The Leaked Video

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Why Weight Training? Especially for Women 50+

Why Weight Training? Especially for Women 50+

Weight TrainingHello ladies, one of the best pieces of advice I can give you- especially when you begin weight training- is to stay OFF the bathroom scale!!!! Period!

I remember being naturally athletic growing up having more muscle mass than the average girl. I always weighed more that my friends who wore the same size clothes and no matter how hard I tried to “float” in water- I always sunk in the swimming pool. Later in life I realized it had more to do with my natural body composition….having more muscle and less body fat than the average gal my age.

….and as crazy as it sounds I actually complained because I had muscular legs, and didn’t like the “ripples” on my stomach…HELLO, that is called a flippin’ 6 pack-dumb-ass!!!!

Although I knew in my head that the scale was not an accurate indicator, I still bought into the scale as MY tool for gaging my weight. When I was 16 I went to Weight Watchers with my mother and took my 5’6” frame from a slightly plump 132 to a skinny 116….

I felt GREAT….but the problem is that was way too light a weight for my frame! How could anyone maintain that light of a weight and still have muscle???? My healthy weight at that stage of my life (which I finally realized) was 125 pounds- AND that was my set-point for decades!

Weight Training for Women Fast forward 10 + years…..

My friend, Larry, at the gym I belonged to, literally DRAGGED me off the aerobic floor one day and into the weight room. This was when very few females lifted weights. (Imagine the chalk debris on the floor of the weight room, hard rock and roll playing on the nearby boom box and men groaning as they lifted heavy weights beyond good form!) I am forever grateful to my friend Larry, for seeking me out as it literally was one of those times in my life when it altered my PATH on so many levels.

By looking at my “build” and knowing my commitment to fitness- this random friend Larry- who was really more into power lifting and an arm wrestle champion, thought I owed it to myself to be introduced to weight training. He was right! I remember as I began to get stronger I thought how much this would have helped me in my high school sports or intramural sports in college.

I loved my new strength….I felt empowered…it became a time for ME, as a young mom with two young children, when nothing could steal my alone fitness time …or come between me in the weight room. However…..and here is the KICKER, I was stoked by my new strong and contoured body….but I was not happy with the number on the scale- with weight training my weight went UP…crap! BUT the size of my clothes went down. Now that was interesting and so cool…………….

My new passion for fitness and strength led me to getting a job at this gym (the Olympiad) – as a membership director. I was on fire, unstoppable and I could easily transfer my love and excitement for exercise to all men and women whom I met who were looking for a gym to workout at. Because of this my sales easily exceeded the full time sales people…and I only worked 3x week. I had two young children at home, worked part time….but I found a niche in my life that brought me JOY and gave me strength and power. I shared/sold the love…and people got inspired and they joined the gym!

At age 29 I was in pretty good shape- leaner by appearance -but heavier by the scale…and I wanted a challenge in my life…something JUST FOR ME. I had seen many other women with less favorable genetics enter body building shows and totally transform their bodies within 3-6 months and I wanted to see if I could handle such a challenge!!!!! Larry thought I could!

So at age 29, with only 12 weeks before the next Vermont State Body Building competition AND for my 30th birthday (3rd decade challenge) I decided to challenge myself and entered the state wide Body Building Contest put on by Gold’s Gym.

This was all about me- not to impress anyone and to only challenge myself. I told few people….I mean I told my husband at the time and he was NOT a happy camper (but that is another story!) I told my brother for “big brother support” but never told my parents or other friends and trained with intensity on my own. I loved the challenge! No one could steal MY time away from doing something for me!

Weight Training and Diet

My workouts didn’t change drastically but my DIET did….and so did the intensity of how I did my workouts. Nothing would come in between me and my goal. At age 30, with two young children….I entered my first (and only/last!) body building show and get this….I WON!!!!!!

This experience set the stage for a healthy attitude about body composition, the benefit of muscle for health, body contour and also a healthy metabolism…but also to be honest- it did mess up my head for many years as compared my body and parts of my life to the insane low body composition of 8.5%. Not only was it unrealistic to maintain- but unhealthy to have and I stopped my menstrual cycle for well over a year!

Now the good thing: I love goal setting. As a result of this event in my life, I enjoy challenging myself with big goals. I enjoy assisting others- ESPECIALLY women- in understanding the BENEFIT of weight training for fitness and a healthy metabolism. What I don’t like is that in our society we STILL use the G.D. bathroom scale to measure our “success”. I still do- and WHEN I do, and the numbers on the scale are not favorable, it is a struggle to keep my composure and be OKAY with the number.

So here is the point of this “message” from me on 2/7/2013….- which was prompted by a personal training session with two women in their 50’s today……….

If you truly want long term success with a healthy metabolism and also a healthy body “size” you must change your perceptions and buy into several things:

1) You MUST embrace weight training (also known as “resistant training”!) Period. (For a great book check out my favorite “Body for Life for Women” that I recommend to all my clients and female friends. Dr. Pamela Peake takes the principles of “Body for Life” by Bill Phillips and puts it into a great book, understanding weight training for women in all decades of their life and our nutritional needs! If you do not keep your lean muscle- yes, you may lose weight but your body composition will be much higher FAT vs. MUSCLE than you would like…and that is not pretty!

2) You must understand AND accept that we all lose muscle as we age…both men and women. If we don’t replace OR add muscle, we WILL have a slower metabolism and gain body FAT……

3) You MUST eat healthy foods…steering away from packaged foods and eating as close to mother nature as possible

4) You will do best to embrace measuring your success by the way your clothes fit, rather than by what the scale says. I suggest “TESTER Clothes” (how clothes feel) – as well as using a measuring tape, or by measuring your body composition with several methods available…. And yes, if you have to…..because there is no other method to gage your success or body…. by the G.D. Scale)!

