(NEW VIDEO) Dennis made over $20,000 in 4 months…

using my EZ Money Formula System.

Take Dennis for example.

He’s already made
over $20,000
in just the past

4-months and he hasn’t even seriously started promoting this yet.

See for yourself:


>>>CLICK HERE to watch his video…

Keep in mind the
$20k he made is just from one of

the income streams (income stream #3 to be

that Mack’s EZMF System promotes.

If you’re
to do the same, go ahead over to…



your free EZMF System account and then

“plug-in” to the income streams that Mack will share with you on the final steps.

To Life Without Limits,

Dave DeBerardinis
Joy Edgerton

1-802-777-9060 Cell

Skype: dave.deberardinis










Connecting Health and Balance


Connecting for Balance

I am participating in Oprah’s and Deepak’s 21 day meditation. Today is day 12 and a very appropriate topic for me. It is connecting for balance.

We are social creatures, who thrive in community. Connecting with one another allows us to express our most heartfelt hopes and dreams and be of service to one another. Our supportive relationships enhance the positive messages we send our bodies each day and invite better health and wellbeing into our lives. But how does this relate to health? The 21 day meditation is to help the participant attain PERFECT HEALTH. And so I did what most of us do in this information age, I GOOGLED articles on health and human connection and found a great one written Glenn D. Braustein, MD January 24, 2011

As I prepared for my meditation today I was reminded to take a moment to be grateful for the many individuals who contribute to my life and in whose lives you make a difference.

The centering thought for today is: I cherish my every connection.


Although the term “social network” has come to mean connections on the Internet, in a scientific context a social network refers to relationships that occur between real people in real time, on a regular basis: friends, family and co-workers. Real human connections and the behavioral influences that result from them can be so powerful, they have given rise to an area of science called “network science,” which examines how behavior and behavioral changes spread through interconnected groups of people. These include health-related behaviors and conditions ranging from weight gain, smoking and smoking cessation, sleep, drug and alcohol use to emotional wellbeing and longevity.

One landmark study on obesity published in The New England Journal of Medicine in 2007 found that having just one friend who becomes obese can increase a person’s chance of becoming obese by 57 percent, and that weight gain isn’t only influenced by a person’s friends, but by friends of friends who have gained weight (3 degrees of separation). Conversely, as a Weight Watchers member will tell you, meeting regularly with a group of people who are losing weight can make a significant difference in keeping your own diet on track. A social network not only affects the speed at which people adopt new habits but also the extent to which they stick to them. The more successful any social structure is at building and maintaining relationships, the longer it will produce healthy benefits for its members.

Does that mean that relationships can be as much of a factor in good health as cholesterol, blood pressure and BMI? Although evidence-based research on psychosocial processes and positive health outcomes has become prevalent only within the past decade and a half, the results are persuasive.


Physical health

Data from 148 studies on health outcomes and the social relationships of more than 300,000 men and woman across the developed world determined that people with strong social connections had an average 50 percent higher chance of survival in the seven and a half years following the study than people with poor social ties. The results didn’t vary significantly by sex, age or health status.

In another well-known study on the influence of social connections to the workings of the immune system, hundreds of healthy volunteers were exposed to the common cold virus, then quarantined for several days. The participants with more social connections from different contexts – such as work, sports and spiritual activities – were less likely to get a cold than volunteers who were more socially isolated. Simply put, the immune systems of people with a variety of friends tended to work better, possibly due to lower levels of stress hormone release by the well-connected people.

Mental health

How do personal connections impact physiological functions? Many regulatory systems in the body, especially blood pressure, metabolism and stress hormones, have all shown to be affected by relationships and the quality of social interaction. Lab studies indicate that in stressful situations, a person’s blood pressure and heart rate will spike less if someone is with them. In one study, children who were allowed to speak to their mothers after a stressful event experienced a spike in the levels of a neurotransmitter that decreases hormonal stress response (oxytocin), compared to children who weren’t allowed to talk to their mothers. Brain imaging studies have also revealed neurological differences between people who were alone and those who had support. As for cultivating a strong and supportive system in order to promote good health, one way to have that is to sit around the dinner table and having dinner with family.

