Ketocream Shakes = Keto-Perfection!

Ketocream Shakes =Keto-Perfection!

Keto Cream My oh my….. what is new with FGXpress? For starters, a brand new program called the 7-Day Bridge, where you can go from wherever you are now (perhaps a carb/sugar burning body and low metabolism????) and cross the bridge to a fat-burning machine…… and you can begin the process within 1 hour.

This new 7- Day program has a brand new Ketocream shake that is “Keto Perfection”….in other words, you don’t have to add ANYTHING to your meal replacement shake to make it keto perfect! It has the PERFECT percentage of high healthy fats, protein and carbs- so YOU don’t have to give it a thought. Simply OPEN the packet, add water and enjoy a delicious shake… Enjoy a shake that tastes like “white chocolate vanilla!” What is COOL is it can also be used as a coffee creamer as well as freeze it into a delicious Ketocream pop! Versatile, good for everyone in the family….but especially those who want to maintain a keto-diet and continue the ‘burn’.

Click below to see for yourself!


Interested? Give us a call or go to

Or call us at 802-846-7530. Interested in just the Ketocream shake or just the KetoBoosters or KetonX drink? Enzymes? no worries, shop from the Keto-Cafe’.


Joy & Dave


Ask us how YOU can become a member and earn money while sharing the best Keto products and health products on the planet. Global business opportunities available.

How will FGX KetoBooster help me?

How will FGX KetoBooster help me?

Keto BoosterThe brand new KetoBooster is one of the HOTTEST products being launched from FGXpress…. the leaders in both a Patented 10-Day Program (called the 10-Day Reset) as well as 7-Day program- (called the 7 Day Bridge). The KETOBOOSTER is a spray to support your body being in nutritional ketosis throughout the day.

Now anyone can access exogenous ketones any time day or night! Once you’re in ketosis, a few sprays of KetoBooster under the tongue each day will help keep you there. With a convenient and patented delivery system featuring cutting edge micronized technologies, KetoBooster provides both BHB andMCT oils for a perfect and instant keto-enhancing boost, anytime or anywhere. Ketones are for every body, everyday!

Being in Nutritional ketosis is much more than just the sizzle of WEIGHT LOSS (and by weight I mean, FAT LOSS) – people of all ages are embracing a keto lifestyle to support their health goals as well. The KetoBooster is one more ‘tool’ to help keep you in nutritional ketosis.benefits of being in Ketosis



This is what happened to my husband Dave using Ketopia and embracing a keto friendly lifestyle.

A pic Day 1 and 60 JOY

The average person drops 8-12 lbs. of FAT in their first 10 days! Some more, some less. I dropped 7!

This is what happened to ME after 2 Ketopia resets!


Interested in getting and STAYING in nutritional Ketosis? Give us a call. 802-846-7530

Joy & Dave

We’ll coach you for FREE!


7 Day Bridge to Ketopia: Ketosis

7 Day Bridge to Ketopia: Ketosis

What has been working for thousands of people since the launch of Ketopia, July 2015, just got better & easier and with MORE options available.

Burn Fat Not Carbohydrates

As people have found, on Day 1 with the patented KetonX drink consumed in the morning you will convert your body from a glucose (sugar/carb) burning body to a FAT burning body, called Nutritional Ketosis. There are 2 flavors, orange and raspberry cream.

The average person drops 8-12 lbs. of FAT during their first 10-Day program called a “RESET” and begins to experience a host of many OTHER benefits as well being in nutritional ketosis. So what IS the 7 Day Bridge??? It is a 7 Day program that is KETO-PERFECTION!!!

7 day bridgeWhat has been discovered over the past several months are several factors:

  1. People love options. Now they can use the new Keto-Cream shake which is Keto-Perfection or they can buy ‘ala carte’ from the Keto Cafe’ . The FIXX shake (which has an energy component of Guarana in it) is available in boxes of 14 or you can buy the Keto-Cream shake.
  2. Digestive Enzymes are a HUGE benefit to the Ketopia program and to any HFLC program. (high fat, low carb). The Ketopia Digestive Enzymes are designed to help maximize our own body’s own natural absorption of nutrients in foods. They help break down food and help assimilate precious nutrients. They also help keep your digestion clean and effecient- which means less toxins and great weight loss.
  3. The Keto-Cream shake has the perfect % of high healthy fats, protein and carbs so there is no confusion or need to ‘add’ to the shake.
  4. People like what is simple, easy, affordable and works.

7 Day Ketopia Bridge

The Ketopia 7-Day Bridge contains the tools you need to supplement a healthy lifestyle and immediately reap the health benefits of nutritional ketosis. Includes 7 KetonX (4 Orange, 3 Raspberry Cream), 7 Keto Cream Shakes, and 1 Enzymes (30ct).

To order YOUR 7-Day Bridge go to or call us at 802-846-7530 and we’ll help you place an order AND support you to your weight loss success.


Dave & Joy not on a diet