Samsung The Next Big Thing

Samsung The Next Big Thing

This has to be one of the funniest Videos out there. Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd display exactly what its like when 2 guys friends get together and how we talk and respond.

The Big Pitch is here! In our complete ad for the 2013 Big Game, Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd make their pitch to represent The Next Big Thing

Samsung The Next Big Thing

Now, I wasn’t consisdering buying a Samsung phone, but after that video, I am begining to feel like Samsung gets me! And isn’t that why we buy what we buy.

The Next Big Thing is advertising to Connect beliefs

Most companies want to sell their stuff by telling you how great it is and what it can do. Inovative companies want to connect with you their beliefs. Apple is a perfect example. they sell their “we challenge the status quo” feeling and people buy computers, ipads, ipods, iphones…. yet they don’t lead with the stuff… what is does, what it is… etc. They lead with Who they are. And that’s were you connect.

The Next Big Thing is how we connect and communicate our ideas to others. In this video, Samsung connected with guys and allowed us to sit in and watch as they bash each other and yet still stay friends. Clever Ad

The Next Big Thing – If you would like to learn how to share trending news, Youtube videos, and other crazy information and get paid to do it then you need to take a look at the Viral Blogging platform called Empower Network and learn how to get paid to do it!

Next Big Thing

(VIDEO) Empower Network Viral Blogging Platform


It all starts by clicking here to getting started

Now that you have read my blog post here are the steps you need to take

Step 1 Decide you want to have fun and make money Click on this link and register to get more information

Step 2 Watch the video

Step 3 Fill out the form and register to get started. It’s only $25!

Once you have registered you will receive a welcome e mail and will be given access to our exclusive “Private” team training website.

This training will give you detailed step by step training on the marketing tools and strategies you can use to generate the same top income I earn every month with Empower Network

P.S. Have questions about making money in Empower Network?

Get all your frequently asked questions answered right here! <-

P.P.S. Ready to have access the same exact system I am currently using to generate thousands of dollars every month online?

Just Get In right here!

Dave DeBerardinis

1-802-777-9060 c


The Next Big Thing

Share From Your Heart if You Want to Move Others to Action

Share From Your Heart if You want to Move Others to Action


Ever wonder why some people and speak and it moves you to action. Are they blessed or is there a way for you to connect with others at a base level.

We all are taught to think and make decisions with our minds, using logic and rational. But is that really how we arrive at a decision. Rational, logic may be what you tell your friends why you bought the car you drive… like the gas mileage, the safety features, the size…… etc….. but the real reason, the one that put you over the top was likely more of … “It felt good behind the wheel.” or even “I look so HOT driving this!” right? That’s not your rational mind…. it’s your heart.

short video story I heard over 30 years ago explaining the difference between being rational, technically correct and cause people to move, to take action!

Speak from your Heart

Share from your heart allows others to include you in theirs!

If you would like to learn how to share trending news, Youtube videos, and other crazy information and get paid to do it then you need to take a look at the Viral Blogging platform called Empower Network and learn how to get paid to do it!

(VIDEO) Empower Network Viral Blogging Platform

It all starts by clicking here to getting started

Now that you have read my blog post here are the steps you need to take

Step 1 Click on this link and register to get more information

Step 2 Watch the video

Step 3 Fill out the form and register to get started. It’s only $25!

Once you have registered you will receive a welcome e mail and will be given access to our exclusive “Private” team training website.

This training will give you detailed step by step training on the marketing tools and strategies you can use to generate the same top income I earn every month with Empower Network

P.S. Have questions about making money in Empower Network?

Get all your frequently asked questions answered right here! <-

P.P.S. Ready to have access the same exact system I am currently using to generate thousands of dollars every month online?

Just Get In right here!

Dave DeBerardinis

1-802-777-9060 c





Valentine’s Day 2013

Valentine’s Day

6 years ago, I had just moved to Phoenix AZ and thought it would be good to get out and start making new friends.

I joined a website called and began setting up meetings with a # of women. Now I learned quick that it was going to be real expense if we met for dinner(and I always believed the guy should pay) also if there wasn’t and easy connecting almost immediately, I knew this wasn’t going to work out even as friends, I couldn’t wait to get the hell out.

