Drinking Alcohol- will it hurt my fitness and weight loss results?

To drink Alcohol or not…..

As we embark upon another weight loss challenge that we do with the city of Burlington, Vermont – assisting others with new healthy habits that include exercise and nutrition, one question will inevitably come up…and that question is: “Is it OK to drink alcohol on a weight loss program?”. I began researching the topic to see what the “experts say” and then, by accident- or was it? I came across this article written by Steve Edwards that I thought had some useful information. Everyone is different so see what resonates best for you. I know for ME, the 3 distinct times that I have had major body transformations (Body building competition at age 30, late 40’s raw food cleanse and mid 50’s 90 Day transformation with P90X) the answer was NOT to drink alcohol if you really want to reach your goals and be the best you can be within your time limit goal. When you are working out more deliberately and on a regular basis-taxing your muscles why would you even want to waste your calories on something that doesn’t assist you with reaching your goals? However, don’t decide based on my experience….

cocktails-2-114x150Read on…..

Ask the Expert: Will Drinking Alcohol Hurt My Results?

By Steve Edwards

When it comes to getting fit and healthy, alcohol is one of the first things you’re told to eliminate from your diet. Yet studies regularly show that those who drink live longer and healthier lives than those who don’t. So, what’s the deal? Is alcohol a magic potion for a long and healthy life, or is your fitness the only thing it’s going to take the edge off?

The consumption of alcohol in some form or another has been around since the first caveman left some fruit in the sun too long, causing it to ferment (what a crazy night around the fire that was). Since we’ve always had it and, if history is any indication, we always will, we should have a strategy about how to use it.

What is alcohol?

Alcohol starts out healthy enough, as a plant, where it’s the byproduct of the decaying process (fermentation). Although it’s technically a depressant, its effect on the human body manifests as making you feel giddy, powerful, and awesome on the dance floor. And because it’s natural, you know, like tobacco and opium, it’s got to be good, right? Oh, wait. Maybe not.

And just like other natural things, the food industry has found unnatural ways to create alcohol that tend to be cheaper and even less healthy. But, I’m nitpicking because ultimately alcohol is alcohol. You’re going to get hammered whether you drink Night Train or single-malt Scotch—although all the chemicals in the rotgut might give you a worse hangover.

And for you out there who think you’re beating the system with your Diet Coke® and rum, alcohol has calories. A lot of them. At 7 calories per gram, alcohol has more calories by volume than both carbs and proteins and slightly less than fats. (Plus, according to a recent study published in the American Journal of Medicine,1 drinking diet soda with alcohol could get you drunk faster.)

More importantly, these calories have no food value. That’s right. Nada. Zilch. You’re adding calories to your diet, the only performance enhancing quality of which is to help you brag about yourself down at the pub.

The big question people usually ask me is whether or not they should drink alcohol while doing P90X®, INSANITY®, or one of our other boot camp–style programs. When you’re trying to change your body, the crux is making the nutritional switch from high-calorie/low-nutrient foods to low-calorie/high-nutrient foods. Since alcohol is a very high-calorie/no-nutrient food, you can see why it never ranks very high on Michi’s Ladder. (off the record, Beach Body really does help NAIL your nutrition and this chart called Michi’s Ladder is very useful.)

Keep in mind that we’re not telling you to abstain from alcohol forever. We’re advising you cut down on it—or completely cut it out—while you’re trying to transform your body.

What about all the studies showing alcohol is good for you?

The lifestyle studies that show up on the wires almost ubiquitously champion alcohol consumption because moderate drinkers always outlive everyone else. In fact, one major study showed that even excessive drinkers lived longer than teetotalers. There is no scientific surface explanation as to why this would be the case, so most experts chalk it up to lifestyle. Those who drink tend to be less stressed about life, in general, and stress is intricately linked to shorter life spans.

This is why our nutrition guides also generally give parameters for moderate drinking. If it makes you happy then, by all means, don’t quit. Just learn to be a healthy drinker.

But as I said above, when you’re doing one of our programs, the rules of nutrition shift slightly. You’re pushing your body harder, so it behooves you to keep nutrition tiptop. Furthermore, if you can’t go 90 days without a drink, you might want to consider your relationship with alcohol. It is, after all, an addictive substance.

The Dark Side of Drinking

drunk person

And on that topic, alcohol has a dark side beyond calories. It can easily lead to an excessive path. If you’re a clever writer, you might make a nefarious career out of being a boozer, but it wreaks havoc on most of us.

