Don’t buy Zipslim until you read this….
If you are looking for a product to help you lose weight while making no other changes, do not buy Zipslim.
It will be a waste of your time and money, and you’ll end up telling people that it doesn’t work.
The truth is, if you ARE truly ready to commit to making some small daily changes, then Zipslim may be the best product available for long term FAT LOSS success.
Ask yourself this simple question. 
“Am I committed to becoming the healthiest version of myself and am I willing to add daily habits and follow the ‘plan’ that Beyond Slim provides?” If YES, read on. If NO, stop reading here.
What do I mean by that? Back in fall of 2020 I watched several friends literally shrink in 90-days drinking 2 Zipslim per day. BUT, or should I say AND, on top of that they began to embrace healthier daily habits along with the Zipslim and as a result got fabulous results. The whole ‘package’ put together is why they all got great results and 2 years later, have maintained their weight loss.
December of 2020, I decided to give the Zipslim a try. Fortunately for me, my daily habits have always been quick healthy, so I didn’t have to make huge changes, but the little ones I did make ALONG with drinking Zipslim, made all the difference. The biggest difference was ADDING Zipslim and fasting at least 12 hours every day.
Since menopause I had gradually put on 20+ pounds of FAT with the most noticeable fat being around the belly, which is why I called it my ‘men-o-pot’. The dreaded FAT bulge that I swore I would never have! Perhaps you also have added weight and inches over the years? If so, then you’ve probably tried some downright silly diets and fads, only to find that you may have had some success, but in the long run, you are now heavier and fatter than you were. Here I am ‘sporting’ that big belly. I honestly had NO idea how I would ever get rid of it as nothing worked for 10 years. NOTHING, until Zipslim. Check out the 5 minute “Flip the Switch” in this link:
The YO-YO diet syndrome…the good news is you CAN put an end to it.
How? By embracing these 9 Daily Habits, which Beyond Slim calls 9 “Reboot Rituals”. Add these habits for at least 66 days, and you’ll have a lifestyle that becomes automated and gives you success and improved health. Do them for at LEAST 90 days and you’ll love your results. (Beyond Slim also offers a 90-day money back guarantee)
NOTE: With Zipslim you will lose FAT weight while maintaining lean muscle. This is key so if you don’t see as much weight being released, make sure you ARE taking your measurements and trying on ‘tester clothes’. Many people who have lost 25 lbs. look like they have lost 40! FAT takes up to 5x more space than lean muscle. 
The 9 Daily Rituals/Habits are: 1. Drink Zipslim an hour before your 2 largest meals each day. 2. Give Gratitude 3. Track your progress daily. (scale, measuring, photos, clothes etc.) 4. Drink more water 5. Move your body at least 30 minutes every day (walking is great) 6. Eat mostly T.H.I.N. foods (total High Intensity Nutrition). We have a full guide to follow! 7. Fast for at least 12 hours every day. (I stop eating at 8 pm and don’t eat until at least 10 am the following day.) 8. Get at least 7 hours of sleep each night. (People notice sleeping sounder using Zipslim) and 9. Check in with your coach or buddy at least once a day. (We have a group on Facebook for Buddy connections and also accountability.)
These habits are easy to do but also they are e
asy not to do. If you are ready to commit to losing unwanted fat weight forever, then give Zipslim a try. The company has EVERYTHING in place with food selections, mindset, follow up, workouts, accountability and more. The only thing missing is YOU and YOUR PART IN IT. Meaning follow the plan put together by Dr. Mark Drucker and choose your coach wisely as they will be key in helping you stay on track.
Once again, if you are NOT ready to make the necessary changes, do not buy Zipslim. Although you will love the flavor and how it makes you feel, we want you to experience success in a healthy & sustainable way. To become Healthier, Fitter and Happier.
Click HERE to learn more about Zipslim and to place your order.
Reach out to me by email or phone to see if I have a PROMO CODE that I can share with you.
Joy Edgerton/Founding Coach