Public health

Beyond the ability of social networks to influence the health of an individual, they can also influence public health. The thinking is that “social connectors” – people who have more than an average number of friends and would likely be exposed to more germs – would probably also be first to contract contagious diseases like the flu. Tracking the “social connector” would serve as an early detection system for epidemics, indicating the people to vaccinate to slow the spread of a particular disease. A Harvard study that used electronic medical records at the university health service to track the spread of the H1N1 flu showed that an outbreak of flu developed approximately two weeks earlier in a group of students who were all identified as “friends” of students, than in a group of randomly selected participants. The concept of social “connectors” playing an important role in creating social epidemics was beautifully described by Malcolm Gladwell in The Tipping Point.

The care and feeding of healthy relationships

Since our ability to make and maintain human connections has such an impact on our physiological, emotional and even societal health, maybe there should be a box on medical charts after cholesterol, blood pressure and BMI called “Relationships.” Are they positive? Are they helping or hindering our own good health? Are we exercising them properly? Research shows it’s worth the time and effort to cultivate healthy relationships and keep them up and running.

Reference from Glenn D. Braunstein, M.D. January 24, 2011

“Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this me

“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us. And the world will live as one.”


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Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton


Skype: dave.deberardinis

Work With Us Personally – Click Here

PS: Earn $500-1200 Per Day The Easy Way Here!

If you enjoyed this post about Balance and Health please comment below!










Multiple Streams of Income

Multiple Streams of Income

You’ve heard about it, You understand it…. Now why don’t you set it up in your life?

Mack just shot this video in the parking lot of his Chase branch where he just deposited $7,866.65 in checks that came into his mailbox today.

But as always, don’t take my word for it, you can see proof here
on this video…

>>> CLICK HERE to see $7,866.65 deposit video…

Multiple Streams of Income




Mack deposits multiple checks like this not just once,
but MANY TIMES throughout the week, all thanks to the concept
of “Multiple Streams of Income”.

And as an EZMF member, you could use Mack’s FREE
“EZ Money Formula” system to do the same too.

But that won’t happen until you TAKE ACTION and get your

FREE “EZMF” system set up.

You’ve heard about it, You understand it…. Now why don’t you set it up in your life?

So go ahead and follow these 2-Steps at this website now to get started:

–> http://ezmoneyformula.com/landing1.php?user=daviddevt

To Life Without Limits,

Dave DeBerardinis
Joy Edgerton

1-802-777-9060 Cell

Skype: dave.deberardinis












Multiple Streams of Income

Multiple Streams of Income

Multiple Streams of Income

Multiple Streams of Income

Don’t Just Build Something Once

Don’t Just Build Something Once

If you are going to put in the time to build a business then you will neccessarily need to build a clientele. Most people only think about thier next client. You want a business that will take care of you year after year? Got to build a way for you marketing to keep bringing you clients.

Don’t Just Build Something Once

We build a blog. We write daily, post it and over the past 70 plus days our blog is starting to get organic traffic from Google searches. If you are consistent you will likely never need to use paid advertising again! Just build a blog, brand yourself and keep doing it daily. Blogs stay out there FOREVER ! Can you imagine you posts being read in 5 or 10 years…. they will be. And people will connect with You!

This article calls the method I’m describing as backlinks. I find this similar, but you will get the point.

By Seth Godin: Building your backlist (and living with it forever)

Authors and musicians have one, certainly. This is the book you wrote seven years ago or the album from early in your career. The book keeps selling, spreading the ideas and making a difference. The album gets played on the radio, earning you new fans.

“Backlist” is what publishers call the stuff that got published a while ago, but that’s still out there, selling.

The Wizard of Oz, Bob Dylan’s Greatest Hits and Starsky and Hutch all live on the backlist

Without a backlist, all book publishers would go out of business in no time. The backlist pays dividends long after the work is over.

Advertisers didn’t used to have a backlist. You paid for that magazine or newspaper or TV ad, and within just one cycle, it was gone, forever.

Today, of course, the work you put on the internet has a good chance of staying there for a very long time. The internet doesn’t easily forget.

That TED talk, then is going to be around for your grandchildren to see. The review of your new restaurant, or the generous connection you made on a social network–they’re going to last.

I almost hired someone a few years ago–until I googled her and discovered that the first two matches were pictures of her drinking beer from a funnel, and her listed hobby was, “binge drinking.” Backlist!

Two things are going to change as you develop a backlist:

–You’re going to become a lot more aware of the posterity of the work you do. It’s all on tape, all left behind. Just as you’re less likely to litter in your own backyard, the person aware of his backlist becomes more careful and civic minded.

–You’re going to want people to pay attention to your backlist… in my case, the free videos, various ebooks and printed things I’ve done over the years. In your case, maybe it’s your blog, or the projects you’ve built or the reputation you’ve earned.