Behavioral issues aside, let’s take a quick look at how alcohol can add up from a dietary perspective. A 12-ounce beer is about 150 or so calories. Ditto a 5-ounce glass of wine. One shot (1.5 oz) of the straight stuff has between 85 and 115 calories, depending on what proof it is.

Unfortunately we tend to have more than that one serving. Often a lot more. Those longevity studies give the best numbers to folk who have 1–2 drinks a day, not those taking the Silver Bullet Express to every sporting event on TV.

When you pound a twelver during a weekend double-header, you’ve done serious dietary damage. Factor in that in our tendency to offset a drunken state-of-grace with greasy indulgences and it’s easy to see how Monday Night Football® at Cheers might result in unnecessary roughness. And despite the advice you’ll get on Good Morning America®, a quick jog the next day is not going to fight the beer belly you’ll get from those binges.

So the short answer here to whether it’s okay to drink when you’re working out is, “Sure. In moderation.” If you don’t already drink, I don’t think you need to start, but if you’re already a drinker, limit your intake and take the occasional time off, especially if you’re into a serious training cycle.

Do that, and I’ll raise a glass to you!

alcohol alcohol alcohol






Create a Facebook Cover Photo

Create a Facebook Cover Photo

How many times have you wished you could create a Facebook cover photo and have a cool (or cooler) photo at the top of your Facebook page, or group? How easy or hard would it be?

Create a Facebook Cover Photo

With a little knowledge and using some software you already have on your computer…. you can! I’ll even show you a way to get a beautiful cover photo designed for your for only $5 !

Way cool huh!

If you like this content, Like and Share with others

EmpowerDave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton


Skype: dave.deberardinis

Work With Me Personally – Click Here

PS: Earn $500-1200 Per Day The Easy Way Here!

If you enjoyed this post about about Creating a Facebook Cover photo please comment below!



create a Facebook cover photo

create a Facebook cover photo

create a Facebook cover photo

create a Facebook cover photo


Surrounding Yourself with Positive People

When I look back at my life I remember I used to hang out with negative people and people that really didn’t have any goals or know what to do with their life!

Guess what?

I didn’t know what to do with my life and I had no real goals!

Interesting isn’t it?

Then I learned from many mentors like Jim Rohn that you have to surround yourself with positive people and people that have what you want in life. This quote sums it up perfect:

Our Prosperity Team will plug you into thousands of like minded people that all have the same goal! To become RICH in every aspect of life!



Lock Arms With Us Below!

Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that you can plug into:

  • Live Prosperity Team Coaching Mastermind – Monday-Friday
  • Live “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Call – Monday-Friday
  • 10k per month Daily Action Assignments
  • Prosperity Team Training Site – Step By Step Tutorials
  • Prosperity Team Facebook Mastermind
  • Marketing Systems, emails & webpages that do all the selling for you.

And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!

All for less then it would cost for ordering pizza for the family 1 night!


If enjoyed today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page so someone else can benefit from it!

Card2Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton


Skype: dave.deberardinis

Work With Me


PS: Add Video to your Emails!


If you like this post on Surrounding Yourself with Positive People, retweet and comment please!

How To: $72K Annual with a $15 Budget Using Facebook

How To: $72K Annual with a $15 Budget Using Facebook

I know that sounds as straight up as a shot of Wild Turkey with a $2 dollar
Tequilla Chaser, but listen up real quick…

The other day a frustrated guy asked me if there was a way to actually generate
real, targeted leads with no money…..?

I asked him, “Well, how much of an ad budget do you have now?”

He said, “$15 dollars!”

(I quietly thought to myself that we would have to refer this gentleman to our mindset
training on that alone because I didn’t completely buy his $15 story…)

But I got his point…

The real question was: “Would you please teach me how to generate

low cost or no cost targeted leads online…?”

My answer was…

“Yes. If you’re willing to empty your cup, open your mind and do exactly what I am
about to teach you…


without mind wrestling me…


I can teach you right now…

How To Get Targeted Leads DAILY For NO money at all…

are you down with that?”

He said… “Sure, I’m frustrated, tired of the guru stuff, and I’m ready to take instruction….

the student is finally here… please teach me, Old Wise One…”

(well, he didn’t quite call me “wise one”… but, here’s what I showed him…)

Click the link below to see how I revealed an almost magical way to locate and attract
interested people daily… with a “dang, I’m broke right now” budget!











other side of this quick and easy training
session…. CLICK! What are you waiting for?

See you inside….