5) Understand that a pound of MUSCLE weighs the same as a pound of FAT….likewise aweight training pound of potatoes also weighs a pound! A pound of anything IS a pound! The difference is a pound of FAT takes up as much as 5x more. SPACE as a pound of muscle

So….my message here and now is no matter where you are at- toss the bathroom scale, begin working out with weights (more on this in my next “blog”) add muscle, get stronger with more muscle and in SPIRIT and transform your life! My passion is sharing what I have learned over the decades and am happy to direct you to many areas that may support your new goals. Please email me at! I am always happy to serve! As I do, on this topic, I get reminded myself and my life improves. So contact me.

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Weight Training

Empower Your Decisions

Empower Your Decisions

Have you ever looked at the magic that happened in your life. The small opportunities that you decided to follow a desire and your whole life changed? Maybe its all the little decisions you made over the course of a year that led you to an event where you met your significant other? Moved? or started a new career?

The Magic of Your Decisions

When I say magic I’m not speaking about fluff and smoke… I mean the real magic of life. How many of our small decisions have altered the course of our lives. That’s real everyday magic.

Most people don’t look at their lives with enough distance to really see how these decisions have moved them in a direction.

The more I live life, the less I see these decisions are coincidence and the more they are appears synchronistic, organized, and orchestrated. Wayne Dyer, has a great quote about how in geometry to coinciding angles are two angles that fit together perfectly. Notice the root word coincide and coincidence. Things happen for a reason. The little decisions you make and if you look back over the course of a year or two or more you will begin to see how these little decisions have had huge impacts in the direction of your life.

Here’s a lesson that altered the course of life.


The Insight of Desire is simply asking for your Decision for you to Choose Freedom

My story illustrates the simple understanding that your desires come up in many ways. They are your heart speaking to you. Even if you choose not to listen or not to make a decision right now have you ever noticed your desires show up again and again and again. It’s your heart that is looking to expand, to explore.

Look at what you desire. Allow it. Are you looking for freedom, whether it’s in the form of more money, more time, etc. it’s what your heart desires for you to be free. Most people don’t follow it and sadly they die with their music still in them. How about you… are to ready for freedom in your life in however you describe it?

You deserve it. Really get that and get that your heart is always moving you closer to who you are supposed to be. By the way …. what led you here to read and experience this?

A decision is simple… just follow your desire!

Dave & Joy








The Master Cleanse, aka Lemonade Diet

The Master Cleanse, aka Lemonade Diet

The Master Cleanse, also called the Lemonade Diet has been around for decades and I personally have done it at least 4 times. Some recommend doing it 4x a year however for me, I prefer 1-2 times a year. One of the reasons I am writing about it is I am gearing up to do it again beginning the first day of spring. After each cleanse I always feel LIGHT, ENERGIZED…and HYDRATED…oh yeah, with an added benefit of dropping an average of 6-8 pounds of “bloat” and lots of inches….in areas where I tend to store my fat. (Many people I know have lost up to 15 pounds and a ton of inches) J

The Master Cleanse was created by Stanley Burroughs who was an early advocate of natural health, and believed in the body’s natural ability to heal itself. The results people have experienced by going on this ‘diet’ have been nothing short of amazing.

Chronic health problems people have suffered with for years vanish in as little as 10 days on the Master Cleanse.

You can still find Stanley Burroughs book at most health food store, or online. It’s a small 50 page paperback book that has not changed much since it was first back in the 1940’s. There have been several “knock offs” on the Master Cleanse but I believe they were modified for either selling other products to use with the Master Cleanse or to make it easier to adhere to the original program. HOWEVER if you veer from the original Master Cleanse by adding other supplements or foods of any kind, you will compromise the results.

The Master Cleanse Master

Hats off to Peter Glickman, who wrote his book based on Stanley Burroughs book,Cleanse Lose Weight, Have More Energy & Be Happier in 10 Days as this book made it easy to understand what to expect BEFORE beginning the cleanse and also how to adhere to the program from day 1 onward. The book is full of the most commonly asked questions and answers regarding the Master Cleanse, also known as the Lemonade Diet. I found this book to be extremely helpful in both understanding the process of the cleanse but also to know what I was experiencing each day was absolutely normal.

Purpose of doing the Master Cleanse

  • To dissolve and eliminate toxins and congestion which have formed in any part of the body.
  • To cleanse the kidneys and the digestive system.
  • To purify the glands and cells throughout the entire body.
  • To eliminate all unusable waste and hardened material in the joints and muscles.
  • To relieve pressure and irritation in the nerves, arteries, and blood vessels.
  • To build a healthy blood stream.
  • To keep youth and elasticity regardless of our years.

When to Use It

  • When sickness has developed – for all acute and chronic conditions
  • When the digestive system needs a rest and a cleansing.
  • When overweight has become a problem.
  • When better assimilation and building of body tissue is needed.

How Long and Often?

Follow the diet for a minimum of 10 days or more – up to 40 days and beyond may be safely followed for extremely serious cases. The diet has all the nutrition needed during this time. Three to four times a year will do wonders for keeping the body in a normal healthy condition, again I tend to do the cleanse 1-2 times per year. The diet may be undertaken more frequently for serious conditions.


How to Make a Lemonade Cleanse

  • 2 Tbsp. fresh squeezed lemon juice (can substitute limes)- organic is best
  • 2 Tbsp. genuine Grade B Maple Syrup (I have a great source in Vermont)
  • 1/10 tsp. cayenne pepper (red pepper) or to taste
  • Water, cool or medium hot (spring or purified water)

Combine the juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper in a 10 oz. glass. Use fresh lemons or limes only, never canned lemon or lime juice nor frozen lemonade or frozen juice. Use organic lemons when possible.