Your history of work is as important as the work you’ll do tomorrow.


Build your Blog, post daily and brand yourself. You will have a steady stream of clients/prospects from now on! You will never have to do it again!

If you like this content, Like and Share with others

Secret to successDave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton


Skype: dave.deberardinis

Work With Me Personally – Click Here

PS: Earn $500-1200 Per Day The Easy Way Here!



Build Something Once Build Something Once Build Something Once

Build Something Once

Build Something Once

(NEW VIDEO) Peter made $10,000 last month


using my EZ Money Formula System.

Take Peter for example…

Just last month he made over $10,000
– working “part-time”.
See for yourself:

CLICK HERE To Watch Peter’s Video…




Keep in mind the $10k he made is just from one of

the income streams (income stream #3 to be specific)

that my EZMF System promotes.
If you’re READY to do the same, go ahead over to…
Our page and get started

–> http://ezmoneyformula.com/landing1.php?user=daviddevt

…and REGISTER your
free EZMF System account and then
“plug-in” to the income streams that I’ll share with you on

the final steps.

To Life Without Limits,

EmpowerDave DeBerardinis
Joy Edgerton
1-802-777-9060 Cell
Skype: dave.deberardinis


If you like this content, Like and Share with others


Work With Me Personally – Click Here

PS: Earn $500-1200 Per Day The Easy Way Here!

If you enjoyed this post about $10,000 per month please comment below!







Getting to Now -Your Secret to Success

Getting to Now -Your Secret to Success

Have you ever thought about how or perhaps some people become successful while others don’t. Do you think they are smarter? Have better connections? Right place, right time? Are they just lucky?

Do I need to work harder? (big in our culture, where if you are not where you think you should be, it’s likely you’re dogging it, could be working harder! Right?)

Getting to Now Your Secret to Success

The real question that underlies all of this is… Why not me?

Let’s see if we can tie a bit of eastern philosophy and western philosophy. I’ll let Deepak Chopra speak for the Eastern. In his book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Deepak talks about Law #4 The Law of Least Effort.

The Law of Least Effort states that… “Nature’s intelligence functions with effortless ease. Grass doesn’t try to grow, it just grows. Fish don’t try to swim, they just swim. Birds don’t try to fly, they fly. This is their intrinsic nature. And it is human nature to make our dreams manifest into physical form, easily and effortlessly.”

What is commonly called a “miracle” is actually an expression of the Law of Least Effort. Since it is the ego that consumes the greatest amount of energy, we need to free that energy up.

Of the three components to the Law of Least Effort, I will speak of the first one only.

Acceptance- Today I will accept people, situations, circumstances, and events as they occur. This means knowing this moment IS as it should be. And when you struggle against this moment, you are in fact, struggling against the entire universe. (Good luck with that!) “Accept things as they are.”

For our Western part, I turn to Gary Emery, Ph.D. and is the director for the Los Angeles center of Cognative Psychology. In his book, “The Positive Force, Overcoming Your Resistance to Success”, He speaks directly to the ego and it’s wanting to have and create drama where there is none, a major block to finding success.

I want to quote Dr. Emery when he speaks to battling reality… “Rather than battle reality to exhaustion quickly surrender to what is. Refuse to go over the negative details, refuse to protest, silently or vocally, against the way life is at the moment.”

“The quicker you’re able to resign yourself to the reality of the present moment, the greater your awareness and the greater your ability to see the next opportunity.”

and “When your ego is 90% out of the picture, you are assured a 90% chance of getting what you want.”

Both men, are clearly talking about the same thing. Remove the ego, accept what is now and success will flow from you acceptance of this moment.

Mindset makes all the difference. I would encourage you to read both books and draw your own conclusions!

If you like this content, Like and Share with others


Secret to successDave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton


Skype: dave.deberardinis

Work With Me Personally – Click Here

PS: Earn $500-1200 Per Day The Easy Way Here!

If you enjoyed this post about Your Secret to Success, please comment below!

Your Secret to Success

Your Secret to Success

Your Secret to Success

Your Secret to Success


Drinking Alcohol- will it hurt my fitness and weight loss results?

To drink Alcohol or not…..

