Lost almost 2 more lbs. on Day 7
Started at 247.5 lbs. and now at 238.8 lbs. Weight loss in 1 week of nearly 9 lbs!!
Body fat loss of 5.4 lbs. of my weight loss was in Fat. Well over half of my weight loss was fat loss! Perfect !
How do you measure Fat Loss?
I had someone ask, “How do you measure your Fat Loss?” Here’s how: There are a few ways to measure you how much fat you are carrying.
1. Find a personal trainer and ask them to use their calipers to calculate your fat.
2. You can purchase a scale that measures your body fat both in percentage of body weight and in lbs. 
3. Use this link to determine (a little less accurate, but for your purposes, it works) http://www.freedieting.com/tools/body_fat_calculator.htm This link will show you both percentage of body weight and in lbs. too.
Measure your fat on day 1 then on Day 7 or whatever day you are measuring and subtract the 2nd number from the first.
A short Soap Box Rant (cause it’s my blog!)
Most of us, use the weight we see on the scale to determine how successful or how unsuccessful we are in our health as it relates to weight loss. I’d like you to consider that its NOT about weight loss and the scale isn’t or shouldn’t be your top priority!
I’m willing to bet your actual weight isn’t even in the top 3 concerns for you. When we’ve asked hundreds of people who took part in our weight loss programs years back, What were the top 3 results you are looking for in the program?, the number on the bathroom scale was rarely in the top 3 !
First most people wanted to FEEL better !
2nd they wanted to LOOK better
3rd they wanted their clothes to FIT better
Wanted to look sexier and ultimately FEEL Sexier
The number on the scale usually came in the top 5, but rarely did the number on the scale become the main reason they were looking to be healthier.
What if we changed the discussion from Weight Loss to more appropriately, Fat Loss? Fat or % of fat, is a much better indicator of health than just weight! I’ve often said that I don’t care if I weigh 300 lbs., if I’m lean !
Ketopia is about Fat Loss
Here’s what I love about Ketopia. It focuses on FAT LOSS. And don’t be fooled, many “skinny” people have a high % of body fat! There’s a huge difference between being Lean, which is low body fat and being skinny. Check out this great picture. She weighs more, 9 lbs. more in the picture on the right. Which picture looks healthier, sexier? Which one would her clothes look better on? Which do you think she likes better? 
Granted she may have put on more muscle, but her body fat is lower on the right. My point is ITS NOT ABOUT THE NUMBER ON THE SCALE !
Ok, one last soap box….. someone has to say it….
To all the ladies out there, you know who you are, who always say, “Guys lose weight faster, Its not fair.” Well, we don’t do it on purpose! Yes, we do sometimes smile, inwardly of course, that we’re dropping weight faster, but we’re usually 20 to 100 lbs heavier than you ladies…. Of course our “weight loss” looks higher on the scale! If you’re into comparing, compare % of weight loss from where you started. At our weight loss programs a few years ago, we tracked % of weight loss based upon starting weights and usually a lady won that category! (Did I mention, its not about the number on the scale?)
Lastly, men’s and women’s bodies are different! Have you noticed? And it’s those differences that are so …… shall we say, intriguing ! But that’s a subject for another time, and perhaps beyond the scope of this “PG” rated blog.
Imagine how much weight and fat you could lose on this 10 Day Reset program. And you don’t have to stop there! I’ve decided to do 3 programs in a row…. 30 days to lose 25-30 lbs!
BTW, did I mention you can earn a ton of money helping friends and family look fabulous? Sign up for more details on Ketopia and follow our progress. Send an email to be part of this to info@FGXnow.com
Join us on this journey!
Dave DeBerardinis
Joy Edgerton
802-846-7530 h