Generate Leads for Free – Hype?

Generate Leads for Free

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Leads for Free. How many times do I have to hear this?

Here’s been my experience:

Lesson 1: Free leads suck!

Lesson 2: Refer to lesson 1

Right? The quality is horrible. But wait…… what if you had something of real value to exchange for them signing up? What if you offered them a way to earn say… 100% commissions? What if you could make this offer to ANYONE in EVERY OTHER network company on the planet?

Generate Leads for Free – How to

One of my pet peeves is that in the network marketing industry, everybody pitches you on their opportunity. Right? It gets so old. My juice is better than your juice! My shake has a berry from Mongolia in it that can only be harvested on July 18th between 4 and 5 pm. It cures cancer. OMG

One thing I love about what i do, is that I can actually assist everyone else Generate Leads for Free no matter what company they are in. In fact I can assist someone who has no company or who is looking for a change! How cool is that!

How do I Generate Leads for Free

1st it’s call The Empower Network. they offer 100% commissions on everything you sale! Cool. 2nd, they have a blogging platform that if you blog (as we teach you) on any damn thing you want, the search engines will index you and your blogs will be seen by thousands over the course of the the next 10-20 years. If you are reading this on my blog… look at this page. At the top, side and the bottom there are clickable ads directing you to my Empower team! You may have just been looking for leads, free leads, etc…. but here you are.

Will everyone sign up and look around… hell no, but with hundreds of blogs out there… we get leads daily… all for free! Many of them are seasoned networkers too! Initially you will see them dribble in a few a day…… there is one guy in this company that is generating over 4000 Leads for Free per day! Forget that, how would your business look if you had 50 or 100 leads per day? Are you starting to see this?

You have to get in to have a complete look around….. it’s only $25 ! Really.

JOIN US < — That’s the link the good

looking guy was talking about!

If you would like to learn how to share trending news, YouTube videos, and other crazy information and get paid to do it then you need to take a look at the Viral Blogging platform called Empower Network and learn how to get paid to do it!


(VIDEO) Empower Network Viral Blogging Platform


It all starts by clicking here to getting started

Now that you have read my blog post here are the steps you need to take

Step 1 Click on this link and register to get more information

Step 2 Watch the video

Step 3 Fill out the form and register to get started. It’s only $25!

Once you have registered you will receive a welcome e mail and will be given access to our exclusive “Private” team training website.

This training will give you detailed step by step training on the marketing tools and strategies you can use to generate the same top income I earn every month with Empower Network

P.S. Have questions about making money in Empower Network?

Get all your frequently asked questions answered right here! <-

P.P.S. Ready to have access the same exact system I am currently using to generate thousands of dollars every month online?

Just Get In right here!

Dave & Joy





Leads for Free Leads for Free

Funniest Dog Video – Why are People drawn to this?

Funniest Dog Video

Of all the videos on You Tube some of the most watched are on animals. Not world events, not pressing social matters, but on Dogs! I was researching most watched Videos and this one came up… Funniest Dog Video. This one has more than 27 million views! (27 Million!!)

Dog Video

I thought this was hilarious! What is it about animals that takes us away to another place. Animals are so much a part of our lives. Who do you know that doesn’t have a personal story about a dog? I can’t think of anyone.

You can Google Dog Video

Or go to YouTube and search Funny Dog Video. More will come up!

Get better grades watching Dog Videos!

In a study conducted by Hiroshima University, they showed images of baby animals to college students prior to completing tasks assigned to them. According to the Washington Post, 48 students were given the opportunity to play a children’s game that was much like Operation, placing body pieces into designated holes without touching the edges. They then were asked to“perform a visual search using number matrices.” Lastly, they tested participants’ focus. After viewing images of baby animals (puppies and kittens), both genders’ productivity increased drastically in contrast to those who did not. It’s interesting to note that dexterity also improved.

Have fun, laugh and be more productive!

Join us helping everyday people live free!

Dave & Joy



Dog Video Dog video

The Power of a Simple Decision

The Power of a Simple Decision

Have you ever noticed how seemingly simple decisions can alter the course of your life?

Last night I made a list of 5 times in my life where I made a simple decision that changes the course of my life. They weren’t hard decisions. At the time they were easy. They came to me without deep thought or agonizing over which way I should go. At the time they simply seemed like the next logical step. Nothing more.


Decisions don’t require work

Many people seem to spend much of their time trying to figure out which way to go. I’ve seen that those who agonize over it and then want to bring you in to their agony, want to keep talking about it. Like talking about it is going to solve it. I’ve seen in my own life and in others’, decisions are just the next step in the process you call your life. Just make a decision.

