lost 5 lbs. and feel “different.” I also have inflammation in my ankle and have noticed that it is shrinking! This stuff is fabulous! I can’t wait to see what happens after my month is over and then taking the detox for maintenance. Laurie B.”

“I noticed after taking the Detox product, the Restore product and the Regen-X for ten days that my energy has shifted for the better and hasn’t stopped!

Each morning right as I wake up the body is full of energy, ready to go and the body doesn’t even need a coffee or caffeine! This is the best I have felt in years! I stay up later as well as energy difference is even keel thru the day and then sleeping soundly at night! I believe it is the synergy of taking these 3 products together over the day! The detox is clearing my system in my blood of toxins from metals, plastics etc. and that is allowing my supplements including the minerals in the “restore product” to work more efficiently in my body giving me that energy naturally! Highly recommend everyone use these products to keep their physical body clean and you may find an increase in energy like I have!” Bob B.

“There is a man on our Navan team who lost 27 pounds his first MONTH using Daily Detox. He didn’t change anything else except to add this to his daily regime.” KE

So there you have it. If you have not done a DETOX before or it has been more than 6 months since you have, check this out. Your health (and energy) will benefit tremendously.

We highly recommend using both the Daily Detox Plus and the Restore for a 1-2 punch for a successful and healthy detox. You’ll be glad you did and when your clothes get baggy due to toxins being reduced, you’ll know it does much more than improve your health.

Dave and Joy/ Navan Leaders and Trainers
