My Menopause Solution… Is it POSSIBLE to MELT BELLY FAT?

Have you ever felt you are living in someone else’s body? Feel like a foreigner when you look in the mirror as the reflection you see doesn’t match what you remember you look like?
Ever blame your clothes getting tight on the heat from your dryer?

Welcome to my world since menopause. Here I am reflecting on my past 10 years.
I’m sure many women will be able to relate. During this time, I tried countless healthy AND downright silly ‘diets’….

It wasn’t like I had poor eating habits and didn’t exercise. I did both, often obsessively. Still- the ‘shifts’ I made to stave off the fat accumulation didn’t matter. No matter what I seemed to do I was STUCK in this body that seemed to just LOVE the additional body fat, padded in places I never had fat… the butt, back, belly and boobs. The 4 B’s.

It was approximately a 10-year journey! Fortunately, my health and mood/disposition didn’t falter too much during this period – but the inconvenience and alteration in my physique had me singing the blues! Hot flashes were bad (inconvenient) but at the same time, for the first time in my life I didn’t have to wear sweaters during the winter. Truth be told, it was the fat accumulation that took me down a spiral- and I didn’t even realize it until recently when I got OUT!

Yes, my fit, lean and healthy body seemed to just LOVE the additional fat padding that accumulated in places I had never had fat before- namely my back and my belly, but also butt and boobs… yes, as I said before, the 4 B’s. This FAT hung around until recently- with my belly being the most discouraging and prominent, which is why I named my belly my ‘men-0-pot’.

At first, I didn’t pay too much attention but that was because I NEVER weighed myself. When I did, it seemed I was always up a couple of pounds…at my annual health appointment where they had to weigh me.

2 lbs. a year didn’t make a big difference at first but year after year as the couple of pounds continued to creep ON – it eventually added up to 20 pounds of weight gain… and it was NOT muscle. My clothes were all getting tight, and I all I lived in were clothes that expanded. Luckily, working from home or at a gym during these years allowed me to wear fitness/yoga style clothes. Thank GOD.

To say I was unhappy was an understatement. As a former personal trainer, I now could relate to how my over-weight clients who were struggling with excessive fat and a high body composition felt, OR friends who started taking medications that had them put on weight.

What helped turn the tables and help me lose 25 lbs. and 21.5″- including 7.5″ around my belly? A product called ZipSlim.

Check it out here: . The 5 minute video called FLIP THE SWITCH is what worked for me and for many others who were in a METABOLIC OVERLOAD state. The company is called BEYOND SLIM because this product is far more than a weight loss product.

The other benefits include: Weight Loss, Reduction in Waist Size, Increased Muscle Strength, Stronger Immune system, More Energy, reduced Feelings of Stress, Happier Mood, Stress Reduction, Improved Sexual Satisfaction, Better Sleep Quality, Reduction in Free Radicals, Anti-Aging, Enhanced Ability to Focus, Improved Memory


Here are my results from Day 1 to Month 2- to Month 5 and finally Today at month 7. I’m finally feeling like MYSELF again. My clothes either now FIT or are baggy. I don’t cry or fear stepping on the scale and my health has improved as a result of releasing unwanted and unnecessary toxic fat.



If you are ready to start YOUR journey, simply click on this link today. You’ll get free support from Beyond Slim as well as from me. Together we can help you regain your ideal health/size/fitness level.

Want MORE information? If you are like many people, you want to do your research. Here are two of my favorite videos with Dr. Drucker, the formulation who created ZipSlim.

For the Science and info with Dr. Drucker, formulator of ZipSlim To hear an interview with Dr. Drucker about the individual ingredients and benefits in the ZipSlim click here.

I truly look forward to chatting and seeing if this is the right product for you. Give me a call or simply ORDER today, knowing I’m here to support you!

Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach


From Before to Beyond….as it is an every changing improvement with Fitter-Healthier-Happier!

Beyond Slim Compensation Plan….

Click to access bys_compplan.pdf

Curious about the Compensation Plan with Beyond Slim? Check out this PDF, in detail.

If you have questions let’s chat. 802-999-1815 or email me at

Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach

For General info, with 5-min. video Flip the Switch:


For Science and info with Dr. Drucker, formulator of ZipSlim

Click to access bys_compplan.pdf

Side-Hustle with Beyond Slim….

How Beyond Slim found the perfect balance between ground floor upside and long term stability.

If you’re looking to a side hustle to earn some additional income, you’re often starting at an uninspiring landscape of countless risky startups, dotted with a select few old-school behemoths. Do you take a risk with a brand new company, unsure of their management team track record, product quality, or long-term prospects? The upside may be enticing, but if you’ve been burned before you know the pain of having your business fall apart through no fault of your own. And while the huge companies are much more likely to be around a year from now, there certainly isn’t the same opportunity to ride the wave of growth or be unique in what you can offer others.

