Beyond Slims 9 Reboot Rituals

Beyond Slim calls their daily habits “rituals” and that is really what they are. By choice, certain activities that you will do on a daily basis to get the best results you can for optimum health and weight loss using Zipslim.

What are the rituals? Are they difficult?

The 9 Rituals are easy habits TO DO but also easy NOT TO DO. For me, it was a mindset that helped when I began. I promised myself that I would do as many ‘rituals’ as possible as I was 100% committed to get the best results. I’m amazed with human nature and how people can SAY they want something but not be willing to DO what it takes, for results. Patience is key. One Ritual that in my opinion, would be an IDEAL addition would be Reboot Ritual #10. To have a WINNING ATTITUDE and Positive Mindset and “Expect Results”.

9 Reboot Rituals

These Reboot Rituals are small, very doable habits to work into your daily life that have been shown in scientific studies to dramatically improve your progress towards your weight loss and health goals.

  1. Drink ZipSlim an hour before your 2 largest meals each day
  2. Give gratitude
  3. Weigh yourself each morning
  4. Drink more water!
  5. Move your body for at least 30 minutes every day
  6. Eat mostly T.H.I.N. (Total High Intensity Nutrition) Foods
  7. Fast for at least 12 hours every day
  8. Get at least 7 hours of sleep each night
  9. Check in with your Coach or buddy at least once a day

Keep it up!

Did you know that it is scientifically proven that it takes 66 days to form a habit? We don’t just want your Metabolic Reboot to help you get Fitter, Healthier, and Happier, but we want you to have the success habits to STAY that way! You can sign up for FREE to participate in the Reboot66 Challenge. It is held 4x a year and has 3 winners each challenge. The categories are Fitter, Happier, and Healthier. I love that it is not just a “weight loss” challenge. In fact, I was fortunate to be chosen as one of the winners Fall, 2021.

I had almost given up any hope of losing my “men-o-pot” belly and weight that had accumulated since menopause 10 years ago. Fortunately, I watched several friends “drink and shrink” in the fall of 2020 and was impressed enough with their results so decided I deserved to give it a try. It worked. Here I am passionately helping others reach their health and weight loss goals as a Founding Beyond Slim Coach. It is so rewarding.

Sign up HERE for your REBOOT66 Challenge and I’ll coach you and support you for FREE.

Do you have any questions regarding Zipslim? If so, check out this link. You can also become a customer and place your order for the Zipslim.

I look forward to hearing from you. If you are stuck at a certain size/weight and health there IS hope, and Beyond Slim offers a generous 90-Day Money Back Guarantee.

Joy Edgerton/ Founding Coach with Beyond Slim


Progress over Perfection. The important thing is to get started.

A Natural Solution to Detoxing & Boosting your Immune System- Even Post Vaccine ?

I found this video interview absolutely fascinating. It is a Q&A with Dr. Christiane Northrup, Janine and Catherine. Several of the questions from Dr. Christian Northrup (especially in the beginning of the video) pertain to a healthy solution for a detox for those people who have been Vaccinated by “Covid-19”. Is here a solution for those who wish to reverse the adverse effects? Are their natural supplements that can assist you in boosting your immune system?

What I find interesting is many of the beneficial and natural ingredients that can help boost your immune system are in a product that I have personally been using for the past year.

Fruits and vegetables for immune system boosting. Healthy eating background with copy space. Top view

I started using the Zipslim for weight loss, but found that it also helps boost the immune system. Many of friends who had been ill with the flu or Covid, or even exposed to illness, have found that drinking the Zipslim (even double the recommended 2 per day to 4 per day) lessoned the time of their illness. For details on this product click here:

I’m certainly NOT saying this product is a cure of everything, but if you like the benefits that you can see below, it’s a great supplement and tastes delicious AND boosts your immune system.

Now, for a very interesting interview with these three amazing women, Dr. Christiane Northrup, “Tarot by Janine” and Catherine Edwards, click the link below.

Have questions? I’d love to hear from you.

Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach Beyond Slim


The video link above also is for TRUTHERS who want the truth about what is going on in the world. No censorship. If it doesn’t resonate, no worries, but it opens up many truths about what is happening in the world, 2022.

Flip the Switch to ON: Benefits of Zipslim

There are numerous health benefits to drinking 2 Zipslim per day, but did you know that it has far more benefits than just FLIPPING THE SWITCH TO ON so you can lose weight and they are all backed by science? Check out the benefits below:

Beyond Slim’s Zipslim was created by Dr. Mark Drucker and is scientifically proven to help you with many health benefits. Above are many benefits and below as you scroll down, you’ll see other benefits, with a brief 1–2-minute video associated benefit. Beyond Slim offers a generous 90-Day money back guarantee so you can purchase with confidence. Oh- it tastes delicious and costs less than most ‘fancy coffees’ at a local barista.

To order YOUR Zipslim today click here:

Most people begin with one bag of each Zipslim (Charged and one decaf.) Also, most people also order via Subscribe and Save, as that will allow you to take advantage of the savings, plus you’ll want to give the Zipslim at least 66-90 days.

Benefits Below: Would you like any of these?

Reduce your waist size:

Lose 3x more weight:

Reboot Ritual #8 Improve sleep quality:

Free Radical Reduction:

Reduced Feelings of Stress:

Enhance the Ability to Focus:

Improved Memory:

Increase Muscle Strength:

Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach with Beyond Slim



Here is my personal journey. I have been in shape and fit most of my life. When I was 54 I started to go through menopause and over a 10-year span of time, I had put on 20 lbs. and had quite the “men-o-pot” belly.

Luckily, I had several friends who ‘drank and shrank’ fall 2020 and I was inspired to give one more thing, this time Zipslim, a try. It worked.