As we embark upon another weight loss challenge that we do with the city of Burlington, Vermont – assisting others with new healthy habits that include exercise and nutrition, one question will inevitably come up…and that question is: “Is it OK to drink alcohol on a weight loss program?”. I began researching the topic to see what the “experts say” and then, by accident- or was it? I came across this article written by Steve Edwards that I thought had some useful information. Everyone is different so see what resonates best for you. I know for ME, the 3 distinct times that I have had major body transformations (Body building competition at age 30, late 40’s raw food cleanse and mid 50’s 90 Day transformation with P90X) the answer was NOT to drink alcohol if you really want to reach your goals and be the best you can be within your time limit goal. When you are working out more deliberately and on a regular basis-taxing your muscles why would you even want to waste your calories on something that doesn’t assist you with reaching your goals? However, don’t decide based on my experience….

cocktails-2-114x150Read on…..

Ask the Expert: Will Drinking Alcohol Hurt My Results?

By Steve Edwards

When it comes to getting fit and healthy, alcohol is one of the first things you’re told to eliminate from your diet. Yet studies regularly show that those who drink live longer and healthier lives than those who don’t. So, what’s the deal? Is alcohol a magic potion for a long and healthy life, or is your fitness the only thing it’s going to take the edge off?

The consumption of alcohol in some form or another has been around since the first caveman left some fruit in the sun too long, causing it to ferment (what a crazy night around the fire that was). Since we’ve always had it and, if history is any indication, we always will, we should have a strategy about how to use it.

What is alcohol?

Alcohol starts out healthy enough, as a plant, where it’s the byproduct of the decaying process (fermentation). Although it’s technically a depressant, its effect on the human body manifests as making you feel giddy, powerful, and awesome on the dance floor. And because it’s natural, you know, like tobacco and opium, it’s got to be good, right? Oh, wait. Maybe not.

And just like other natural things, the food industry has found unnatural ways to create alcohol that tend to be cheaper and even less healthy. But, I’m nitpicking because ultimately alcohol is alcohol. You’re going to get hammered whether you drink Night Train or single-malt Scotch—although all the chemicals in the rotgut might give you a worse hangover.

And for you out there who think you’re beating the system with your Diet Coke® and rum, alcohol has calories. A lot of them. At 7 calories per gram, alcohol has more calories by volume than both carbs and proteins and slightly less than fats. (Plus, according to a recent study published in the American Journal of Medicine,1 drinking diet soda with alcohol could get you drunk faster.)

More importantly, these calories have no food value. That’s right. Nada. Zilch. You’re adding calories to your diet, the only performance enhancing quality of which is to help you brag about yourself down at the pub.

The big question people usually ask me is whether or not they should drink alcohol while doing P90X®, INSANITY®, or one of our other boot camp–style programs. When you’re trying to change your body, the crux is making the nutritional switch from high-calorie/low-nutrient foods to low-calorie/high-nutrient foods. Since alcohol is a very high-calorie/no-nutrient food, you can see why it never ranks very high on Michi’s Ladder. (off the record, Beach Body really does help NAIL your nutrition and this chart called Michi’s Ladder is very useful.)

Keep in mind that we’re not telling you to abstain from alcohol forever. We’re advising you cut down on it—or completely cut it out—while you’re trying to transform your body.

What about all the studies showing alcohol is good for you?

The lifestyle studies that show up on the wires almost ubiquitously champion alcohol consumption because moderate drinkers always outlive everyone else. In fact, one major study showed that even excessive drinkers lived longer than teetotalers. There is no scientific surface explanation as to why this would be the case, so most experts chalk it up to lifestyle. Those who drink tend to be less stressed about life, in general, and stress is intricately linked to shorter life spans.

This is why our nutrition guides also generally give parameters for moderate drinking. If it makes you happy then, by all means, don’t quit. Just learn to be a healthy drinker.

But as I said above, when you’re doing one of our programs, the rules of nutrition shift slightly. You’re pushing your body harder, so it behooves you to keep nutrition tiptop. Furthermore, if you can’t go 90 days without a drink, you might want to consider your relationship with alcohol. It is, after all, an addictive substance.

The Dark Side of Drinking

drunk person

And on that topic, alcohol has a dark side beyond calories. It can easily lead to an excessive path. If you’re a clever writer, you might make a nefarious career out of being a boozer, but it wreaks havoc on most of us.

Behavioral issues aside, let’s take a quick look at how alcohol can add up from a dietary perspective. A 12-ounce beer is about 150 or so calories. Ditto a 5-ounce glass of wine. One shot (1.5 oz) of the straight stuff has between 85 and 115 calories, depending on what proof it is.