Notice what is in front of you now, then make a decision

Life isn’t complicated. It comes at you a moment at a time. Nothing more. Just take what is in front of you to it’s logical next step, it’s logical conclusion. The next step is to make a decision on what you want next.

Join us in helping everyday people reach their potential.

Dave & Joy





Raw Food Promise

To Detox or not to detox? And which one to choose? Try the RAW FOOD PROMISE!

I think most of us would agree (even if we didn’t put it into action ourselves) that doing a dietary “detox” at least 1-2 times a year is a great way to cleanse our body and reset our metabolism. It just MAKES sense! When you cleanse, your body is not having to process foods, contaminations, etc. and can do what it is designed to do….to bring your body to perfect state of health!

One popular CLEANSE is the Master Cleanse. I have personally recommended – and done it-several times. You may have heard of it- also known as the lemonade diet, (fresh squeezed organic lemons, water, grade B maple syrup and cayenne powder) which it suggests doing for a minimum of 10 days or until your tongue is pink! I even did it for 20 days one time… because that is how long it took for my tongue to go clean and pink…..but here is the thing as I contemplate doing a cleanse in January…

It is FREEZING here in Vermont and although I LOVE (really do) the Master Cleanse, for ME I enjoy doing it when it is warm and sunny out… as my body temperature definitely gets cooler when cleansing. Last time I did the Master Cleanse in January I shivered the entire 10 days. The only way I could get warm internally was to use warm water when creating my Master Cleanse drink.

So…What I have decided to do this year is to go back to a program that I have done several times, and recommended to clients for over a decade….it is simple and effective… it is a Cleanse naturally with WHOLE FOODS called the RAW FOOD PROMISE!

Now if you are busy like I am and do not enjoy shopping or chopping, I have the perfect solution…it’s called the RAW FOOD PROMISE….called the Promise, because I personally PROMISE if you do this for 14 days, that you will increase your energy, drop unwanted weight/bloat…and perhaps your health may improve along the way! (oh, did I say save time and money too?) When I coached men and women with this program several years ago I noted that the average woman dropped 8 pounds and the average man dropped 11….a good share of that was pounds and inches of bloat/fat.

This program I recommend- puts a whole program together for you (no shopping of chopping) and is available at wholesale or retail. It is called the RAW FOOD PROMISE.

Raw Food

If you decide to use the Raw Food Package

you won’t have to worry about adding many other foods as it comes in a package that includes enough food for the 14 days. However if you decide to compile a whole food cleanse yourself, see some detoxifying foods, drinks and dishes below to get you started.

Move into action…whichever way you choose…

No need to worry about “detoxifying”; instead begin eating a clean, varied whole foods diet. If you decide to shop/chop your favorite Whole Foods…Simply choose whole foods that support the detox organs: The liver, kidneys, skin, lymphatic system and intestines. (reference below)

Apples. High in fibrous pectin, apples promote healthy colon function and waste excretion.

Artichokes. Artichokes promote liver health and soothe digestive problems like nausea and bloating thanks to a flavonoid antioxidant called silymarin. And a substance found in the leaves of artichokes, cynarin, helps the liver produce bile, which in turn helps the body break down fats.

Beets. Winter’s darlings are full of vitamins B3, B6, C and beta-carotene, iron, fiber, magnesium, zinc and calcium–all key components for colon and digestive tract cleansing. Beets also promote gallbladder and liver health.

Broccoli. Sulfurophane, a compound in broccoli and broccoli sprouts, aids in digestion and detoxification when the veggie is chewed and digested.

Curry. Or any food high in urcumin, the primary compound (or phenol) in the spice turmeric It’s anti-inflammatory and can trigger cell death in cancer cells, among other awesome things.

Detox soup. Perfect for winter, see recipe below, doesn’t discriminate much in terms of veggies; use what you’ve got to use up!

Green Tea. It’s high in catechins, an antioxidant flavonoid that speeds up liver activity by stimulating the production of digestion enzymes.

Greens. Greens are full of chlorophyll, a pigment that allows plants to absorb light, like binding to heavy metals and helping foster them out of the body.

Lemons. Though they taste acidic, lemons help alkalize the body, in addition to having diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Parsley, mint and other leafy green herbs. Also high in chlorophyl, as well as antioxidants.