If you like this content, Like and Share with others

Work with Dave and Joy
Dave DeBerardinis
Joy Edgerton

Skype: dave.deberardinis

Work With Me Personally – Click Here

P.S: Earn $500-1200 Per Day The Easy Way Here!


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Create Free Back Links

Create Free Back Links

Knowing how to Create Free Back links to your website or blog is essential if you want to drive traffic and compete with the big boys. Just having a website or a blog does NOT mean people will find you. You have to create a reason for Google to Rank you in their search results.

Create Free Back Links

You can create PAID traffic through purchasing Paid to Click ads on Google (I keep Saying Google as they are the largest of the search engines, but this discussion applies to all search engines!). How about a free way to Create Free Back Links?

A quick video on Create Free Back Links

Do this everyday! This is a cumulative process. The more consistent you are, the more dramatic your results!

Dave DeBerardinis



If you would like to learn how to what interests you, or even trending news, YouTube videos, and other crazy information and get paid to do it then you need to take a look at our complete Free Training system

Here Are Just A Few Of Our Benefits…

  • Daily “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)…
  • Daily Internet Marketing Webinars – Monday-Friday (Noon)…
  • Daily Action Assignments & Accountability
  • Facebook Group Mastermind…
  • Training Site (All Recordings & Tutorial Trainings)…
  • Marketing System & Pages That Do All The Heavy Lifting For You…

And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!
It all starts by clicking here to getting started

Now that you have read my blog post here are the steps you need to take

Step 1 Decide you want to have fun and make money Click on this link and register to get more information

Step 2 Watch the video

Step 3 Fill out the form and register to get started.

Once you have registered you will receive a welcome e mail and will be given access to our exclusive “Private” team training website.

This training will give you detailed step by step training on the marketing tools and strategies you can use to generate the same top income I earn every month with Empower Network

P.P.S. Ready to have access the same exact system I am currently using to generate thousands of dollars every month online?

Just Get In right here!

Dave DeBerardinis

1-802-777-9060 c

Skype: dave.deberardinis


Create Free Back Links

Create Free Back Links

Create Free Back Links

Create Free Back Links

Relationship with Money

Relationship with Money

I read an email yesterday from a friend named Tony who has earned over $140,000 in January!
Yes $140,000 in 1 MONTH!
When ever I get to read or hear from someone making that kind of money I listen!
He covered a subject that might offend some of you but there is truth to this lesson!

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Tony
Date: Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 12:46 PM
Subject: Why the rich hate Wal-mart (it’s not what you think)
I debated about sending this.

Because I know some people will choose to be
offended and I’ll probably get a ton of
snarky comments in my Inbox…

But, the more I thought about it, the more
I realized that NOT talking about this
would be a disservice to people.

And, I was inspired by my friends Mike Dillard
and Randy Gage who were among the first to
get my thinking straight on this….

So, here it is….


I refuse to walk into a Wal-Mart.

I won’t do it. Just BEING in a Wal-Mart makes
me feel nauseous.

And, you need to know WHY. And in order to understand
that, you need to read this entire email.

See, I didn’t grow up wealthy.

But, from the timethat I was old enough to
realize that some peoplewere rich and others
were poor…..I wanted to be rich.

Not just because I could have nice things.
That was partof it, sure…

But because I wanted to be able to make enough money
to do whatever I wanted to do.

To me….being rich meant having FREEDOM. No one telling
me what to do.

Well, when you have strong feelings about wealth
and freedom…

…you also tend to have strong feelings about
poverty and weakness.

I HATED being broke.

A lot of peopleare broke and they don’t care. A lot of people are broke
and they think it’s no big deal.

Not me. No money meant no freedom. And I felt like a slave.

And most wealthy people feel the same way.

Because they are CONSCIOUSLY aware — pay attention now –
they are CONSCIOUSLY aware that thoughts, ideas and
feelings are contagious.

Read that again.

It’s important.

Thoughts, feelings and ideas are contagious.

Or, to put it another way, you WILL become like the
people you spend your time around.

And that includes the people you see on TV…the
people you read about in books….and even
the “kind” of person that habitually spend
your time listening to.

Prove this to yourself right now….think about this:

You probably vote the same way as your closest friends.
You probably laugh at the same jokes.
You probably drive ABOUT the same kind of car.

Bet you never noticed that before.

But think about it…

When’s the last time you saw someone driving a
beat-up clunker who’s spendingmost of their
time with someone who’s driving a Bentley?