I further realized that meeting for a drink would not be a good idea either. After 2 or 3 drinks, even I start looking good to others! So I hit upon the idea of Coffee and Conversation. We would meet at a coffee shop…. I chose Starbucks as they were plentiful in the area and most everyone could find them.

It gave both parties an easy out if there was not a connection.

Jan. 6, 2007, I was meeting this lady at a Starbucks in Tempe, AZ. She was a few minutes late that day. She walked in, we recognized each other from our posted pictures, grabbed some coffee and sat down. We sat there for 3 hours, just talking. We moved later to a small outside restaurant and sat outside have some hors d’oeuvres and a glass of wine.

5 hours that evening and we had felt that we knew each other for ever.

Like the line in When Harry Met Sally goes…. when you know you want to spend your life with someone you want it to start right now. We’ve been together almost daily for over 6 years!

This morning as a surprise I (Dave) posted a video on Facebook wishing Joy a Happy Valentine’s Day and spoke of how we met 6 plus years ago. Joy loved it and within 30 minutes had made her own video and spoke about her version of how we met!

Later in the day we decide to both sit in front of the camera, aka “When Harry Met Sally” and allow the world to see both of us talking about the events of the year beginning 2007.

I’ve combined all 3 videos here… total time under 11 minutes…. Hope you enjoy

A Valentine Story…. My Version, Her Version and then the Truth!

This is just the beginning! I love you Deb-Joy!


Why I Do what I Do

Why I do what I do

Tonight after listening to a fabulous call with people achieving a level of success I’ve always sought after. I went to bed. Unable to sleep, I got up, went back to the computer desk and started writing on a pad of paper

What is my why and why is it important that I achieve it? I listed the usual, money, lifestyle, being fulfilled and content, supporting family etc… but something felt cold and distant. In fact I had felt that many times before as i wrote out the list of things that I would have and do with all of the success I would have.

Tonight I wouldn’t have any part of it. These things really don’t motive me. I really don’t give a shit about the car, the house…. I do care about my family and being able to support them if needed.

I began looking at “how” I lived my life. What I did on a consistent basis interacting with myself, life and others.

As a child I would walk the entire campground after we had set up our site. Within 20 minutes I would know where everything was and would come back and report to the family. Why?


I notice that when I’m exposed to new information, during the act of listening or reading, at that moment I am already formulating how I can show it, or explain it to others. It’s automatic. I’m not trying to do it, I’m just doing it. Why?

When I heard a lady who was 100 lbs. over weight tell me diets don’t work…. I spent 20 minutes explaining how our body metabolizes and how her low food intake diets were actually making her fatter. She was so thankful. I had nothing to gain from spending time with her. But I had to make certain she got it. Why?

It occurred to me that my real purpose is to make certain those around me are safe and taken care of. That they have an understanding of the information at hand to navigate through their life. Why?

Upon looking at myself it occurred to me that I was living out my needs and requirements to navigate through my life. To be safe and not be lost.

My fears are of not understanding something, of not knowing, of being lost. Seeing this run my life for the first time at this depth explains why I do what I do. And for the first time begins to answer “What is my purpose?”

I naturally filter new information and process it instantly so I can immediately explain it to others and they understand. I can understand something clearly enough to teach and explain it to them so they can have a fabulous life. So they can love themselves more. My Purpose is to gather people to me so I can keep them safe.

I believe that we all teach what we need to learn. We live out here only as we see the world. Sharing “from” that is your purpose!

Perhaps like me, the “how” you live your life might explain the “Why” you live your life.


Welcome your comments and shares…

If you would like to learn how to share trending news, Youtube videos, and other crazy information and get paid to do it then you need to take a look at the Viral Blogging platform called Empower Network and learn how to get paid to do it!


(VIDEO) Empower Network Viral Blogging Platform


It all starts by clicking here to getting started

Now that you have read my blog post here are the steps you need to take

Step 1

Click on this link and register to get more information

Step 2

Watch the video

Step 3

Fill out the form and register to get started. It’s only $25!

Once you have registered you will receive a welcome e mail and will be given access to our exclusive “Private” team training website.

This training will give you detailed step by step training on the marketing tools and strategies you can use to generate the same top income I earn every month with Empower Network

P.S. Have questions about making money in Empower Network?