Take from six to twelve glasses of the lemonade daily during the waking period. As you get hungry just have another glass of lemonade. NO OTHER FOOD SHOULD BE TAKEN DURING THE FULL PERIOD OF THE DIET. As this is a complete balance of minerals and vitamins, one does not suffer the pangs of hunger. Do not use vitamin pills.

All solid food is turned into a liquid state before it can be carried by the blood to the cells of the body.

The lemonade is already a food in liquid form.

For those who are overweight, less maple syrup may be taken. For those underweight, more maple syrup may be taken. For those who are underweight and worried about losing more weight, REMEMBER, the only things you can possibly lose are mucus, waste, and disease. Healthy tissue will not be eliminated. Many people who need to gain weight actually do so near the end of the diet period.

Never vary the amount of lemon juice per glass. About six glasses of lemonade a day is enough for those wishing to reduce. Extra water may be taken as desired.

Helping the Cleansing Along

As this is a cleansing diet, the more you can assist Nature to eliminate poisons, the better. If your system feels upset, it is because you are not having sufficient elimination. Avoid this possibility by following the directions completely. Above all, be sure you have two, three, or more movements a day. This may seem unnecessary not eating solid food, but it is Nature’s way of eliminating the waste it has loosened from the various cells and organs in the body. They must leave the body some way. It would be just the same as sweeping the floor around and around and never removing the dirt from the house if the wastes were not passed out. The better the elimination, the more rapid will be the results ‘

A LAXATIVE HERB TEA (I use “Smooth Move”) is found to be the best helper for most persons. It is a good practice to take a good laxative herb tea right from the beginning – the last thing at night and first thing in the morning. There are several good laxative teas. They are best taken in a liquid form. Buy them in your health food store. Another option is to drinking one half gallon of a salt water flush first thing in the morning using 2 TBS. Celtic Sea Salt mixed with warm water. See below…


Another Cleansing Aid: Internal Salt Water Bathing

As it is necessary to bathe the outside of our bodies, so it is with the inside. Do not take enemas or colonics at any time during the cleansing diet or afterwards. They are unnecessary and can be extremely harmful.

There is a much superior method of cleansing the colonic tract with- out the harmful effects of customary colonics and enemas. This method will cleanse the entire digestive tract while the colonics and enemas will only reach the colon or a small part of it. Colonics can be expensive while our salt-water method is not.

DIRECTIONS: Prepare a full quart of lukewarm water and add two level (rounded for the Canadian quart) teaspoons of uniodized sea salt. Do not use ordinary iodized salt as it will not work property. ( I use Celtic Sea Salt- which is course and grey in color, from a health food store) Drink the entire quart of salt and water first thing in the morning. This must be taken on an empty stomach.

The salt and water will not separate but will stay intact and quickly and thoroughly wash the entire tract in about one hour. Several eliminations will likely occur. The salt water has the same specific gravity as the blood, hence the kidneys cannot pick up the water and the blood cannot pick up the salt. This may be taken as often as needed for proper washing of the entire digestive system.

If the salt water does not work the first time, try adding a little more or a little less salt until the proper balance is found; or possibly take extra water with or without salt. This often increases the activity. Remember, it can do no harm at any time. The colon needs a good washing, but do it the natural way – the salt water way. It is quite advisable to take the herb laxative tea at night to loosen, then the salt water each morning to wash it out. If for some reason the salt water cannot be taken in the morning, then the herb laxative tea must be taken night and morning. Personally I did the salt flush in the morning (using 3 TBS. salt) and the tea in the evening. For me, the most difficult thing of the entire cleanse is the salt flush but I have to admit, once it is consumed and runs through you, you do feel less toxic and “better”. Your reward is also a delicious lemonade drink! Now that I am working from home it won’t be such an ordeal to do in the morning as I don’t have to leave the house and go out to “work”. Keep in mind, you ALWAYS want to give yourself enough time to have the salt water flush through you as when you have to eliminate, you will!


Why the Master Cleanse Works:

1) It’s fasting

2) It’s a detoxification “diet”

3) It offers a restriction in calories

4) It rehydrates the body!


The Master Cleanse was designed for detoxification. People in our modern world are subjected to biological and artificially created substances that disrupt health. Many of these substances are eliminated through the normal function of the body’s detoxification and elimination systems. Sometimes, however, the normal detoxification ability of body is not enough on its own.

Ok….so now you know a little more about the Master Cleanse. If you want more support you can go to – and sign up for a free weekly newsletter. Peter is great and his info is always useful.


Look forward to being healthier in 10 days….Now that you have decided to do the Master Cleanse and are beginning your preparation, please read the info below as it is equally as important as the RECIPE and cleanse itself.

How to Break the Lemonade Diet

Coming off the lemonade diet properly is highly important – please follow the directions very carefully. After living in a semi-tropical and tropical climate for many years, I find that people have increasingly turned to a raw fruit, nut, and vegetable diet. Following is the schedule for people who normally follow such a natural vegetarian diet:


Several 8 oz. glasses of fresh orange juice as desired during the day. The orange juice prepares the digestive system to properly digest and assimilate regular food. Drink it slowly. If there has been any digestive difficulty prior to or during the change- over, extra water may be taken with the orange juice.


Orange juice in the morning. Raw fruit for lunch. Fruit or raw vegetable salad at night.

You are now ready to eat normally.

For those who have characteristically lived the unnatural way of meat, milk, refined and devitalized food, it may be best to change over as follows, gradually adopting the raw fruit, nut, and vegetable diet:


Several 8 oz. glasses of fresh orange juice as desired during the day. Drink it slowly.