It might happen but it’s not often.

You rarely see someone who’s fit and trim who spend
all their time with people who are obese.

It’s not good, bad, right or wrong.

It’s just how the world works.

Ideas, thoughts and feelings are CONTAGIOUS. You will
adopt the ideas, beliefs and mindset of the people
you spend your time with.

==> And that includes thoughts of poverty and scarcity.

And rich people know this. They know that one’s mindset
is “fluid”. It changes constantly depending on who
you’re around.

And, for that reason, rich people deliberately and
consciously protect themselves from anything and everything
associated with struggle and poverty.

Think about this…
Have you ever wondered why they live in gated communities?

Have you ever wonder why they shop in exclusive boutiques?

Have you ever wondered why they fly first-class and stay in
$500/night hotels?

Have you ever wondered why they play golf and tennis in
exclusive “members only” clubs that cost thousands of
dollars per year?
Is it because they want to enjoy the “finer things of life”?

Well, sure.

But it’s also because they want to protect their
minds from the thoughts of poverty and struggle that
are held by the rest of society….


Again…prove this to yourself.

Imagine this…

Think of a time when you’ve felt GREAT about yourself…
GREAT about your life….GREAT about how things were

…and then you walk into a situation where everyone
is complaining about something.

What happens to your own mindset?

It goes straight in the gutter.

Why? Because ideas, emotions and thoughts are contagious.

I can’t say that enough.

==> The rich get richer because they choose to
surround themselves with other prosperous people

The average person think they’re being snobbish and stuck-up!

The rich see it as an unfortunate necessity of life.

And that’s one reason why I never shop at Wal-Mart.

See, some people know that I don’t shop at Wal-Mart
and they think it’s because I’m one of those people
who hate Wal-Mart because they’re a huge corporation.


No, that’s not it at all.

I think Wal-Mart is a wonderful success story. Anyone
serious about becoming wealthy can learn something from
them as a company.

That’s not why I don’t go to Wal-Mart.

No, I don’t go to Wal-Mart because I can’t
stand the way it makes me feel to be in there.

The entire store is a monument to “pinching pennies”.

The entire store is devoted to the “nickel off” mentality.

The entire store is designed for people who say and think
things like this:

– “There isn’t enough money for everyone.”
– “The economy is crashing so I have to watch my money.”
– “I can’t afford what I want so I have to settle….”
– “We’re on a limited budget…”

That kind of thinking is a disease that causes people
to go through life as a victim.

That’s the kind of thinking held by people who think
that life is happening TO them…and that they don’t have
any control over their quality of life at all…

They’re slaves to their jobs…their boss…their government.

The rich think very differently.

Broke people say “I can’t afford it”.
Wealthy people say, “How can I afford it?”

Rich people know that they are the CAUSE of their life…
…not the EFFECT.

Money doesn’t own them.
They own their money.

They know that there is an infinite amount of money
in the world and that ANYONE can choose to earn more
at any time they want.

The difference between wealthy people and broke
people can be summed up like this:
– Broke people think life is happening to them.
– Wealthy people know that they are happening to their life.
The more you start to think like a wealthy person, the more
you’ll understand what I’m saying.

And one day, you will walk into a Wal-Mart and you
will LITERALLY FEEL what I’m talking about.

And it will make you sick.

It will make you sad to be there.

You’ll feel like you’re out of place. Like
you’re the ONE person who doesn’t belong.

You’ll stand in the store and hear some guy
in the next aisle complaining that the world is
going to hell because of the price of a can of

…and you’ll calmly walk away from your
cart, walk out the door and never return.

That’s exactly how it happened for me.


I know that some of you are hopping mad by
this point. Because you DO shop at Wal-Mart
and you’re saying:

“Well, Tony, it’s easy for you to say that.
You don’t know what it’s like for me and
my family. You’ve never been in my situation.”

Well, that’s probably not true.

I HAVE shopped at Wal-Mart….and when you’re
so broke that you’ve gotten a car repossessed
and evicted from your house…..well, that’s
about as low as you can get.

But here’s the difference…

Even during those time when I was sleeping
on a friend’s couch or eating tuna three times
a day…

…I was NEVER comfortable shopping in Wal-Mart.

Because I knew I didn’t belong there.

See, there’s a difference between being “poor”
and being “broke”.

Broke is a lack of money.
Poor is a state of mind.

And I was BROKE…not poor.

Look, I’m not saying you shouldn’t save
money when you’re struggling. Or that you
shouldn’t use a coupon if it will help you
stretch your dollars…

I’ve done it.

