The majority of my life I was active, lean and had abs that were an envious body part. In my 20s, 30s and even 40s working out in a ‘crop top’ or jog bra was normal and not embarrassing! My mom had told me when I was in my 40s to not get attached to the slim waist line I had enjoyed my whole life, as menopause would surely change all that. I didn’t believe her!

fat burning


I didn’t believe her! Drum roll here….and then it happened…. Around age 53 the hormonal shift began. What worked in the past no longer worked to keep me slim and trim! I began to accumulate what my girlfriends had always called the ‘muffin top’ and it was horrifying. My clothes got tight around the waist and the dreaded ‘back fat’ showed up. NO!!!! NOT SO!!! Even a solid nutritional plan that had kept me well under 17% body fat most of my life…which included moderate exercise and weight training- was not working!

I named my belly fat my Men-o-Pot! Yes, menopause was full on- with the typical night sweats, restless nights etc. Thankfully a product called PowerStrips ( click on PowerStrips) helped balance my hormones and eliminate my hot flashes and heat discomfort….but it didn’t address my weight gain- or better said, my FAT WEIGHT GAIN! belly fat pic

Truth be told….we as women store fat at different stages of our life:

Puberty Pregnancy Menopause

All make ‘sense’ except for why do we need extra FAT WEIGHT as we get older???? Clearly it didn’t make sense to me and I vowed I’d fight it till the end!!!


Does any of this sound familiar???

In the past sensible food plans like Weight Watchers had worked but I found that I was no longer patient enough losing 1-2 pounds per week… it required me to be thinking of food ALL THE TIME….and that is something I have no interest in. I was open and always looking for an easy & healthy solution. I I also was craving a way to RESET my body and increase my energy level. Discipline was not an issue….finding the right program was.

I always thought if I could find a program that worked QUICKLY, that was HEALTHY, that didn’t require me to “shop and chop” throughout the day with meal preparation and ADDRESSED FAT LOSS more than just weight loss- then I would be one happy lady… I am. Why?

And then….a company, FGXpress, which interestingly enough I have been affiliated with since 2006 announced the launch of KETOPIA. FGX has exclusive rights for this Dr. formulated, patented PROGRAM that puts your body into a healthy and natural KETOSIS within hours, rather than days or even weeks. What this means is you begin to burn BODY FAT FOR FUEL.

Benefits of Ketopia:

FAT LOSS= inch loss….beginning on Day 1

MORE ENERGY- Burning FAT for FUEL offers your body 225% more energy which is good for both physical energy but also MENTAL ACUITY!

Ketopia is NOT a diet…but a program where you actually RESET your body!

Ketopia visual nowIf you are like me, and sick of tired of the FAT INCHES and FAT WEIGHT that have accumulated over the years- I invite YOU to join ME on a 10-Day Reset. Personally my goal is to lose 15-20 pounds and have it be a permanent weight loss!

No more diets, no more embarrassing moments at the pool in a swim suit that is too snug and perhaps I may even say good bye to my frumpy yoga style pants that are my daily ‘go to’ pants.

To learn more about KETOPIA and how it will help YOU you’re your FAT WEIGHT go to BUY PRODUCT- BEGIN YOUR TRANSFORMATION and BE A PART OF OUR CHALLENGE!

SAY GOOD BYE to YOUR MEN-O-POT, to Back Fat, to Triceps “bat wings”….or any other part of your body that efficiently stores body fat….and enjoy this brand new product. KETOPIA TO THE RESCUE!



Joy Edgerton

Dave DeBerardinis

802-846-7530 h











Joy’s Count Down to Ketopia Weight Loss

Joy’s Count Down to Ketopia Weight Loss

I know I am not the only one counting down until our KETOPIA product arrives. Our phones and emails are ‘blowing up’ with people full of excitement, since the release of Ketopia, from FGX (FGXpress) . So here I am – making my list of HOW TO PREPARE for a successful KETOPIA EXPERIENCE. Perhaps it will resonate with others or even help YOU prepare…..

My Check List: check list

  1. Prepare with a positive mind-set. I am CHOOSING to do this program knowing 100 % that it will work, I will reach my goals and I will have a fantastic ‘success story’. My results will inspire others! I will RESET MY METABOLISM, shift cravings and increase my ENERGY! I already LOVE my results!
  2. Tomorrow morning I will calibrate the bathroom scales so the day I begin the KETOPIA I will write down my current weight….
  3. I will measure myself – from head to toe. One never knows where the ‘fat’ may come from. When I was a Lose Weightpersonal trainer, as silly as it sounds, we would even measure the neck….as people really DO lose inches in the neck! It is very motivating to see inches MELT off the body when you lose toxins, eat properly and are in a healthy Ketosis.
  4. How much weight do I hope to lose? I’ll take the numbers of pounds I wish to LOSE FOREVER…. and put that number in a jar Pounds Lost MARBLESlabeled POUNDS TO LOSE- with marbles representing pounds. Then I’ll take a second JAR and label it POUNDS LOST. When I lose a pound I’ll transfer that marble to the new jar. =success.
  5. Ahhhhhh, my favorite. TESTER CLOTHES. Surely we ALL have clothes that we love but they are too tight to wear….and are unwilling to get rid of. For many women it is our favorite pair of jeans. I will pull out my jeans – try them on and take a picture. I may not want to take a picture, but I will. I don’t plan to SHARE it until I have a SWEET AFTER PICTURE when I have reached my goal weight and size….
  6. I will find a favorite picture of myself…..I have a couple of pictures that truly do inspire me at a deep level as they EXUDE energy,tight jeans SEXY, CONFIDENCE and HEALTH….and I will post these in a place in our home so I get a sweet reminder daily that this is not only a FUN, DELICIOUS way to reach my goal- but also WORTH IT! (for me, near my computer and in the bathroom mirror!)

Woman on Scale

I’d love to hear other suggestions…..

Or check out the details at



5I3I6962_pp20x20Joy Edgerton

Dave DeBerardinis

802-846-7530 h


5 Star Global Leaders