How to find the PERFECT Home Base Business- or MLM Business using the Wheel of Balance.
First question: Is YOUR life in BALANCE? What is important for you in finding the right business? Life style, fun, make a lot of money, relationships, working your life purpose, working with your spouse or a partner?
When I asked myself if my life was in balance in June, 2012 the answer was a sad “NO”! Something was missing and by doing this exercise I found out quickly what it was. I had many GREAT things going on in my life but I was still void and empty in 2 areas of my life. CAREER/LIFE PURPOSE and MONEY/PROSPERITY. It makes sense to me as I look back. Low in the areas of Career/Life Purpose and Money/Prosperity. No wonder, duh….I had a JOB and was “just over broke!”
I was first introduced to this WHEEL of BALANCE “tool” while at SWIHA (S.W. Institute of Healing Arts in Tempe, AZ.) when I was studying to become a Transformational Life Coach. I would never have guessed how many people lives I have assisted with this ONE visual that makes you conscious of many different areas of your life. I also would never have guessed how well this works with finding the right Home Based Business Opportunity.
Balance in a Home Base Business
I call it the “Wheel of Balance” because this circle is divided into 8 sections where each area represents a part of your life…like the SPOKE of a wheel. The more balanced you are – your wheel runs (rolls) along smoother. Since you may be looking for the ideal home based business you’ll want to get clear on WHERE you are NOW and how important these areas are in your life.

How to find the PERFECT Home Base Business- or MLM Business using the Wheel of Balance.
First question: Is YOUR life in BALANCE? What is important for you in finding the right business? Life style, fun, make a lot of money, relationships, working your life purpose, working with your spouse or a partner?
When I asked myself if my life was in balance in June, 2012 the answer was a sad “NO”! Something was missing and by doing this exercise I found out quickly what it was. I had many GREAT things going on in my life but I was still void and empty in 2 areas of my life. CAREER/LIFE PURPOSE and MONEY/PROSPERITY. It makes sense to me as I look back. Low in the areas of Career/Life Purpose and Money/Prosperity. No wonder, duh….I had a JOB and was “just over broke!”
I was first introduced to this WHEEL of BALANCE “tool” while at SWIHA (S.W. Institute of Healing Arts in Tempe, AZ.) when I was studying to become a Transformational Life Coach. I would never have guessed how many people lives I have assisted with this ONE visual that makes you conscious of many different areas of your life. I also would never have guessed how well this works with finding the right Home Based Business Opportunity.
I call it the “Wheel of Balance” because this circle is divided into 8 sections where each area represents a part of your life…like the SPOKE of a wheel. The more balanced you are – your wheel runs (rolls) along smoother. Since you may be looking for the ideal home based business you’ll want to get clear on WHERE you are NOW and how important these areas are in your life.
To do this exercise effectively you must get VERY honest with all of these areas of your life and remove yourself from the outcome. Don’t judge, just evaluate from your heart. This is an exercise of awareness and once you are “aware” then you can decide which of the areas you would like to enhance first.
The Law Of Attraction talks about whatever your dominant thoughts that is where energy flows… as you put attention in those areas of your life you automatically draw energy (attract) to are the ones that will either improve, or get worse, depending on your action. One thing I was clear on is I didn’t want to find a home based business that was a lateral move…in other words a business that was not going to provide me a LOT more income than I was already making. It was also important for me to find a home based business I could do with my partner, Dave, so we could enjoy time freedom together and travel.
I have seen many people with many LOW numbers all around the circle, and yes, their “wheel” rolls (plods along) but the goal with this exercise is eventually to have your life be balanced in all areas and at a contentment where you can enjoy life. In this exericise, it is based on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being totally discontent and 10 being “on top of the world happy and content”!
I do this exercise periodically but had not for some time so in the summer of 2012 I decided to evaluate where I was with balance in my life. Holly cow- was I surprised…but enlightened! Some areas were quite high (like LOVE and family/friend relationships) but a couple of them were really mediocre and this is when I decided to make a shift and make a change in my life. I was going to find the perfect home based business that would satisfy me in all areas on my wheel.
Although my job at the time of doing this exercise was in an industry I enjoyed and had some passion around – the day to day grind that came with that position was suffocating my soul. It was after doing this exercise that I realized SOMETHING had to change. I had to find a way to WORK FROM HOME again and begin building MY dream rather than someone elses.