Seaweed and sea vegetables. Sea vegetables offer the broadest range of minerals of any food, containing virtually all the minerals found in the ocean — the same minerals that are found in human blood. Dulse is a personal favorite, or adding a supplement called

FrequenSea with marine phytoplankton.
Raw FoodIf seaweed intimidates you, try to sneak some in with miso soup or vegetarian hot and sour soup or take ONE ounce of FrequenSea.

Water. Sounds like a no-brainer, but most people forget this easy and essential detoxification tool throughout the day.

Whole Grains. Insoluble fiber, like that found aplenty in whole grains (and fruits!), helps keep you from being constipated or bloated.

Answers to your questions about the Raw Food Promise:

Good luck….contact me at if you have any specific questions or would like to discuss this article.

Join us as we assist everyday people to live to their potential

Joy & Dave

Our Attraction Marketing System

Raw Food Promise

Weight Watchers 2013 Review

Weight Watchers 2013

It’s January and the hordes of us wanting to lose the weight is on ! Weight Watchers is a wonderful program to lose weight. As a personal trainer who teaching weight loss and runs Weight Loss Challenges through out the year, I love how their program creates a daily awareness.

Weight Watchers 360 Program is out and the president of Weight Watchers, Dave Kirchhoff, talks about how our bodies came to be “How” they are. How after millions of years of survival, our bodies store fat if we are not eating often enough, how they shut down and most importantly how to get your metabolism to accelerate for maximum Fat Loss.

weight WatchersWeight Watchers: So, How Does Success Happen? (from the Weight Watchers website)

So how does success happen?

Everything I’ve seen from our successful members clearly shows that losing weight and learning to keep it off requires a combination of all of the following:

  1. Becoming more mindful of what we eat. Research has shown that keeping a food diary is remarkably effective in helping us tackle issues related to 200 daily food decisions.
  2. Learning to make food tradeoffs we can live with. Deprivation always fails us. There is only so much misery we can bear. However, if we start choosing foods that taste great, are naturally filling, and provide bulk, we can better avoid the misery.
  3. Taking accountability and control when we feel out of control by employing tools that give us a way to avoid being a victim to our food environment.
  4. Learning to rebuild our personal food environment, at home, in the office, in our cars etc., we can create a place where we avoid temptation.
  5. Recognizing that the best kind of willpower is the discipline to have a planbefore we enter a scary food situation.
  6. Recognizing that simple, easy to do routines can help to make healthy behavior second nature. Boiling the ocean never works. However, implementing a few small changes at a time can have a profound multiplier effect on our other behaviors.

Weight loss with Weight Watchers

is a systematic process of unlearning old habit and forming new ones. It’s been said it only takes 21 days to form a new habit. Get connected with Weight Watchers and live to your potential !

Come Join us helping everyday people live to their potential.

Dave & Joy




Ezvid Reviews

Ezvid Free Video Editing Software

This software is now gaining a lot of users who are looking for an easy-to-use, fast, simple, drag-n-drop, and hassle-free video editing program. It is thought to be the world’s easiest and best video and slideshow creator for Windows — and is 100% Freeware forever.

What stands out of EZVID from the rest of the free video editing software is that it is able to capture computer screen with just “one-click” of a button and has speech synthesis feature called the “text-to-speech” (TTS) system that converts normal text into a computer language where no other free video maker/editing software has ever done before and even today. It ‘s also able to splice a video, speed/slow, duplicate projects, and saves projects. There are lots of cool things you can do with Ezvid. It’s almost like an all-in-one video editing program which is very easy to use and above all, it’s totally & 100% FREE.

Ezvid supports all Windows platforms –

including XP SP3, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. It can make a slideshow or video in less than 3 minutes, there is no registration required for you to download and use the program. You have a direct Youtube upload plus free soundtrack music included. You don’t have to buy a codec or get any codec packs to install the software. Want more? It is very much easier to use than iMovie or Windows Movie Maker, no DRM, you can record your voice along with the video, and it has the drag-n-drop feature to make creating and editing your slideshow or movie easier which comes with an intuitive design – really a great alternative.

Ezvid is a free video editor

Ezvid is also a free video editor, software which can be used to make slide shows and photo videos from JPG, PNG, GIF, and other still images, and it imports all mainstream video formats including AVI, WMV, and MOV. Perfect for school computer projects and computer activities, the Ezvid videomaker is a free and fast download, and provides an alternative to expensive software like imovie, final cut pro, and limited web-based solutions like one true media, xtranormal, wevideo, and stupeflix. It’s great for demo videos, tutorial videos, desktop recording, to record games, and more.