Get all your frequently asked questions answered right here! <-

P.P.S. Ready to have access the same exact system I am currently using to generate thousands of dollars every month online?

Just Get In right here!

Dave DeBerardinis

1-802-777-9060 c

Navy SEAL Who Killed Osama bin Laden Has No Job or Health Care

Navy SEAL Who Killed Osama bin Laden Has No Job or Health Care

OMG. Now, it’s OK if you agree with our government’s actions or if you do not, but the fact remains we still need to take care of those who we send into harms way.

From the Esquire Article “For the first time, the Navy SEAL who killed Osama bin Laden tells his story — speaking not just about the raid and the three shots that changed history, but about the personal aftermath for himself and his family. And the startling failure of the United States government to help its most experienced and skilled warriors carry on with their lives.” Read more:

Navy SEAL Who Killed Osama

The reality is this. Navy SEAL Who Killed OsamaThe shooter, Navy SEAL Who Killed Osama, when he retires after only 16 years in the military, not the 20 years needed to continue health insurance, his body filled with scar tissue, arthritis, tendonitis, eye damage, and blown disks, here is what he gets from his employer and a grateful nation:

Nothing. No pension, no healthcare and no protection for his family. Imagine if the word got out that he was the one to kill Osama Bin Laden.

From our Commander in Chief:

“No one who fights for this country overseas should ever have to fight for a job,” Barack Obama said last Veterans’ Day, “or a roof over their head, or the care that they have earned when they come home.” Read more: Don’t just say something…. back it up!


Navy SEAL Who Killed Osama

The Reality is that our country has left him and his family out to dry. We are better than that. Our men and women that we entrust to protect us deserve better!

Navy SEAL Who Killed Osama

They deserve our best too.

If you would like to learn how to share trending news, Youtube videos, and other crazy information and get paid to do it then you need to take a look at the Viral Blogging platform called Empower Network and learn how to get paid to do it!


(VIDEO) Empower Network Viral Blogging Platform


It all starts by clicking here to getting started

Now that you have read my blog post here are the steps you need to take

Step 1

Click on this link and register to get more information

Step 2

Watch the video

Step 3

Fill out the form and register to get started. It’s only $25!

Once you have registered you will receive a welcome e mail and will be given access to our exclusive “Private” team training website.

This training will give you detailed step by step training on the marketing tools and strategies you can use to generate the same top income I earn every month with Empower Network

P.S. Have questions about making money in Empower Network?

Get all your frequently asked questions answered right here! <-

P.P.S. Ready to have access the same exact system I am currently using to generate thousands of dollars every month online?

Just Get In right here!

Dave DeBerardinis

1-802-777-9060 c



Navy SEAL Who Killed Osama

Navy SEAL Who Killed Osama

What is PTC? Paid To Click

What is PTC?

Getting paid to click ads is a legitimate online money making business. So yes you can get paid to click ads. These websites are known as Paid to Click websites. These websites offer some ads and pay you to click them. Often these ads are worth 1 cent, however, do not let this fool you. As you refer people to your website you will earn off of their clicks as well.

NeoBux, ClixSense and other PTC programs are designed for both advertisers and for people wanting to earn money by viewing advertisements.

Let’s talk about PTC for advertisers:

Clixsense is a worldwide site that allows you to have your website shown to thousands of potential customers for pennies per showing. As of today ClixSense has delivered over 848,813,021 views to advertisers’ websites since 2007 ! Today I bought 5000 clicks for only $9.50. Had a few sign up this morning too!

Online marketing can expect 1.6% to 3% of people sign up and buy with out ever talking with them. So this can just be a numbers game. Once you know the metrics, meaning how many people sign up, how much your average income is per person, then it’s just a simple matter of adding enough ad budget to get the result you want.

PTC and The Empower Network

Many online products do not pay enough profit to make paid forms of advertising work. Many only offer a 20-30% profit margin. This makes it tough to earn income. At the Empower Network we earn 100% commission! This is huge! With 100% commissions you are receiving a higher payout and can afford more advertising!

To learn more about PTC join us in Empower and let us teach you how to create an unlimited number of leads for a very low cost! We even have a way to generate Free leads that works.