Drink several 8,oz. glasses of orange juice during the day – with extra water, if needed. Sometime during the afternoon prepare a vegetable soup (no canned soup) as follows:


Recipe for Vegetable Soup

Use several kinds of vegetables, perhaps one or two kinds of legumes, potatoes, celery, carrots, green vegetable tops, onion, etc. Dehydrated vegetables or vegetable soup powders may be added for extra flavor. Okra or okra powder, chili, curry, cayenne (red) pepper, tomatoes, green peppers, and zucchini squash may be included to good advantage. Brown rice may be used, but no meat or meat stock.

Other spices may be added (delicately) for flavor. Use salt delicately as a limited amount of salt is necessary.

Learn to enjoy the natural flavor of the vegetables. The less cooking the better. Read the special article on salt in the September 1977 issue of National Geographic magazine.


Have this soup for the evening meal using the broth mostly, although some of the vegetables may be eaten. Rye wafers may be eaten sparingly with the soup, but no bread or crackers.



THIRD DAY: Drink orange juice in the morning. At noon have some more soup; enough may be made the night before and put in the refrigerator. For the evening meal eat whatever is desired in the form of vegetables, salads, or fruit. No meat, fish, or eggs; no bread, pastries, tea, coffee, or milk. Milk is highly mucus forming and tends to develop toxins throughout the body.

(Milk, being a predigested food, has been known to cause various complications in the stomach and colon, such as cramps and convulsions. The calcium in milk is difficult to assimilate and may cause toxins in the form of rheumatic fever, arthritis, neuritis, and bursitis. The resulting lack of proper digestion and assimilation of the calcium allows it to go into the blood stream in a free form and it is deposited in the tissues, cells, and joints where it can cause intense pain and suffering.)


Normal eating may be resumed, but best health will be retained if the morning meal consists of our type of lemonade or fruit juice; and, of course, if a strictly fruit, vegetable, seed and berry diet is followed. If, after eating is resumed, distress or gas occurs, it is suggested that the lemonade diet be continued for several more days until the system is ready for food.


Recap of the steps to be taken in the diet. This is very important!

Be careful to read the entire instructions so that the diet will be of the best benefit to you. I strongly suggest Peter Glickman’s’ book which can be purchased at

First prepare yourself mentally to follow in detail the entire directions and continue as long as is needed to make the necessary changes. One of the best signals of the completed diet is when the formerly coated and fuzzy tongue is clear pink and clean looking. During the diet it becomes very badly coated.


The Night Before starting the diet take the laxative tea.

In the morning do the salt water flush (or) laxative tea.

Now ENJOY the lemonade formula

Breaking the diet. Be absolutely sure you follow the directions very carefully to prepare your body for normal eating (our way). Do not over eat or eat too soon. Serious problems (nausea) can occur if detailed directions are not followed.

Interesting info about Lemons

The lemon is a loosening and cleansing agent with many important building factors. The ability of the elements in the lemon and the maple syrup working together creates these desired results.

Its potassium strengthens and energizes the heart, stimulates and builds the kidneys and adrenal glands.

Its oxygen builds vitality.

Its carbon acts as a motor stimulant.

Its hydrogen activates the sensory nervous system. Its calcium strengthens and builds the lungs.

Its phosphorus knits the bones, stimulates and builds the brain for clearer thinking.

Its sodium encourages tissue building.

Its magnesium acts as a blood alkalizer.

Its iron builds the red corpuscles to rapidly correct the most common forms of anemia.

Its chlorine cleanses the blood plasmas

Its silicon aids the thyroid for deeper breathing.

The natural iron, copper, calcium, carbon, and hydrogen found in the sweetening supplies more building and cleansing material.

It truly is a perfect combination for cleansing, eliminating, healing, and building. Hence, supplements are not needed during the diet and may actually interfere with its cleansing action.

About Maple Syrup:

The maple syrup is a balanced form of positive and negative sugar and must be used, not some “substitute. “There are three grades of maple syrup and the Grade to use for the Master Cleanse is GRADE B.

Grade B is the second run with more minerals plus more maple taste. It is more suitable for the diet and is less expensive.

The maple syrup has a large variety of minerals and vitamins. Naturally, the mineral and vitamin content will vary according to the area where the trees grow and the mineral content in the soil. These are the minerals found in average samples of syrup from Vermont: Sodium; Potassium; Calcium; Magnesium; Manganese; Iron; Copper; Phosphorus; Sulphur; Chlorine and Silicon. Vitamin A, Bl, B2, B6, C, Nicotinic acid and Pantothenic acid are also present in the syrup. Information on the need and effect of these properties will be found in the Biochemistry in the back of the book, “Healing for the Age of Enlightenment.”



The Master Cleanse by Stanley Burroughs

Lose Weight, Have more energy & be happier in 10 days by Peter Glickman

Healing for the Age of Enlightenment by Stanley Burroughs


Dave & Joy

Helping everyday people live an extraordinary life



Death and Dying

Death and Dying

It wasn’t until November 10th that I gave much thought to dying. I mean, my grandparents have passed on many years ago and it really saddened me to miss them in the physical – but they were “older” folks and it is simply a matter of life-right?… And then…it all changed a couple of months ago when my father, at age 82 had a massive heart attack on the top of a mountain top- on the first day of deer hunting. Then it really hit home! Luckily, he survived and is regaining his health as I write this, but what it did for me was to reevaluate many ways I personally look at death while at the same time it got me to evaluate how I LIVE my life as well.

One of my favorite excerpts on Death comes from an unknown source, but has offered me (and those I share it with) – much comfort when they are faced with death. I choose to believe that death is more like the below piece from the book “Your Sacred Self”.

There is No Death

Author unknown, from Your Sacred Self by Wayne Dyer, PhD

I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean. She is an object of beauty and strength and I stand and watch her until at length she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and the sky come to mingle with each other.