But, I AM saying that I will ALWAYS fight
the mindset of poverty wherever I see it.

==> Whether you shop at Wal-Mart is not the
point. Everyone has to start where they

The question is whether you are comfortable and
happy shopping at Wal-Mart.

And, in my opinion, NO ONE should be.

If you don’t have the feelings, desires and goals
to separate yourself from the rest
of “average society”…..

…then I don’t even know why you’re on my list.

Let’s get this straight:
AVERAGE people are never successful. That’s why
they’re called “average”.

You can come from an average BACKGROUND…and become rich.
You can have an average EDUCATION….and become rich.

But, sooner or later, you’re going to have to decide
to become very UNAVERAGE.

Otherwise you’ll just be another zombie
walking around the Dollar Store trying to figure out whether
you can make a gallon of milk last until payday.

That’s bullshit. And no one deserves to live that way.


Here’s the stand that I take to make sure
that I always keep an attitude of abundance:

1. I never use coupons. If the pizza box has
a coupon on the top of the box, it goes into
the trash with the box.

2. If I’m making a cash purchase, and the cashier
is going to give me back coin change…they keep
the change.

Meaning, if a bottle of fruit juice costs $3.50
and I give the cashier $4….they keep the change.

3. I never haggle on the price of something I want to
buy. Either the price for the item is fair or it’s
not. But I’m not going to invalidate the merchant
by asking him to take less than he’s asking.

I’m not interested in pinching pennies.
I’m interested in making more DOLLARS.

And that’s where my mindset has been for years…
…even when I was broke and trying to figure out
how to get on my feet financially.

If you find yourself constantly thinking
“I can’t afford to do this…”

….then you need to change your thinking and
ask, “HOW can I afford to do this?”

You need to learn to think like an entrepreneur and not
like an employee.

You need to realize that making money is a GAME…

…and it’s a FUN GAME.

But you will never see that as the truth if you’re
always viewing money as “hard” or “difficult” or

Making money is a GAME. Nothing more.

And if you’re not sure how to make the transition from
a poverty mindset to a prosperity mindset….

….that’s why you need to join us in The Empower Network.

This is not some New-Age course on “law of attraction”.

This is not some woo-woo nonsense on “manifesting money”.

This is not some rah-rah motivational bullshit.

This is not hype.

This is nuts and bolts.

This is A-B-C-1-2-3.

This is a simple change of mind.
Anyone can do it.
YOU can do it.

In fact, you MUST do it.

This is not optional for you.

This is your LIFE we’re talking about.

Your LIFE depends on it.

So, here’s the test…

…If you’re 25 years old and you don’t have at least $10,000
in your checking account….

….If you’re 30 years old and you don’t have at least $50,000
in your checking account….

…If you’re 40 years old and you don’t have at least $100,000
in your checking account…

…that is NOT OKAY.

It might be okay for the rest of society…
..but not you.

Stop and think about this.

How long have you been working?

Now look at your bank account. Doesn’t it seem
to you that it should be bigger?


It should.

And it can be.

But it’s not enough to just change what you’re DOING.

You have to change who you’re BEING.

You have to have a powerful shift in how you
think about money.

And that’s what I will teach you in The Empower Network.

Let me be clear:

You cannot become rich with the same thinking that’s created
your present situation.

It is impossible.

If you don’t upgrade your thinking right now….you can
expect the next 30 days to look just like the last 30 days….

…the next year to look like the last year. Or worse.

And that’s not what you want.

You deserve to grow by leaps and bounds.

And that’s what the Empower Network is about.

In less than 5 minutes from now, you can be going
through the EXACT exercises that moved me from
being miserable and broke….

…to earning thousands of dollars a week
on my own terms.

Get your Empower Network membership right now.

If you’re not completely satisfied after 30 days,
I’ll give you a complete refund.

And I’m not going to have to do that.

Because, when you get a glimpse of the life
that awaits you….

…this will completely change everything you
thought was possible about becoming a wealthy

To your IMMEDIATE success,

Our “Prosperity Team” can help you create your own Abundance Mindset!
Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that help people stick with us!
Live Prosperity Team Coaching Mastermind – Monday-Friday ($397 per month value)
Live “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Call – Monday-Friday ($97 per month value)
10k per month Daily Action Assignments ($97 per month value)
Prosperity Team Training Site – Step By Step Tutorials ($497 value)
Prosperity Team Facebook Mastermind (Priceless)
Marketing Systems, emails & webpages that do all the selling for you. ($197 per month value)
And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!
All for less then it would cost for ordering pizza for the family 1 night!