If you would like to learn how to share trending news, Youtube videos, and other crazy information and get paid to do it then you need to take a look at the Viral Blogging platform called Empower Network and learn how to get paid to do it!


(VIDEO) Empower Network Viral Blogging Platform


It all starts by clicking here to getting started

Now that you have read my blog post here are the steps you need to take

Step 1

Click on this link and register to get more information

Step 2

Watch the video


Step 3

Fill out the form and register to get started. It’s only $25!

Once you have registered you will receive a welcome e mail and will be given access to our exclusive “Private” team training website.

This training will give you detailed step by step training on the marketing tools and strategies you can use to generate the same top income I earn every month with Empower Network

P.S. Have questions about making money in Empower Network?

Get all your frequently asked questions answered right here! <-

P.P.S. Ready to have access the same exact system I am currently using to generate thousands of dollars every month online?

Just Get In right here!

Dave & Joy


Skype: dave.deberardinis


The Empower Scam Blog for Newbies

The Empower Scam Blog for Newbies

I hear this question often about Empower being a Scam for Newbies! ”

“Can an utter newbie, without any on line skills, or background in sales or marketing able to make money with the Empower Network?”

Would you agree that to be a scam, the average person would not be able to do this? That the average, non-techie would just be in over their heads? Clueless? Dumbfounded? Wasted money…. again?

My partner, Joy, is a perfect example of a Newbie to internet marketing. She decided to make a video of what she needs to know to be successful….

Check it out

Any questions?

Join us! Everything including all the “how to’s” are here!

Empower Scam

Blogging is simply a way for others to connect with you. People are interested in people and what they are doing…. I can prove that with the word….. FaceBook ! Right?

If you would like to learn how to share trending news, Youtube videos, and other crazy information and get paid to do it then you need to take a look at the Viral Blogging platform called Empower Network and learn how to get paid to do it!


If you would like to learn how to share / blog what you know, even trending news, YouTube videos, and other crazy information and get paid to do it then you need to take a look at the Viral Blogging platform called Empower Network and learn how to get paid to do it!


Empower Scam

(VIDEO) Empower Network Viral Blogging Platform


It all starts by clicking here to getting started

Now that you have read my blog post here are the steps you need to take

Step 1 Decide you want to have fun and make money Click on this link and register to get more information

Step 2 Watch the video

Step 3 Fill out the form and register to get started. It’s only $25!

Once you have registered you will receive a welcome e mail and will be given access to our exclusive “Private” team training website.

This training will give you detailed step by step training on the marketing tools and strategies you can use to generate the same top income I earn every month with Empower Network

P.S. Have questions about making money in Empower Network?

Get all your frequently asked questions answered right here! <-

P.P.S. Ready to have access the same exact system I am currently using to generate thousands of dollars every month online?

Just Get In right here!

Dave DeBerardinis

1-802-777-9060 c

Skype: dave.deberardinis

Scam Scam Scam


Actinic Keratosis

The first time I was told by a dermatologist that I had Actinic Keratosis I thought I had a serious disease and was frightened! What a nasty and scary name for the rough and reddish spots on my face and back of my hands…that seemed to appear as I have aged. I am not sure if I prefer the terminology “pre-cancer” spots but that is basically what these unsightly spots are. Actinic Keratosis, also known as AKs are more common among fair skin individuals….of which I am! I am a natural redhead with freckles and “wherever the sun hits….I get a freckle!”

Like many people in their 50’s – few of us in our generation used sun screen as a young child or teen, and many –like myself- even resorted to baby oil using a record album with tin foil reflecting the sun ONTO our faces! In my 30’s I even used tanning beds on a regular basis… especially in the long Vermont winters!

What exactly is ACTINIC KERATOSIS?

An actinic keratosis, also known as a solar keratosis, is a scaly or crusty growth (lesion). It most often appears on the bald scalp, face, ears, lips, backs of the hands and forearms, shoulders, neck or any other areas of the body frequently exposed to the sun. You’ll most often see the plural, “keratoses,” because there is seldom just one.

In the beginning, actinic keratoses are frequently so small that they are recognized by touch rather than sight. It feels as if you were running a finger over sandpaper. There are many times the number of invisible (subclinical) lesions as visible ones on the skin surface.