Currently I have lost 28 lbs. and over 24″. I look and feel like the ‘old me’ and no longer cringe when I look in the mirror or see my reflection in the mirror or in photos. I’m forever grateful for Dr. Drucker and Ray Faltinsky for making this amazing product available and affordable.

My Journey to Losing Weight after Menopause…

Fall of 2020 I watched many people- including 2 girlfriends, literally SHRINK by “drinking a new product” in 90-Days. Coming off menopause, I was desperate, but hopeful due to watching “them shrink”- so I decided to say YES to whatever they were doing. I had a well-developed “menopot” and it HAD to go. Although I had not found anything in 10 years since menopause, what I saw/ heard and read excited me. (For the science click here: The product is a delicious drink mix that tastes like blackberry lemonade called Zipslim.

As it turned out, the company, Beyond Slim, has a quarterly contest called REBOOT66 and my two girlfriends each won $1000. OK. Now THAT caught my attention. Sarah and Mitzi and another friend David, all won $1000. The categories they choose from are not weight loss, they are Fitter, Healthier and Happier.

Flash forward several months.

I embraced, have used and have shared the Zipslim and LOVE my personal results. As a Beyond Slim coach I’m excited to share MY results with others who are searching for better health and weight loss. As a former personal trainer, this excited me as it was HEALTHY weight loss while maintaining OR gaining lean muscle.

My story is below. If you know anyone who can benefit please reach out to me. My personal mission in life is to help people become the healthiest version of them in body, mind and spirit. THIS will help anyone who is looking for a healthy transformation.

When I Look in the Mirror Now I absolutely LOVE who I see, she looks like the REAL ME!

No matter your age, or if you are a man or woman- Zipslim will help. Check out the details on my website. Beyond Slim offers a 90-Day Satisfaction money back guarantee. I’m here to support anyone looking for support. Come with a positive attitude. Anything is possible.

Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach



My Menopause Solution… Is it POSSIBLE to MELT BELLY FAT?

Have you ever felt you are living in someone else’s body? Feel like a foreigner when you look in the mirror as the reflection you see doesn’t match what you remember you look like?
Ever blame your clothes getting tight on the heat from your dryer?

Welcome to my world since menopause. Here I am reflecting on my past 10 years.
I’m sure many women will be able to relate. During this time, I tried countless healthy AND downright silly ‘diets’….

It wasn’t like I had poor eating habits and didn’t exercise. I did both, often obsessively. Still- the ‘shifts’ I made to stave off the fat accumulation didn’t matter. No matter what I seemed to do I was STUCK in this body that seemed to just LOVE the additional body fat, padded in places I never had fat… the butt, back, belly and boobs. The 4 B’s.

It was approximately a 10-year journey! Fortunately, my health and mood/disposition didn’t falter too much during this period – but the inconvenience and alteration in my physique had me singing the blues! Hot flashes were bad (inconvenient) but at the same time, for the first time in my life I didn’t have to wear sweaters during the winter. Truth be told, it was the fat accumulation that took me down a spiral- and I didn’t even realize it until recently when I got OUT!

Yes, my fit, lean and healthy body seemed to just LOVE the additional fat padding that accumulated in places I had never had fat before- namely my back and my belly, but also butt and boobs… yes, as I said before, the 4 B’s. This FAT hung around until recently- with my belly being the most discouraging and prominent, which is why I named my belly my ‘men-0-pot’.

At first, I didn’t pay too much attention but that was because I NEVER weighed myself. When I did, it seemed I was always up a couple of pounds…at my annual health appointment where they had to weigh me.

2 lbs. a year didn’t make a big difference at first but year after year as the couple of pounds continued to creep ON – it eventually added up to 20 pounds of weight gain… and it was NOT muscle. My clothes were all getting tight, and I all I lived in were clothes that expanded. Luckily, working from home or at a gym during these years allowed me to wear fitness/yoga style clothes. Thank GOD.

To say I was unhappy was an understatement. As a former personal trainer, I now could relate to how my over-weight clients who were struggling with excessive fat and a high body composition felt, OR friends who started taking medications that had them put on weight.

What helped turn the tables and help me lose 25 lbs. and 21.5″- including 7.5″ around my belly? A product called ZipSlim.

Check it out here: . The 5 minute video called FLIP THE SWITCH is what worked for me and for many others who were in a METABOLIC OVERLOAD state. The company is called BEYOND SLIM because this product is far more than a weight loss product.

The other benefits include: Weight Loss, Reduction in Waist Size, Increased Muscle Strength, Stronger Immune system, More Energy, reduced Feelings of Stress, Happier Mood, Stress Reduction, Improved Sexual Satisfaction, Better Sleep Quality, Reduction in Free Radicals, Anti-Aging, Enhanced Ability to Focus, Improved Memory


Here are my results from Day 1 to Month 2- to Month 5 and finally Today at month 7. I’m finally feeling like MYSELF again. My clothes either now FIT or are baggy. I don’t cry or fear stepping on the scale and my health has improved as a result of releasing unwanted and unnecessary toxic fat.



If you are ready to start YOUR journey, simply click on this link today. You’ll get free support from Beyond Slim as well as from me. Together we can help you regain your ideal health/size/fitness level.

Want MORE information? If you are like many people, you want to do your research. Here are two of my favorite videos with Dr. Drucker, the formulation who created ZipSlim.

For the Science and info with Dr. Drucker, formulator of ZipSlim To hear an interview with Dr. Drucker about the individual ingredients and benefits in the ZipSlim click here.

I truly look forward to chatting and seeing if this is the right product for you. Give me a call or simply ORDER today, knowing I’m here to support you!

Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach


From Before to Beyond….as it is an every changing improvement with Fitter-Healthier-Happier!