Then someone at my side says: “There! She’s gone!” Gone from my sight that is all. She is just as large in mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my side and she is just as able to bear her load of living weight to her destined port.
Her diminished size is in me not in her. And, just at the moment when someone at my side says, “There! She’s gone!” there are other eyes watching her coming, and other voices ready to take up the glad shout “There she comes!” And that is dying.

What is Death?

By Paul Dempsey

For most people the thought of death is a source of anxiety. Of all the fears that haunt our thoughts, perhaps the uncertainty of personal survival is the most basic. Relieving that fear and replacing it with knowledge can have a transformational effect on life. It is our hope that this short article may point the way to fuller treatments of the subject, from which a more comprehensive education may be gained – an education sadly lacking in our Western culture.

How is it possible to find joy in death – both for the one who is dying as well as for the loved ones who remain? One approach would be to see physical life as a preparation for death and death as a preparation for a new physical life. The entire cyclic process of life and death is determined by spiritual evolution – the means by which the consciousness develops increasingly effective vehicles of expression.

Why should we think about death?

Although we are certain of death as a fact, we are uncertain of its meaning and of the process that unfolds “behind the scenes.” Most people therefore tend to avoid dealing with the issue at all, sometimes expending considerable psychological energy to keep it below the threshold of consciousness. Then, when they are confronted by its impending inevitability, fears are doubled and often accompanied by other unpleasant emotions.

deathThis is all energy that could be put to better use. If we view death as a beginning, necessary to prepare for a rebirth, and as a change in consciousness through the removal of limitations, then death becomes more of a desirable event than a threat. Certain groups now devoted to the healing of the personality will eventually undertake the essential task of opening the individual to the positive aspects of death. There will come a happy expectancy and an understanding of the need to restore the parts of the personality to their places of origin prior to incarnation.

The problem of immortality

The idea of immortality is based on the idea that under divine law nothing is lost; i.e., life is a continuum. The question of immortality is considered in one of three ways: 1) the materialist says that death is the end of all life because there is no proof to support life in any other form once the physical body has disappeared; 2) many religions allow for a continuing life and consciousness after death as long as the individual professes a belief in certain theological or philosophical propositions, and those who refuse to believe these tenets just disappear after death or are transferred to some undesirable location; 3) the concept of reincarnation (or rebirth), as described in esoteric teachings and many Eastern religions, applies to all, believers and non-believers, and solves the problem of immortality by suggesting that perfection (our highest goal) takes many lifetimes.

The fear of death can be reduced by accepting two ideas based on the third approach: 1) the fact of the immortal soul and 2) the need to live in a form in order to perfect the soul’s ability to perform its purpose. The constant interplay between life in and out of form generates cyclic creativity that is the basis of evolution toward perfection.

As our awareness moves from emphasis on the personality form to an emphasis on the soul, so will we gradually lose our fear of the disappearing physical form. In the world of the soul, there is no death; therefore as we abandon our fixation on the material life, so will our fear of death dissipate. One of the predominant fears is that of the loneliness of the spirit entity after death. In fact (and we have been assured of this by those who have had near-death experiences), we are reunited with family and friends after death, and we also have full access to the thoughts and feelings of those still in the physical form as well as continuing to have our own thoughts and feelings. The loneliness at

birth is actually far greater because of the limitations imposed by a physical constitution.

The fear engendered by various theologies is without foundation: there is no angry God, no hell and no need to pardon sins through some institution or system of belief. In the future, study of the technique of dying will be a practice known to all, and it will help to remove fear and dependence.

Understanding the experience of death

Actually we die each time we go to sleep, although it’s a temporary passing. There are two energy streams (or threads) that enliven us. One relates to the brain and nervous system, and the second to the heart and circulatory system. When we sleep, the consciousness thread of energy detaches from the brain and is focused elsewhere until we awaken. During sleep we are unconscious in the physical sense. When we die, both the brain energy and the heart energy are removed, and the form commences its disintegration and returns to its original source.

At the moment of death, when the life force leaves the body (after severance of the life thread energy in the heart), it exits at one of three locations: 1) the top of the head, 2) the heart or 3) the solar plexus (at about waist level). The spiritually oriented person uses the head exit; the person of goodwill uses the heart, and those primarily oriented to the physical and emotional life exit at the solar plexus. Naturally we want to strive for the highest exit, because the next lifetime is influenced by our development in this lifetime.

The coming technique of dying will allow us to prepare for and control our passing and to treat death as a triumphant finale and a glorious prelude to a conscious exit. This new attitude will eliminate sorrow, grief and all sense of loss for those remaining behind. Death then becomes a greater celebration than birth. This new technique of dying will involve two lines of practice. The first requires long preparation before death and utilizes four disciplines: 1) a constant focus in the head achieved by thought and meditation, 2) group service to humanity, 3) eventual control of consciousness just before sleep, and 4) attention to the withdrawing process at sleep. The second line of practice deals with the environment at the deathbed and utilizes silence (no talking), color, music, pressure points, use of the Sacred Word (OM) and mantras.

The three phases of death

In the first phase, just before the moment of death, the physical body loses its ability to maintain itself, and the etheric body (the vital energy body) withdraws from one of the three exits previously mentioned. The key to this phase is the “word of withdrawal” sounded by the soul. This commences a series of steps in the process of restoring the physical and vital bodies to their original source for future use.

The second phase involves casting off and eliminating both the emotional and mental bodies, just as the physical and vital bodies were cast away. But first, time is spent in the emotional body until all emotional and desire activities are balanced; then consciousness is shifted to the mental body where further balancing is undertaken. During the time in these two bodies, progress depends to a large extent upon habits created during life. A highly emotional person spends substantial time resolving these self-created conditions. The disintegration of the emotional body is known as the “second death,” and the disintegration of the mental body is the “third death.” In the third phase of absorption or integration, the human soul is brought to its original source, the Universal Soul. Thereafter, preparation is made for rebirth.