Most often, actinic keratoses develop slowly and reach a size from an eighth to a quarter of an inch. Early on, they may disappear only to reappear later. Most become red, but some will be light or dark tan, pink, red, a combination of these, or the same color as your skin. Occasionally they itch or produce a pricking or tender sensation. They can also become inflamed and surrounded by redness. In rare instances, actinic keratoses can even bleed, which I have personally experienced.

If you have actinic keratoses, it indicates that you have sustained sun damage and could develop any kind of skin cancer – not just squamous cell carcinoma. These pre-cancers commonly occur on the face and the back of the hands.

Below is a photo of the back of my hand…. Followed by a photo of a man’s handactinic keratosesactinic keratoses who did a before and after comparison after using NeriumAD, a night treatment with Nerium Oleander. I wish I had thought to do a close up of my hands using the NeriumAD!

People with a fair complexion, blond or red hair, and blue, green or grey eyes (Identify Your Skin Type) have a high likelihood of developing one or more of these common precancers if they spend time in the sun and live long enough. Location makes a difference: The closer to the equator you live the more likely you are to have actinic keratoses. Although I grew up in Vermont (one of the greyest states, second only to Seattle Washington) I did move to Florida when I was in my 40’s and then to Arizona in my 50’s….and yes, I just HAD to own a convertible during some of those years!

Statistics show that the incidence of developing AKs is slightly higher in men, because they tend to spend more time in the sun and use less sun protection than women do. African-Americans, Hispanics, Asians and others with darker skin are not as susceptible as Caucasians.

Actinic keratosis can be the first step leading to

squamous cell carcinoma

and is therefore known as a “precancer.” Although the vast majority of actinic keratoses remain benign, some studies report that up to ten percent may advance to squamous cell carcinoma. This percentage does not sound very large, but it has a large impact. When it comes to squamous cell carcinomas, 40-60 percent begin as untreated actinic keratoses and may advance to invade the surrounding tissues. About 2 to 10 percent of these squamous cell carcinomas spread to the internal organs and are life-threatening.

The more keratoses you have, the greater the chance that one or more may turn into skin cancer. In fact, some scientists interpret actinic keratosis as the earliest form of squamous cell carcinoma.

In 2004 I had a squamous skin care lesion removed from my right shoulder. Since that time I go to my dermatologist every 6 months for a routine check-up and that is why I know as much as I do about AK’s. Usually the doctors love to biopsy, burn or scrape off unusual or rough spots on my face or hands- however since using a product called NeriumAD the majority of my AK’s are either reduced or gone!

I began using NeriumAD mid-July of 2012 and went to my dermatologist early January, 2013. She thought I had returned to another doctor for PDT (phyto-dynamic therapy) when in fact I have not. All I have been doing is using NeriumAD. (NeriumAD is a night care skin care treatment, originally being tested and used for skin cancer research. The unique formula with Nerium Oleander shows that in clinical trials that the average person, in a 30 day period, will benefit from an average of 30% in the appearance of the reduction of deep lines, fine lines, emerging lines, hyperpigmentation, enlarged pores, aging skin & sun-damage.

To learn more about Nerium please visit It has been tremendous for the health of my skin- with wrinkles, age spots and especially for the health of my skin with sun damage.

A gallery of photographs of actinic keratosis is available to help you identify them.

References: Actinic Keratosis

From Timothy DiChiara, Ph.D., former Guide

Updated February 10, 2009





Lead Generation for Dummies

Lead Generation for Dummies – yes, you’re in the right place!

Wanting to market online but having problems like Where Do I even Start to learn Lead Generation? I understand. Been there, done that, got the T-Shirt! The reality is that Internet marketing is not hard or all that complicated once you dig in and learn a couple of basics. Remember how hard it was to first right a bicycle or drive a car with a clutch? Same here, Little things practiced over and over.

Lead Generation Basics

First step in on line marketing is to identify why you are looking for the leads to find you. I know most people say its to make money or grow my business, But that is just not good enough. When ever YOU buy something, you relate and are attracted to the information that can assist you, not to the person selling it making money or growing their business.