Ray Faltinsky stared at this same landscape, and charted a new path. As CEO of Beyond Slim®, he innovated a completely new category, called Social Referral Marketing™. So unique that Beyond Slim® holds the trademark for the model, it is built on fairness and transparency, making it possible for the average person to achieve above-average results. He then supercharged this business with a seasoned executive team, putting over 150 years of Direct Sales experience at his side, and spending nearly 2 years building the best product, compensation plan, training and marketing systems.

The result is a ground floor opportunity with the stability of an established company. One that is growing fast, but built to last. And if the first 6 months are any indication, we’re just getting started. Learn more in the video below!…/growing-fast-built-to-last-7…/

Interested? If so I’d love to have a conversation. Zero pressure, real conversation- to see if this is a good fit for you. Give me a call at 802-999-1815, or email me at

Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach with Beyond Slim


For Business prospects:



Beyond Slim’s Return Policy: Zipslim (90-Day Satisfaction Guarantee)

I have been in the health, wellness, nutrition and fitness industry my entire life and I have never seen such a generous Return Policy as what Beyond Slim offers.

I thought I’d share it here and if you are interested in trying the Zipslim product, please click here for additional information OR to place your order. My results are below. I’ll encourage and coach you for free.

Zipslim comes in both ‘charged’ and ‘decaf’ and tastes like blackberry lemonade. I enjoy one mid-morning and one approximately and hour before dinner.

You can reach me in several ways. 802-999-1815 (cell), (email) or through my website.

See these Testimonials- I guarantee you will be inspired:

Click to access bys_90_day_guarantee.pdf

Sick and Tired of Being Overweight? I found….

Are you looking for a healthy product that will help flip your switch to your metabolism? Stimulate fat burning? If so, look no longer. I have struggled with weight gain since menopause and no matter what I did, nothing seemed to work. I found a solution and want to share it with any and all people who are looking for their solution.

I tried many things, from ‘diets’, to Keto lifestyle, Paleo, 30+ days of HOT Bikram yoga thinking surely I could MELT off fat (didn’t lose a pound), to cleanses, including the lemonade Master Cleanse for 20+ days…. nope, that didn’t work either. Well, you name it, I tried it and was very discouraged. I thought this is how I’d have to live my life from now on….. til, at age 64, I found ZipSlim.

Drinking 2 ZipSlim blackberry lemonade tasting drinks per day before my 2 largest meals, along with following some simple healthy daily rituals and BAM, successful weight loss happened. It wasn’t over night, but then again I didn’t put weight on overnight either. Two pounds of weight gain per year x 10 years was a whopping 20 pounds of FAT weight…. surely not muscle, as one could tell by the size of my ‘then’ men-o-pot. I truly looked at least 5 months pregnant…. and in a body part that I had never had issues with prior to age 54.

So what is this delicious and effective drink? Click here to watch a 5-minute video called FLIP THE SWITCH and read about the science behind it. Beyond Slim guarantees you’ll enjoy your many results, and offers a generous 90-Day guarantee or your money back. ZipSlim also comes in both a charged version as well as decaf.

My results are exciting for me but check out how this drink is helping so many others in your journey of good health and weight loss. Many people who shared their ‘story from before to beyond, are personal friends. Weight losses of 20, 30, 40 and all the way up to over 70+ pounds has happened for many of my personal friends.

I need to update my photo below as this is from month 2 of using ZipSlim and I just completed month 5. I have now dropped 19.7 pounds (10 more to go for my ideal weight/size) and over 15 inches… 6.5″ just from around the belly. I’m much fitter, healthier and happier for sure and I can once again look at myself in the mirror and enjoy the reflection.

The photos below can be seen in this link along with their JOURNEY.










Don’t take MY word for it, give it a try and see what ZipSlim can do for you. The benefits are much more than weight loss, thus the company name BEYOND SLIM. If you have questions I invite you to call me at 802-999-1815 (Vermont, eastern time zone) or email me at FREE coaching is available to all customers.

Looking for a way to help others become fitter, healthier and happier and earn both FREE product and earn money? Ask how you can become a Beyond Slim coach. With a large percent of our population being overweight and challenged with health issues, we need more coaches to help us on our mission. Click, here to learn more.

These are the healthy daily rituals that will help you reach your ideal health and weight. Simple to do, simple not to do. This guide helps you keep on track until they are automatic.

Order your ZipSlim today by clicking here.

Joy Edgerton/ Founding Coach with Beyond Slim


Joy’s 21-Day Reboot/Reset….

Are you looking for a way to REBOOT or RESET your health/fitness and nutrition habits? If so, join me in my 21-Day Reboot/Reset Challenge.