The wider purpose of death

The wider purpose of death relates to the evolutionary need for new forms. As evolution begins to accelerate, progress requires a rapid succession of physical forms (personalities). This acceleration creates a higher vibration within the Planet, and a higher vibration requires more bodies in order for the soul to gain Earth experience. In each case death is followed by a resurrection (or rising up) that generates something new and useful, and thus the evolutionary process is promoted. The cycle of resurrection and liberation is a never-ending force in the Universe.

For a fuller treatment of these ideas, we recommend our booklet Death: Entrance Into Fuller Life. For those who want more information on the experiential aspect of dying, we recommend studies of the near-death experience (NDE) by P.M.H. Atwater, Raymond Moody and others. For those interested, a website sponsored by the International Association for Near-Death Studies can be found at

Neville Goddard

Neville Goddard – The Power of Awareness

This past week I picked up another book by Neville Goddard. This time it was The Power Of Awareness. Neville was a pioneer of what we today call “New Thought”. In his early lectures and books he dealt solely with what he called The Law, the technique of creating one’s physical reality through imagining.

He wrote books and lectured widely up to the time of death in 1972.

The power of his writings is in his unique way of presenting the ideas which can be quite slippery at first. As we are not used to thinking about “how” we think… we simply are content with thinking. As Neville points out, it is in the concepts we believe to be true about us and others that creates what we will see in the world.

Neville Goddard Insights

The basis for his teaching as well as his life centers on the understanding of proper use of the imagination to create or better, to manifest what ever you want in the world. Understanding that everything you want is already here, it’s not going to come from Mars or any where other than here. For you to experience it, you must get in alignment with the results of what you want. You do this by first picturing you having the desire in your life. Second get the feeling of the desire or the wish as already being fulfilled and life FROM that concept being true. With consistent feeling this in your imagination and then taking it into the world, you will begin seeing and experiencing that which you are feeling.

“Form a mental image, a picture of the state desired, of the person you want to be. Concentrate your attention upon the feeling that you are already that person. First, visualize the picture in your consciousness. Then feel yourself to be in that state as though it actually formed your surrounding world. By your imagination that which was a mere mental image is changed into a seemingly solid reality. The great secret is a controlled imagination and a well-sustained attention firmly and repeatedly focused on the object to be accomplished. It cannot be emphasized too much that, by creating an ideal within your mental sphere, by assuming that you are already that ideal, you identify yourself with it and thereby transform yourself into its image [thinking from the ideal instead of thinking of the ideal. Every state is already there as “mere possibilities” as long as we think of them, but as overpoweringly real when we think from them]. “ From the Power of Awareness


Neville and the Bible

I will not attempt to quote hundreds of bibilical quotes Neville has used to teach this from the bible other than one that has had me find success in 2 others businesses when i repeated and lived from this idea…. “Those things what so ever you desire, when ye pray, believe ye have already received them and ye shall have them.” Straight forward stuff…. what ever you want, believe you already have and you will have.

Want to find out how to achieve results you’ve yet to achieve, well it’s not in doing more, it having a clear idea of what you want, using your imagination to feel it is already fulfilled and live your life from that belief. You will see your dreams become reality!

You can download Neville Goddard’s books on Amazon and to your kindle. Enjoy




Neville Neville

What are the Ethics of Permaculture?

What are the Ethics of Permaculture?

What is Permaculture? I had no real concept that I could explain until yesterday.Permaculture

Have you ever been in an industry or career that you could not easily explain to others? At several times in my life- as an online marketer, network marketer or even entrepreneur who produced expositions and tradeshows- people had a difficult time understanding how it was that I actually earned my income.

Flash forward many years and I have found it difficult to describe to other friends and family members what my son in law does (or teaches) for his “livelihood”….and so I did what any “modern computer savvy woman” would do….I went to the browser of my computer and “googled What is Permaculture”. What I found was totally fascinating and thought it was worth sharing. All credit goes to Maddy Harland. Keith, congratulations on the important and educational work that you do!

Permaculture is primarily a thinking tool for designing low carbon, highly productive systems but its influence can be very pervasive! What can start as a journey towards living a more ecologically balanced lifestyle can go far deeper, even transforming our worldview and radically altering behavior. This is the inspirational nature of permaculture- it is a means of connecting each of us more deeply to nature’s patterns and wisdom and of practically applying that understanding in our daily lives.

The discipline of permaculture design

permacultureis based on observing what makes natural systems endure; establishing simple yet effective principles, and using them to mirror nature in whatever we choose to design. This can be gardens, farms, buildings, woodlands, communities, businesses, even towns and cities. Permaculture is essentially about creating beneficial relationships between individual elements and making sure energy is captured in, rather than lost from, a system. Its application is only as limited as our imaginations.

Permaculture is not just a green way of living or a guiding system of ethics, it is a way of designing using nature’s principles as a model; ‘bending’ them as much as possible to create fertile, self-reliant, productive landscapes and communities. This is what defines permaculture and it is uniquely effective and powerful. Where permaculture stands out from the crowd as a design system is in its capacity to integrate the intellect with ethics. It can teach us to ‘think’ with the heart and respond with the head. By combining pragmatism with philosophy, we can create a greater synthesis.

The three ethics are: Earth Care, People Care and Fair Shares. They are not exclusive to permaculture and were derived from the commonalities of many worldviews and beliefs. They are therefore shared by many throughout the world. What permaculture does is it makes them explicit within a design process; removing them from the realms of philosophy and practically rooting them in everybody’s lives. This transforms thinking into doing. It is their combined presence within a design that has a radical capacity for ecological and social transformation.