I work my business to assist others in learning about Lead Generation so THEY can be successful, so THEY can earn more money, and so THEY can have the Life THEY want. Do you see the difference. This small difference will make all the difference in your success. You are either selling for your profit or for their benefit. You can tell the difference when you bump in to a sales person, don’t you think they can too? “You can get everything you want in life if you just help enough other people get what they want.” Zig Ziglar

Lead Generation Lesson 1 – Know Why You want to Assist Them

Don’t reinvent the wheel. Don’t! You don’t need to. I know I’m the guy who has wanted to go it alone, figure it out myself…… BullS*@#.

Here are the basics: Find a program to follow, Find a site, a person, a system to just plug in to! That’s it!

Lead GenerationHere at the Empower Network we have a system that taught me, through a series of videos and documents, EXACTLY how to do Lead Generation.

We product tons of free leads everyday. How? Through our Blogging system(only $25 to join). We blog(write) on lots of subjects that are near and dear to us. It’s not always about business. But it is always about connecting with others!

Here’s a Win-Win situation with Lead Generation

Create a way to promote a business and find a way to earn money promoting a business that shows others how to generate leads! What if you had more than one way to generate income. Ever heard of multiple streams of income? What if you had a program to help people in their current business AND a way to assist everybody in a 2nd income? Who wouldn’t want to do that?

Lead Generation for Everyone

Tired of running in to others in the network marketing business who don’t want to join your business? Here at the Empower Network we show people how to earn money with their existing business and how to earn money with Empower!

If you would like to learn how to share trending news, Youtube videos, and other crazy information and get paid to do it then you need to take a look at the Viral Blogging platform called Empower Network and learn how to get paid to do it!


(VIDEO) Empower Network Viral Blogging Platform


It all starts by clicking here to getting started

Now that you have read my blog post here are the steps you need to take

Step 1

Click on this link and register to get more information

Step 2

Watch the video


Step 3

Fill out the form and register to get started. It’s only $25!

Once you have registered you will receive a welcome e mail and will be given access to our exclusive “Private” team training website.

This training will give you detailed step by step training on the marketing tools and strategies you can use to generate the same top income I earn every month with Empower Network

P.S. Have questions about making money in Empower Network?

Get all your frequently asked questions answered right here! <-

P.P.S. Ready to have access the same exact system I am currently using to generate thousands of dollars every month online?

Just Get In right here!

Dave & Joy


Skype: dave.deberardinis



Lead Generation

My MLM Story

My MLM Story

I’m a traditional network marketer…..old fashion in my marketing approach. Sure, I use the computer but I had never generated my leads/customers through the internet. (Notice the word never…up til now….so read through this entire post!)

When I joined my FIRST MLM company, Matol Botanical, in the early 1990’s all I had was the phone and my circle of friends and family….so that is how I built my business and you are right…it didn’t grow too quickly! PHONE CALLS all day long and into the night….no wonder one shoulder –to this day- is higher than the other!

My kids were pre-teens in the early 1990s and with ONE phone line in the house- and no cell phones- that was not a fun experience!!! I remember being on a training call or with someone from my downline and one of my kids standing next to me with their hands on their hips literally watching their watch….as in “when the heck can THEY use the phone”! Surely it was more important than anything I may be saying…..

Yes, I have always been a ‘product person’ who in my networking career that spreads over 20 years off and on (mainly off) I always lead with the product- rather than the business. Of the handful of companies I have been a part of they were all in the nutritional industry and I LOVED the products and naturally consumed and sold only what I totally believed in! I spent a LOT of money consuming “from my own store” (as they say in MLM) but where did it get me financially? If I was lucky in the beginning, I broke even!

Well, I‘ve had a somewhat fun and successful run in this industry- working from home and earning enough to not have to have an outside income (job, Just over broke!), but I in order to earn what I had been earning each month I had to HAMMER the phones, talk to friends, family and even seek out strangers…and although I continued to preach the dream- the reality is I was living the nightmare…up until now…..

Being open to new MLM possibilities….

Last summer, July 2012 I was on my way to my job where I was managing a health club. It was in an industry I was passionate about but something important to me was missing. Dave and I had moved back to Vermont from Arizona when my first granddaughter was born… but I was always working…and didn’t have the time freedom to really spend as much time with her or my family as I had wanted. I worked crazy hours and was always working during the lunch and dinner hours because that is when the gym was busiest. I remember last year being resentful that I was missing the short window of summer in Vermont because I was always inside …and on top of that I was helping someone else (great owners) build THEIR dream business.