Unfortunately we tend to have more than that one serving. Often a lot more. Those longevity studies give the best numbers to folk who have 1–2 drinks a day, not those taking the Silver Bullet Express to every sporting event on TV.

When you pound a twelver during a weekend double-header, you’ve done serious dietary damage. Factor in that in our tendency to offset a drunken state-of-grace with greasy indulgences and it’s easy to see how Monday Night Football® at Cheers might result in unnecessary roughness. And despite the advice you’ll get on Good Morning America®, a quick jog the next day is not going to fight the beer belly you’ll get from those binges.

So the short answer here to whether it’s okay to drink when you’re working out is, “Sure. In moderation.” If you don’t already drink, I don’t think you need to start, but if you’re already a drinker, limit your intake and take the occasional time off, especially if you’re into a serious training cycle.

Do that, and I’ll raise a glass to you!

alcohol alcohol alcohol






Create a Facebook Cover Photo

Create a Facebook Cover Photo

How many times have you wished you could create a Facebook cover photo and have a cool (or cooler) photo at the top of your Facebook page, or group? How easy or hard would it be?

Create a Facebook Cover Photo

With a little knowledge and using some software you already have on your computer…. you can! I’ll even show you a way to get a beautiful cover photo designed for your for only $5 !

Way cool huh!

If you like this content, Like and Share with others

EmpowerDave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton


Skype: dave.deberardinis

Work With Me Personally – Click Here

PS: Earn $500-1200 Per Day The Easy Way Here!

If you enjoyed this post about about Creating a Facebook Cover photo please comment below!



create a Facebook cover photo

create a Facebook cover photo

create a Facebook cover photo

create a Facebook cover photo


Surrounding Yourself with Positive People

When I look back at my life I remember I used to hang out with negative people and people that really didn’t have any goals or know what to do with their life!

Guess what?

I didn’t know what to do with my life and I had no real goals!

Interesting isn’t it?

Then I learned from many mentors like Jim Rohn that you have to surround yourself with positive people and people that have what you want in life. This quote sums it up perfect:

Our Prosperity Team will plug you into thousands of like minded people that all have the same goal! To become RICH in every aspect of life!



Lock Arms With Us Below!

Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that you can plug into:

  • Live Prosperity Team Coaching Mastermind – Monday-Friday
  • Live “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Call – Monday-Friday
  • 10k per month Daily Action Assignments
  • Prosperity Team Training Site – Step By Step Tutorials
  • Prosperity Team Facebook Mastermind
  • Marketing Systems, emails & webpages that do all the selling for you.

And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!

All for less then it would cost for ordering pizza for the family 1 night!


If enjoyed today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page so someone else can benefit from it!

Card2Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton


Skype: dave.deberardinis

Work With Me


PS: Add Video to your Emails!


If you like this post on Surrounding Yourself with Positive People, retweet and comment please!

How To: $72K Annual with a $15 Budget Using Facebook

How To: $72K Annual with a $15 Budget Using Facebook

I know that sounds as straight up as a shot of Wild Turkey with a $2 dollar
Tequilla Chaser, but listen up real quick…

The other day a frustrated guy asked me if there was a way to actually generate
real, targeted leads with no money…..?

I asked him, “Well, how much of an ad budget do you have now?”

He said, “$15 dollars!”

(I quietly thought to myself that we would have to refer this gentleman to our mindset
training on that alone because I didn’t completely buy his $15 story…)

But I got his point…

The real question was: “Would you please teach me how to generate

low cost or no cost targeted leads online…?”

My answer was…

“Yes. If you’re willing to empty your cup, open your mind and do exactly what I am
about to teach you…


without mind wrestling me…


I can teach you right now…

How To Get Targeted Leads DAILY For NO money at all…

are you down with that?”

He said… “Sure, I’m frustrated, tired of the guru stuff, and I’m ready to take instruction….

the student is finally here… please teach me, Old Wise One…”

(well, he didn’t quite call me “wise one”… but, here’s what I showed him…)

Click the link below to see how I revealed an almost magical way to locate and attract
interested people daily… with a “dang, I’m broke right now” budget!











other side of this quick and easy training
session…. CLICK! What are you waiting for?

See you inside….

If you like this content, Like and Share with others

Work with Dave and Joy
Dave DeBerardinis
Joy Edgerton

Skype: dave.deberardinis

Work With Me Personally – Click Here

P.S: Earn $500-1200 Per Day The Easy Way Here!


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