I’m now using Ezvid for all my screen capture tutorials! Give it a try.

Join us in helping everyday people reach their potential

Dave & Joy


Can a Woman of 50+ be too old for Beachbody’s P90X?

Can a Woman of 50+ be too old for Beachbody’s P90X?

Almost 2 years ago, JUST before my 54th birthday, I viewed an infomercial on a fitness DVD Series called P90X.

I was not familiar with BEACH BODY, had NEVER done a fitness DVD program at HOME in my life (Perhaps mainly because I had worked at gyms- yes, even as a personal trainer- and had belonged to gyms most of my adult life!)…but this program caught my attention. At that time I was actually working full time as manager of a local gym….but the thought of working out at home, in the comfort of own space- and not having to go into the gym before or staying after my shift became more appealing the more I thought of it….

I may have even GOOGLED P90X results for WOMEN to get inspired, I really don’t recall….but at that time in my life, I wanted a NEW challenge and to do something different than I had been doing over the past several years. I wanted to WORK OUT AT HOME!

WHY DID I NEED P90X in the first place?

The end of 2007, Dave and I moved from Scottsdale Arizona back to Vermont to be here to support in the birth of our first granddaughter. We had lived in warm climates for so many years and honestly, my BLOOD was thin and I was COLD – actually FREEZING the first winter! Whatever the reason….and believe me- I HAD my excuses- I quickly packed on 10-15 pounds and I was not happy with how I looked and felt- in fact I was miserable. As I look back the excuses I used for almost 2 years were pathetic… “I am a new grandmother…., I am over 50, I need some extra FAT to stay warm, I am in love and don’t most people GAIN weight when they first begin dating?” And the pathetic list went on and on…

But…here is the thing…I am a woman of action and as soon as I saw this infomercial for P90X I realized this was a program that I wanted to do….and I didn’t want to wait even one day…so I went on Craig’s List….found a used copy locally- and we began P90X on that Monday.

Was P90X difficult?

Too hard for a woman- especially over 50 years old? I have to say it was NOT easy….in fact, it was challenging in so many ways…but the results were absolutely astonishing. IN 90 days I added 6.2 lbs. of muscle, dropped 20.2 lbs. of fat and ended the program at a very healthy and strong weight of 132. I was ON TOP of the world….I swore I would never go back to being out of shape or over weight…and back then after 90 days- I promise you I would not have traded my “new body” for $10,000….really! Question: go back to begin FAT and out of shape vs. $10,000 CASH on the spot….I was not buying!

Well, circumstances changed- as they often do… and I have gained some of my fat and weight back and I am not happy. It was that damn pair of jeans that I tried on last night- that didn’t go past my hips that made me decide TODAY that I am going to repeat P90X again…beginning on Monday.

I am excited…..I WANT to be STRONG and LEAN again and I will. P90X There is something about aging, turning older…when the actual NUMBER changes. I will be 56 years old in February and by the time that day rolls around, I will be half way to my new and healthy self. I am not beating myself up (well, I am trying not too) because I have a solution….it’s called DETERMINATION, DEDICATION, WILL POWER. My WHY is GOOD HEALTH- a STRONG and HEALTHY BODY and the ability to fit into my favorite clothes. P90X here I come!

Join us as we inspire everyday people to reach their potential

Joy & Dave


Twitter @lifestyle09

P90X P90X


Today is a cold winter Saturday morning and our cats LUNA and SOLEIL (Moon and Sun, born on the Spring Solstice in 2008) were wondering why the heck I was still in bed! Luna jumped onto our king size bed and sat on my pillow until I stirred. Then she “gently” took her paw and patted my nose….ever so gently saying “hey….breakfast time has already passed, mom”. I ignored her….until I felt the a couple more PATS on my nose. Ok, guys…I thought. I’ll get up.

While on my way downstairs, and almost being tripped up by both cats scurrying down near my feet I heard our both Luna and Soleil “MEOWING” at the delight that I was finally getting out of bed so that they could be fed! At that moment, I realized that although I felt slightly inconvenienced that I’d really miss them if suddenly I didn’t have them in my life to care for and love.

As much as they can be a pain in the butt by craving my attention at times when I would prefer them not to…example while I am at my desk (like now, rubbing against my shoulder, laying on the keyboard of my laptop and making the letters capitalized!) I still wouldn’t trade the overall benefit of THEIR LOVE and companionship that they give me-day in and day out, consistently. ONE of the BEST benefits for ME is that over the past 4 ½ years I have laughed more since adopting these sister felines!!! Although I have an ‘OK’ sense of humor -before the “girls” I rarely laughed out loud….whereas my partner Dave has an infectious laugh and can break out into a chuckle or hysteria at the first sign of something being remotely funny. Laughter IS the best medicine…..