This is when I said ENOUGH….there has to be more! I literally threw my hands up into the air on my way to work that day and prayed out load for the Universe to hear my plea and to send me a business opportunity that I could wrap my head and heart around, work from home and earn a substantial income on my own terms. I had been my own boss for so many years and I craved and missed that time freedom. I remember praying and stating that I would be open to ANYTHING that was for my higher good…. And yes, EVEN if it was in an industry that was unfamiliar to me…..

….And I believe because of my sincere open mind, almost instantaneously I received a call from two different friends, who both told me about the same incredible product (here we go again!) and solid company (really- OK….prove it!) This time, unlike all others over the past two years, we really were intrigued and open minded…..Once we learned more – did our research- we realized it WAS something that we could embrace….and so we did. And this is when we joined Nerium International…..

Nerium fit what I was looking for on many levels. A Different Industry… It is in the Anti-Aging industry of Skin Care. The Anti-Aging industry is an $80-billion industry in the US, expected to grow to $114 billion in 3 years. (AND at age 55 that appealed to me and the product actually WORKS!)

9 out of 10 billion-dollar relationship marketing companies are in the beauty category (another great stat!)

Anti-aging is the highest-selling category in beauty. (another plus!)

Within 4 months of joining Nerium I gave my notice to my full time job and on that very day of a one month notice of leaving the job, my father had a massive heart attack. Needless to say, owning my own time, my own schedule and being available for his slow but steady recovery during the next crucial 2 month time period was something I am forever grateful! MLM Success

Because of our initial success with Nerium, by the end of the year, Dave had also given notice to his job….and this is when we really decided to buckle down as a team and make our home business even more profitable.

Up until that time we been leading with the product but soon began leading with the business– recognizing most people we know would love to earn an additional $300-500 a month or $3000-5,000 a month or more!

…and this is when our team began to grow….! ….and this is when we began to attract other people who also shared a similar dream of being self- employed…

and yet, damn it….something was still missing….and that is when had OUR ACCIDENTAL DISCOVERY… we learned of the EMPOWER NETWORK!

Originally we found the Empower Network for lead generation for our primary business, but as we delved into the online marketing system, we realized that there was really something very special and duplicatible with this company. My friends who know me are amazed that even I can do this…..

MLM Story get a Happy Ending

True, I am VERY much a newbie to online marketing….but with the brilliance of David Wood and David Sharpe even I can understand AND succeed in not only generating leads for our primary business, but earning residual income with EMPOWER –all within a couple days of joining….as we were learning.

Now if I am totally honest…The founder, David Wood seemed quirky to me and I have to admit when I first saw the video of David Wood describing the Empower Network I thought he was a “stoner”….fast talking- but sincere– but sometimes his verbiage was offensive to me- like calling out to people to step up and not be weenies- or wussies…. Or using the term bad-ass in his emails.

As a woman – perhaps old enough to be his mother, I kind of said, OK…whatever- I’ll do my best to get past those things and honestly I began to just let myself hear what this guy is saying. Once I was able to get past some of the words he was saying to really hear the substance of the program that he created, I got VERY excited. He and this company are really helping change the lives of the masses….and this time around- I am going to get OUT of my comfort zone, follow instructions on the training videos and have massive financial success.

There was one thing that bonded Dave and I to David Wood and Empower…

So what was this little thing?

It was a simple video.

As you watch the video, remember that David Wood and most of the other successful leaders started at square 1, just like you and everyone else had to do.

We all had to learn new skills..

We all had to make some mistakes..

After you have completed watching the short video, come back here and make the decision to join forces with us!

We’ve been where you are, and we know how you feel…

It’s time to partner with a team, OUR TEAM, a community who actually cares and who wants you to succeed. OUR upline sponsor is front line to the owners. How cool is that????

It’s time to make that change you’ve desperately been wanting.

When would NOW be a good time to start that journey?

1. Click on the banner below.
2. Fill out the information
3. Put in your credit card info and pay the $25 to get started NOW!!!



MLM Story


Joy & Dave