Earth Care

Imagine the originators of Permaculture

Bill Mollison and David Holmgren, in the 1970s, seeing the devastating effects of a temperate European agriculture on the fragile soils of an ancient Antipodean landscape. Like the dust bowls of Oklahoma in the 1930s, an alien agriculture has the capacity to turn a delicately balanced ecology into desert. Their initial response was to design a permanent agriculture with tree crops and other perennials inhabiting all the niches, from the canopy to the ground cover and below. The soil is left untilled to establish its own robust micro-ecology. Key to this is that the land must be bio-diverse and stable for future generations.

This ethic of Earth Care was the basis of permaculture design, but it was bound to grow and pervade all aspects of permaculture... How can we have an organic agriculture or horticulture and manage our landscapes to sustain themselves over generations on one hand, and then consume goods from industries managed in ecologically damaging ways on the other? It’s pointless designing an organic garden and then buying a gas guzzling car or building a house from concrete and steel, when we can use local materials with less embodied energy.

The original vision of care for all living and non-living things has grown to embrace a deep and comprehensive understanding of Earth Care that involves many decisions; from the clothes we wear and the goods we buy to the materials we use for DIY projects. Though we can’t all build our own house or grow all our own food, we can make choices about what and how we consume and conserve. Key to this is the understanding that up to one third of our ecological footprint is taken up by the food we buy, so even growing a small amount in a city allotment or container garden can make a difference. Permaculture is all about making a difference.

People Care

permacultureFundamental to permaculture is the concept of Permanent Culture. How can we develop a permaculture if our people are expendable, uncared for, excluded? People Care asks that our basic needs for food, shelter, education, employment and healthy social relationships are met. Genuine People Care can-not be exclusive in a tribal sense; there can be no elites here: no plutocracies or oligarchies, all members of the community must be taken into account. It is a global ethic of Fair-trade and intelligent support amongst all people, both at home and abroad.

At the core of People Care is an understanding of the power of community. If we can change our lives as individuals and make incremental differences: think what we can do as a community! The permaculture designers who helped initiate Cuba’s post oil urban agriculture are a good example. They mobilized a whole country to become self-reliant. Eco-villages and cohousing communities who can significantly reduce their ecological footprint by sharing resources are other good examples.

In smaller ways; in our cities, towns and villages, we can all benefit from deepening community links. I may not have all the skills to grow all my food or eco-renovate my house, for example, but by developing good networks I can expand my capacity to live more sustainably and become more self-reliant. This is a decentralized, democratic vision of social transformation where grass-roots initiatives like the Transition Towns movement can begin to plan for a low carbon ‘energy descent’ on a community level. There is no time to wait for central government to act, or eventually to react.

Fair Shares

The last ethic synthesizes the first two. It acknowledges that we only have one earth and we have to share it with all living things and future generations. There is no point in designing a sustainable family unit, community, or nation whilst others languish without clean water, clean air, food, shelter, meaningful employment, and social contact. Since the industrialized North uses the resources of at least three earths, and much of the global South languishes in poverty, Fair Shares is an acknowledgement of this terrible imbalance and a call to limit consumption (especially of natural resources) in the North.

Permaculture fundamentally rejects the industrial growth model of the global North at the core of its ethics, and aspires to design fairer, more equitable systems that take into account the limits of the planet’s resources and the needs of all living beings. Whilst these permaculture ethics are more like moral values or codes of behavior, they are not enough on their own.

We need the principles of permaculture to provide a set of universally applicable guidelines that can be used in designing sustainable systems. Otherwise, permaculture becomes merely a lifestyle choice within an existing unsustainable system. These principles can be inherent in any perma-culture design, in any climate, and on any scale. They have been derived from the thoughtful observation of nature and from earlier work by ecologists, landscape designers and environmental science…

Credit for this easy to understand article on Permaculture Ethics goes to Maddy Harland. Thank you ….this helps me understand my son in law’s actions, creations and plans for their beautiful farm land in Vermont. I know next time I drive onto the farm land I will have a much clearer understanding AND appreciation for what I once thought was a random layout of the land.

Great resources on Permaculture Design can be found in Permaculture Magazine- which is a quarterly magazine. They have generously made available the availability to download or subscribe below.

Or pick up a copy of Permaculture Magazine. Download a free copy of the magazine or subscribe here. If you haven’t yet read a copy of Permaculture, you’re missing out. This quarterly magazine is full to the brim with the latest permaculture news, techniques and debate, covering not just permaculture design and permaculture gardens, but also the application of permaculture to life as a whole, including allocating fair shares amongst our growing population, and investigating how we can work and live together as people in a constructive and harmonious way.

So here’s a chance for you to download, for free, a complete copy of Permaculture to read at your leisure. We hope you’ll agree that it really is worth subscribing to Permaculture, to ensure that you always get your copy, for a discounted price, before they even reach the shops.

Design and Education for Ecological Culture Keith Morris

Joy & Dave




The Dangers of BVO Revealed

The dangers of BVO

Manufactures us BVO to make many soft drinks look better. It assists in not having the ingredients separate and look better on the shelves.

Many countries of Europe, Japan and others have outlawed the use of BVO(originally developed as a fire retartand for children’s stores. WHAT ?

According to Wikepedia, BVO is vegetable oil that has had atoms of the element bromine bonded to it. Brominated vegetable oil is used to stabilize citrus-flavored soft drinks. Its high density helps the droplets of natural fat-soluble citrus flavors stay suspended in the drink. BVO has been used by the soft drink industry since 1931, generally at a level of about 8 ppm.

Excellent article here on BVO

PepsiCo cuts flame retardant BVO from US Gatorade but not Mountain Dew

A 16-year-old student is claiming victory after PepsiCo announced it will remove emulsifier Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO) from Gatorade in the US, but the firm says it will continue to use the patented flame retardant in Mountain Dew.