What is the 21-Day Summer Slimdown Challenge?

It’s 21 days of learning new habits that will help you become fitter, healthier, happier, and releasing unwanted stress and pounds. Unlike some ‘reboots’ of 66 or 90 days, this is a condensed version that anyone can stick to. Think back at other challenges you may have done in the past. It takes 21-Days to make/break a habit.

It’s FREE accountability and connection with others who are looking for similar goals and a healthy way to RESET and REBOOT the body, the mind, and the spirit.

Requirements: This is the only requirement. Each participant will need to purchase 2 bags of ZipSlim to participate. We suggest Save and Subscribe (cancel anytime) so that you can get the best price.

If you create a group of 5 people, meaning you find 4 people interested in participating, I’ll personally purchase your product for the month.

Support: Support will be via Facebook Messenger, as well as Marco Polo. Each week we will focus on 3 daily rituals that are guaranteed to help you feel better and help you reach your goals quicker. My promise is that this will be fun and inspiring and a great kick-off to self-care, self-nurturing and learning new habits -all while crating amazing weight loss and improvements of health.

Unlike many other 21-Day Challenges, other than purchasing your product, there is no additional cost to participate. We believe it will be life changing in a positive way.

I look forward to helping YOU REBOOT. Our first of many 21-Day Reboot Challenges begins the day after Mother’s Day on May 10th. Join today. Qualify by ordering HERE.

Once you have placed your initial ZipSlim order email me at On the subject line put 21-Day Challenge. I’ll call you and we’ll begin the journey of improved health together.

Let’s get Fitter, Healthier, Happier and Slimmer Together.







Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach & Mentor


Winners of Beyond Slims Reboot66 ….

“Beyond Slim” has a fun Reboot Challenge every 4 months and is called Reboot 66™ –It rewards your Fitter, Healthier, Happier Story.

Studies show that sticking with something for 66 days helps it become a habit, and there’s no better habit than making healthier lifestyle choices. That’s why Beyond Slim® rewards those who complete 66 days on the Metabolic Reboot™ with fabulous prizes 4 times a year.

First Ever Reboot 66 Winners:

The winners announced on January 2nd of the first challenge were Sarah Cranston, Mitzi Appodaca and David Joyce. I personally watched both Mitzi and Sarah literally SHRINK for 3 months last fall, while I was still thinking of trying the ZipSlim. They are, and were my initial inspiration.

Winners of the second challenge were announced on April 3rd and are Kim Adams, Becky and John Spieth and Jason Paul. Congratulations to all for their amazing results.

All winners received their choice of a $1000 Shopping Spree or $1000 Staycation.

If you were to win a REBOOT Challenge what would YOU choose? I think half the people choose the Staycation, while half the people truly need a new wardrobe due to their weight loss. If I were to ever win I’d want to split it 50-50%

If you’re up for a challenge and love incentives and free support, consider signing up for the next Reboot66.

Become a customer of mine at

Sign up here for the challenge. It’s free.

If you have any questions please call me at 802-999-1815 or email me at

Joy Edgerton/ founding coach …. and committed to your success.






How to get a ZipSlim Sample…

How to get a ZipSlim Sample…

Welcome to Beyond Slim™, a community on a mission to help millions of people become Fitter, Healthier, and Happier. If you have heard of ZipSlim and are curious about this new weight loss drink-you’ve found the right resource. If you want to experience a sample before purchasing a month supply, call or text me at 802-999-1815 or send me an email message at

1. It’s Simple: Just mix ZipSlim® in 12-20 oz. of cold water in seconds and enjoy!
2. It’s Tasty: ZipSlim® comes in a delicious and refreshing Blackberry Lemonade flavor and you can get it Charged (with 100mg of natural caffeine) or Caffeine-Free.
3. It’s Clean: ZipSlim® contains no artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners or preservatives. It’s also gluten free, dairy free, non-GMO, vegetarian friendly, and keto and paleo friendly.

In all that we do, we are driven to Go Beyond the status quo and deliver cutting-edge nutrition, proven programs, and a revolutionary distribution model to make a major contribution to society.

I‘m happy you reached out and that I have the opportunity to introduce you to ZipSlim™ and help you get off the diet yo-yo treadmill. It’s the most effective and delicious way to lose 3 times more weight*, reduce cravings, and help you combat Metabolic Overload, the leading cause of mid-life weight gain. Simply mix in water and enjoy twice a day as the foundation of your health routine.

Watch this 5-minute video to help you understand Metabolic Overload and how the ZipSlim works.

AND, if you’re like me, you love getting inspired with others success. Many of these stories are personal friends of mine and accomplished these results in 66 days or less. Those who have dropped significant weight have been using the ZipSlim for 4-6 months.