Ever wonder why people have Pets?

True, most households in the United States have at least one pet. Ever wonder why people have pets? After all, they do add one more responsibility…and there is a cost involved….

There are many reasons why people own pets but here are some of the health benefits of owning a pet.


How pets can affect mood and health

While most pet owners are clear about the immediate joys that come with sharing their lives with companion animals, many remain unaware of the physical and mental health benefits that can also accompany the pleasure of playing with or snuggling up to a furry friend. It’s only recently that studies have begun to scientifically explore the benefits of the human-animal bond. Studies have found that:

  • Pet owners are less likely to suffer from depression than those without pets.
  • People with pets have lower blood pressure in stressful situations than those without pets.
  • Playing with a pet can elevate levels of serotonin and dopamine, which calm and relax.
  • Pet owners have lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels (indicators of heart disease) than those without pets.
  • Heart attack patients with pets survive longer than those without.
  • Pet owners over age 65 make 30 percent fewer visits to their doctors than those without pets.
  • A pet doesn’t have to be a dog or a cat. Even watching fish in an aquarium can help reduce muscle tension and pulse rate.

One of the reasons for these therapeutic effects is that most pets fulfill the basic human need to touch. Even hardened criminals in prison have shown long-term changes in their behavior after interacting with pets, many of them experiencing mutual affection for the first time. Stroking, holding, cuddling, or otherwise touching a loving animal can rapidly calm and soothe us when we’re stressed. The companionship of a pet can also ease loneliness, and some pets are a great stimulus for healthy exercise, which can substantially boost mood.

How pets can help to make healthy lifestyle changes

Adopting healthy lifestyle changes can play an important role in easing symptoms of depression, stress, bipolar disorder, PTSD, and anxiety. Caring for a pet can help with those healthy lifestyle changes by:

  • Increasing exercise. Exercise doesn’t have to involve boring repetition at a gym. Taking a dog for a walk, riding a horse, or simply chasing a kitten around are fun ways to fit healthy daily exercise into your schedule.
  • Providing companionship. Isolation and loneliness can make disorders such as depression even worse. Caring for a living animal can help make you feel needed and wanted, and take the focus away from your problems. Most pet owners talk to their pets, some even use them to work through their troubles.

Helping meet new people. Pets can be a great social lubricant for their owners. Dog owners frequently stop and talk

  • to each other on walks or in a dog park. Pet owners also meet new people in pet stores, clubs, and training classes.
  • Reducing anxiety. The companionship of a dog can offer comfort, help ease anxiety, and build self-confidence for people anxious about going out into the world.
  • Adding structure and routine to your day. Many pets, especially dogs, require a regular feeding and exercise schedule. No matter your mood—depressed, anxious, or stressed—you’ll always have to get out of bed to feed, exercise, and care for your pet.
  • Providing sensory stress relief. Touch and movement are two healthy ways to quickly manage stress. This could involve petting a cat or taking a dog for a walk.

So there you go…once again our cats gave me something positive to think about first thing in the morning. I included them in my morning GRATITUDE….which will no doubt, bring more JOY and things to be grateful for, into my day!

Join us in helping others reach their full potential here

Joy & Dave


Twitter @Lifestyle09

Facebook connect here

Pets pets pets

A Gym in a Parallel Universe

Imagine if the gender roles were reversed in the commercial gym!

This is one of the funniest videos I have ever seen. Why is it so funny?

I think that the role reversal in an obvious stereotypical way, touches both genders. Although we seem to put up with what we are familair with, the unfamilair roles reversal are funny.

A Gym is one of the last bastions…

where men can be men, and women can be women. We get to see roles played out that aren’t as obvious in other parts of our lives. Like the office, a ball game, etc. It seems as though we have permission to go further into our DNA and express what that is in a gym. We see guys unabashedly flexing in a mirror, women with outfits they wouldn’t be caught dead in anywhere else in the world, but in a gym.

American director Jay Diaz did, and has created a short film which flips cliche gender roles that play out night after night at countless bars and nightclubs.

The Flip Side (Role Reversal in a Bar December 2011) has become an online sensation, with more than 2.2million viewers eager to see the roles of men and women switched on a night out.

See you in the Gym!

Yes, I think pokes fun at incredibly stereo type roles in the reversal… it’s just damn funny!