Whether you have done this exercise before or not, take a moment and see where YOU are at. January is a great time for self evaluation. Where are you at? What is missing in your life? In what areas is your life going GREAT? Are you content with how you are spending your days? How does your WHEEL look and feel? Where would you like to see it and what areas are most important to you?
After you complete the exercise stand back and take a closer look and then decide on the #1 area you wish to enhance and the #2. Come up with 3-4 things you can do TODAY and beyond to bring that lower number higher. I guarantee, with that focus on what you can do to make things more balanced in your life, you’ll see a slight shift immediately. Much like Jeff Olson’s book the SLIGHT EDGE..little things you do each day DO count….things that are easy TO DO, but also easy NOT TO DO….
Literally as soon as I announced to the Universe that I wanted to find a company/product to work from home, where I am my own boss, building my own future two people called me within days of each other tellling me about Nerium International. As a result, 4 months later I am working with Nerium, my LIFE is more balanced- I am happier- more productive, more alive, more properous and making friends daily through our affiliate programs and social marketing.
Another way to enhance this exercise is to make a Vision Board to support your new goals….and here is MINE. feel free to contact me at if you want assistance in finding YOUR perfect HOME BASED BUSINESS that will compliment your wheel of balance and what is important in your life. (pic of MY vision board)
To do this exercise effectively you must get VERY honest with all of these areas of your life and remove yourself from the outcome. Don’t judge, just evaluate from your heart. This is an exercise of awareness and once you are “aware” then you can decide which of the areas you would like to enhance first.
The Law Of Attraction talks about whatever your dominant thoughts that is where energy flows… as you put attention in those areas of your life you automatically draw energy (attract) to are the ones that will either improve, or get worse, depending on your action. One thing I was clear on is I didn’t want to find a home based business that was a lateral move…in other words a business that was not going to provide me a LOT more income than I was already making. It was also important for me to find a home based business I could do with my partner, Dave, so we could enjoy time freedom together and travel.
I have seen many people with many LOW numbers all around the circle, and yes, their “wheel” rolls (plods along) but the goal with this exercise is eventually to have your life be balanced in all areas and at a contentment where you can enjoy life. In this exericise, it is based on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being totally discontent and 10 being “on top of the world happy and content”!
I do this exercise periodically but had not for some time so in the summer of 2012 I decided to evaluate where I was with balance in my life. Holly cow- was I surprised…but enlightened! Some areas were quite high (like LOVE and family/friend relationships) but a couple of them were really mediocre and this is when I decided to make a shift and make a change in my life. I was going to find the perfect home based business that would satisfy me in all areas on my wheel.
Although my job at the time of doing this exercise was in an industry I enjoyed and had some passion around – the day to day grind that came with that position was suffocating my soul. It was after doing this exercise that I realized SOMETHING had to change. I had to find a way to WORK FROM HOME again and begin building MY dream rather than someone elses.
Whether you have done this exercise before or not, take a moment and see where YOU are at. January is a great time for self evaluation. Where are you at? What is missing in your life? In what areas is your life going GREAT? Are you content with how you are spending your days? How does your WHEEL look and feel? Where would you like to see it and what areas are most important to you?
After you complete the exercise stand back and take a closer look and then decide on the #1 area you wish to enhance and the #2. Come up with 3-4 things you can do TODAY and beyond to bring that lower number higher. I guarantee, with that focus on what you can do to make things more balanced in your life, you’ll see a slight shift immediately. Much like Jeff Olson’s book the SLIGHT EDGE..little things you do each day DO count….things that are easy TO DO, but also easy NOT TO DO….
Literally as soon as I announced to the Universe that I wanted to find a company/product to work from home, where I am my own boss, building my own future two people called me within days of each other tellling me about Nerium International. As a result, 4 months later I am working with Nerium, my LIFE is more balanced- I am happier- more productive, more alive, more properous and making friends daily through our affiliate programs and social marketing.
Another way to enhance this exercise is to make a Vision Board to support your new goals….and here is MINE. J feel free to contact me at if you want assistance in finding YOUR perfect HOME BASED BUSINESS that will compliment your wheel of balance and what is important in your life. (pic of MY vision board)
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Dave & Joy
“The goal is not to do business with everybody who needs what you have. The goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe.” Simon Sinek
Inspiring others to reach their potential.
Home base business