Saw this 16 year old girl who started this push on Dr.OZ today(1-30-2013)

Brominated Vegetable Oil: Industry Statements on BVO

Below is a statement on behalf of the FDA:

“The FDA understands that some consumers may have concerns about brominated vegetable oil (BVO) in food products. Based on its review of the science, the FDA has determined that BVO is safe and presents no health risks at the permitted level of 15 parts per million”

For more information, visit

Below is a statement on behalf of the American Beverage Association:

“The current conversation surrounding brominated vegetable oil is more sensational than substantive. Brominated vegetable oil or BVO, which is used in some beverages, improves the stability of the beverage by preventing some ingredients from separating. It is a safe ingredient permitted by the FDA and is listed on the ingredient statement when present in a beverage. Importantly, consumers can rest assured that our products are safe and our industry adheres to all government regulations.”

For more information, visit

Below is a statement on behalf of PepsiCo, makers of Gatorade:

“Gatorade prides itself in having deep relationships with consumers and athletes. As standard practice we constantly evaluate our formulas and ingredients to ensure they comply with federal regulations and meet the high quality standards our consumers and athletes expect – from functionality to great taste. We’ve followed these principles and guidelines since Gatorade was invented in 1965.
We appreciate Sarah as fan of Gatorade and her concern has been heard.”

For more information, visit

If you would like to learn how to share trending news, Youtube videos, and other crazy information and get paid to do it then you need to take a look at the Viral Blogging platform called Empower Network and learn how to get paid to do it!


(VIDEO) Empower Network Viral Blogging Platform


It all starts by clicking here to getting started

Now that you have read my blog post here are the steps you need to take

Step 1

Click on this link and register to get more information

Step 2

Watch the video


Step 3

Fill out the form and register to get started. It’s only $25!

Once you have registered you will receive a welcome e mail and will be given access to our exclusive “Private” team training website.

This training will give you detailed step by step training on the marketing tools and strategies you can use to generate the same top income I earn every month with Empower Network

P.S. Have questions about making money in Empower Network?

Get all your frequently asked questions answered right here! <-

P.P.S. Ready to have access the same exact system I am currently using to generate thousands of dollars every month online?

Just Get In right here!

Dave & Joy





Is YouTube Out of Control ?

Is YouTube Out of Control ?

I say it is. We all love to be entertained and I love to watch funny videos. The latest is The Flip Side…. But yesterday Youtube said 2 of my videos violated their terms of service! And suspended my account for 2 weeks. They wouldn’t say how. I emailed them 4 times and kept getting a standard email back. Here’s the whole story….

YouTube makes rules up as they go

I ran 2 videos on the opportunity I am in which is the Empower Network. Now the 2 videos were me, a 56 year old guy sitting in my living room, talking about how we are generating free leads and how our comp plan passes up sales. That’s it. I didn’t hammer any other companies(hell I didn’t mention any). What’s up YouTube?

So Why did YouTube suspend my account?

1. They have gotten so big and powerful, they can suspend anyone tied to a company that is driving a lot of traffic to their own sites and away from the YouTube site. 2. YouTube doesn’t make the same advertising income if I embed video to my blog. Because i use YouTube the way they suggested when they were small trying to grow large, by encouraging people to embed and link to YouTube. Now, if they are losing money, they say “we” are not the problem. The biggest peeve is that handle it with such arrogance. We are bigger than you, so we make the rules. I believe YouTube’s approach in the long term, is going to create more sites popping up and taking market share from them. And this should happen. I’ve already begun signing up with 3 other services.

Join us helping everyday people create an amazing income from home!

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How We Earn Money with Empower Network

Earn Money with Empower Network

Likely you’ve seen or heard about the Empower Network. Especially if you’ve been doing any type of internet marketing or searching for a lead generating program. Well here it is.

Earn Money with Empower Network – products

Earn Money with Empower Network Products The Empower Network sells a blogging system to assist you in generating free leads, and 4 other educational, informational and timely programs to take your internet marketing efforts to what ever level of success you are looking for.

Earn Money with Empower’s Comp plan

I want to take 9 minutes to cover what you may not know about how to earn money with Empower Network’s compensation plan and how the pass up sales can be your biggest money maker!


Join us

Right here, right now, you have a unique opportunity to change your life – and by that, I mean – make more money and be more free – and do it without the typical set-up and hassles that most programs require you to “jump through”.

More good news about your ability to earn money with Empower: we pay 100% commissions on our core product line, and we’re proud of that. Because we started this company to help our teams succeed (without the usual roadblocks)- and to improve the quality of our people’s lives – and now, to now give you a vehicle to you can use to live your dreams (whatever those may be).

Last bit of good news for now: Our system works (as you can see). Thousands of people are getting results. Most of whom, have struggled for years until now.

If you would like to learn how to share trending news, Youtube videos, and other crazy information and get paid to do it then you need to take a look at the Viral Blogging platform called Empower Network and learn how to get paid to do it!


(VIDEO) Empower Network Viral Blogging Platform


It all starts by clicking here to getting started

Now that you have read my blog post here are the steps you need to take

Step 1

Click on this link and register to get more information

Step 2

Watch the video


Step 3

Fill out the form and register to get started. It’s only $25!

Once you have registered you will receive a welcome e mail and will be given access to our exclusive “Private” team training website.

This training will give you detailed step by step training on the marketing tools and strategies you can use to generate the same top income I earn every month with Empower Network

P.S. Have questions about making money in Empower Network?

Get all your frequently asked questions answered right here! <-

P.P.S. Ready to have access the same exact system I am currently using to generate thousands of dollars every month online?

Just Get In right here!

Dave & Joy



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Earn Money with Empower Network

Earn Money with Empower Network