Dave & Joy

If you would like to learn how to share trending news, Youtube videos, and other crazy information and get paid to do it then you need to take a look at the Viral Blogging platform called Empower Network and learn how to get paid to do it!


(VIDEO) Empower Network Viral Blogging Platform


It all starts by clicking here to getting started

Now that you have read my blog post here are the steps you need to take

Step 1

Click on this link and register to get more information

Step 2

Watch the video


Step 3

Fill out the form and register to get started. It’s only $25!

Once you have registered you will receive a welcome e mail and will be given access to our exclusive “Private” team training website.

This training will give you detailed step by step training on the marketing tools and strategies you can use to generate the same top income I earn every month with Empower Network

P.S. Have questions about making money in Empower Network?

Get all your frequently asked questions answered right here! <-

P.P.S. Ready to have access the same exact system I am currently using to generate thousands of dollars every month online?

Just Get In right here!


Inspiring everyday people to reach their potential


Don’t Even Think About Joining Empower Network…….

14 Year Veterans of Network Marketing Dave & Joy Review The Empower Network

Don’t Even Think About Joining Empower Network…….

Until You read and see this

So what’s the deal with Empower Network anyway? If you are anything like me, you have probably started running into this deal and there do seem to be a lot of people pretty excited about it?

That’s how it always starts with a hyper-growth network marketing company isn’t it? The low rumble that the early adopters always watch for and then the explosion into Hyper-Growth where millions can be made if you pay attention and know how to market.

But what the devil is Empower Network? Is this just a clever scam or a real deal that is just on the verge of explosive growth?

So Is It Really Possible To Make Money With Empower Network?

Check it out…

I’ve never seen so many success stories, from so many people, from just ONE program like this one.

Check out results from others….


Rod, that IS “nice”. When you think about the fact that most people have to work 8 hours to earn LESS than $100 per day….

it makes this system the best way to make money I’ve ever seen.


Juanita, you hit the nail on the head!

When you follow the system as we’ve got it designed…it’s nearly impossible not to have results. Congratulations on your $250 day!

Congratulations Jean-Francois! That’s quite a birthday! :)

Let’s be honest: using this method, it was EASIER than what you’d been doing to make less money, wasn’t it?



See, that’s what I’m talking about…

You’re not out there chasing friends and family. You’re not drawing circles on the back of napkins or doing those little “milk and cookie” parties in

people’s living rooms….

Just following a simple online system and watching cash drop in!

Congratulations, Brent!

Making money while you sleep!

That’s a common theme in this business. Happy for you!

Check out what James says below, he is another guy who makes money while drooling on his pillow:

James, you rock. And you’re right!

When you follow a proven system that works… the results flow in!

Check out this email from a lady who just got started a few hours ago:


Man, that fires me UP! Read that again: she’s “never made money online”…

Yet she made her first sale within hours of plugging into our system.

And it happens all the time!

Here’s another one:



Love it! And all you have to do is follow the system!



That’s so bad-ass. And all it takes is TAKING ACTION & getting started!

I can go on and on.

But, here’s the real question:

Are YOU ready to see YOUR success story being told?

Are you ready to start earning what you deserve?

We pay out 100% commissions!

We’ve paid out over $20.4 Million in the last 13 months.

Come get your share!

Empower Network is the simplest, fastest and SAFEST way for you to earn a large income from home!

If you’re ready to get started and just want the order form, you can get in here.


Empower Network


So Can Empower Network Really Give You Overnight Success?

Now a little warning here, Empower Network is not a Magic income Bullet that will fix your bank account overnight unless you already understand how to generate leads online or have some good coaching on how to do it.

Now Empower does have a very powerful compensation plan and I have seen many people generate anywhere from $10,000 to $54,000 in their fist month, however it only kicks in if you can drive enough lead traffic to your Empower Network webpage.

Now because of this, which Empower team you join will dramatically affect your growth and success curve. Keep in mind that there are a lot of good people out there that are flying blind, they got excited, jumped in and ended up with no one to guide them on the best success strategies.

Here is just a quick look at the Special Empower Network Bonuses you will receive by Joining Our Empower Network Team and work directly with us. We are part of a team with added special training, including videos, step by step instruction on exactly “How To” market both with Free and Paid advertising.

The coolest part is you can come in at what ever level is comfortable to you! The base package is only $25. Wow.

Come join us helping others attract the life they want.

Dave & Joy


“The goal is not to do business with everybody who needs what you have. The goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe.” Simon Sinek

Inspiring others to reach their potential.