If you’re inspired and ready to get started without a sample simply go here. Beyond Slim offers a generous 90-Day Money Back Guarantee.

As a customer, you’ll have all the FREE support that you’d like with our proven programs and support groups. I’ll be your accountability partner, coach, to help you stay on track and get the BEST results possible. As a former personal trainer, I know how important accountability is!

Cheers and Congratulations to you for putting yourself first and looking into a healthy way to become FITTER, HEALTHIER and HAPPIER.

Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach with Beyond Slim



Joy Edgerton’s Real, Raw and Candid ZipSlim Interview….

ZipSlim is a new product that delivers a multitude of benefits, including weight loss/ belly fat reduction and more. It is scientifically proven to work with documentation galore, but the best way I knew to discover the benefits was to try it for myself.

Last fall I watched several friends literally “drink and shrink” and before Christmas decided to give it a personal ‘trial’ and invite other friends to try as well. I’m grateful that I did.

Although I have been relatively fit and trim the majority of my life – things changed at the onset of menopause. That dreaded belly fat, or as I call my men-0-pot appeared and doesn’t seem to want to reduce in size, no matter what I do. For the first time in the last 10 years I have seen a reduction…. a whopping 4.5″ belly fat loss, in just 2 months. I have also released 10 pounds, and a nice shift in body composition.

Rather than bore you with words, simply click on THIS link from an interview with Coach Jon Raynes from Beyond Slim, on March 21, 2021.

A little about me: From a very young age I’ve always received “JOY” and satisfaction from helping others find things that will help them with their body, mind & spirit. Health, fitness & nutrition were my #1 focus which over the years led me into the professions of personal trainer, health coach, transformational life coach and more….

I’ve thought of having a place for my FAVORITES for years in hopes that it will help other navigate and find products or services that will serve them in life. I’ve been called a ‘connector’ and I do get joy in making connections for people regardless if I personally benefit. Just ask any of my personal friends and they can vouch for that.
This page is my favorite WEIGHT LOSS product.
ZipSlim that literally tastes like ‘blackberry lemonade‘ that addresses METABOLIC OVERLOAD, and has SO many other benefits besides weight & inch loss… and get this! They have a generous 90-Day Money Back Guarantee.
What do you have to lose – except whatever is standing in your way of being the healthiest and most fit version of YOU. Have questions, feel free to reach out at or call/text me at 802-999-1815.


Joy Edgerton/Founding Beyond Slim Coach



How to Stick with your ZipSlim Goals…

Are you looking for a way to STICK TO YOUR GOALS? Here is something my friend Sarah Cranston shared with me. If you TIE your goals into positive emotions and then connect your EMOTIONS to your WHY, you have a better chance of never giving in or giving up. Give it a try.

This was shared with me by another coach with Beyond Slim. We know that when it comes to weight ‘loss’ or releasing weight/fat- we can often be derailed…. but if we get in touch with our WHY and EMOTIONS there is a better chance of reaching our goals.

Here’s what you are to do:

Choose several pictures of those you love the most – could be family / friends / pets…as well as a favorite picture of YOU and a “spiritual” picture that makes you feel close to your Creator. It could be a country church with a steeple, beautiful stained glass windows, a gigantic waterfall, a picture of Jesus, a white candle…whatever works for you.

Then create a collage of these pictures and each morning or at bedtime (or both!) spend a few minutes asking the following question while looking at the appropriate picture:

“Why does it matter to my husband/ best friend/ son/ daughter/ parents/ grandchildren that I commit to create a fitter, healthier, happier ME? What will this mean to them?”

Then, ask “Why does it matter to my Creator that I commit to create a fitter, healthier, happier ME?” What does this mean?

Last, and most VIP, ask “Why does it matter to ME that I commit to create a fitter, healthier, happier ME? How will this make me feel? How will I carry myself through this very short trip on Planet Earth differently in my upgraded “container” for my soul? What different types of clothing will I choose? What new activities will I be able to enjoy? What will I be able to add to my “bucket list” when I am physically able to do ANYTHING I want…”

I know when I have PEP in my step and are functionally FIT, I am unstoppable in every area of my life.

If you’d like to write your answers in a journal, that might be fascinating to see what comes up. Give it a try and if you feel compelled to do so, please share with me.

I am doing this exercise with my BEYOND SLIM Coaching Customers who are currently using the ZipSlim. The best is yet to come.

Would you like to be a part of one of my Reboot Beyond Slim Groups? It’s free to join – all you need to do is be a customer of mine by clicking on this link. commit to a minimum of 66 days and also participate for free in the Reboot66 Group Challenge.

Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach with Beyond Slim

802-999-1815/ 802-846-7530