If enjoyed today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page so someone else can benefit from it!

Joy Edgerton

Dave DeBerardinis


If you would like to learn how to what interests you, or even trending news, YouTube videos, and other crazy information and get paid to do it then you need to take a look at our complete Free Training system Here Are Just A Few Of Our Benefits…

  • Daily “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)…
  • Daily Internet Marketing Webinars – Monday-Friday (Noon)…
  • Daily Action Assignments & Accountability
  • Facebook Group Mastermind…
  • Training Site (All Recordings & Tutorial Trainings)…
  • Marketing System & Pages That Do All The Heavy Lifting For You…

And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!


It all starts by clicking here to getting started

Now that you have read my blog post here are the steps you need to take

Step 1 Decide you want to have fun and make money Click on this link and register to get more information

Step 2 Watch the video

Step 3 Fill out the form and register to get started.

Once you have registered you will receive a welcome e mail and will be given access to our exclusive “Private” team training website.

This training will give you detailed step by step training on the marketing tools and strategies you can use to generate the same top income I earn every month with Empower Network

P.P.S. Ready to have access the same exact system I am currently using to generate thousands of dollars every month online?

Just Get In right here!

Dave DeBerardinis

1-802-777-9060 c

Skype: dave.deberardinis


Relationship with Money Relationship with Money Relationship with Money

Relationship with Money

Relationship with Money

EZ Money Formula

EZ Money Formula

The EZ Money Formula is a Free system you can use to use to generate leads, drip email marketing, website hosting, a suite of tools including capture/squeeze pages, Video Email, Video Conferencing, Ad co-op’s and much more.

EZ Money Formula

There are currently 3 products in the EZ Money Formula.

1. GVO Autoresponders, domain hosting, and more

2. Pure Leverage – Video email, video conferencing, capture pages, training, co-op ad copy, banners, and much more

3. Empower Network – 5 fabulous programs to take you from a viral blogging platform to the mostin depth training and coaching on exactly how to create a multi-million dollar income. Taught by well… multi-millionaires who teach what and how they do it. So you can too!

All three programs are set up so that when you bring on a new associate, you are making 100% commissions up front! You see that has been the missing piece for most marketers. The money has never been 100% and its always on the back end or down the road from where you are. Most people can’t sustain this for long, so they get out before ever making money. Sound familiar? Its different here.

EZ Money Formula

Lastly, the EZ Money Formula Team hosts live training calls DAILY, showing you exactly what you need to do today to move your business forward! This is all FREE !!!

You will want to see this new technology and how easily you can apply it to your business! I have found a suite of products that will amaze you!

I’ve incorporated them into our business yesterday……

Check out the link below AFTER watching my short video! This video was part of an email I sent to my team…. How cool would this be for your business!

Click Here to Play Video Email.

1. Watch my Short video (above)

2. Then get the whole story here

You will see how you can make money with the EZ Money Formula!

partners in wealth,




If you would like to learn how to what interests you, or even trending news, YouTube videos, and other crazy information and get paid to do it then you need to take a look at the Viral Blogging platform called Empower Network and learn how to get paid to do it!

Here Are Just A Few Of Our Benefits…

  • Daily “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)…
  • Daily Internet Marketing Webinars – Monday-Friday (Noon)…
  • Daily Action Assignments & Accountability
  • Facebook Group Mastermind…
  • Training Site (All Recordings & Tutorial Trainings)…
  • Marketing System & Pages That Do All The Heavy Lifting For You…

And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!

EZ money Formula

It all starts by clicking here to getting started

Now that you have read my blog post here are the steps you need to take

Step 1 Decide you want to have fun and make money Click on this link and register to get more information

Step 2 Watch the video

Step 3 Fill out the form and register to get started.

Once you have registered you will receive a welcome e mail and will be given access to our exclusive “Private” team training website.

This training will give you detailed step by step training on the marketing tools and strategies you can use to generate the same top income I earn every month with Empower Network

P.P.S. Ready to have access the same exact system I am currently using to generate thousands of dollars every month online?

Just Get In right here!

Dave DeBerardinis

1-802-777-9060 c

Skype: dave.deberardinis


EZ Money Formula

EZ Money Formula

Using Facebook Notes

Using Facebook Notes

I came across a way to connect with FaceBook users, giving good content and sharing a potential business they may be interested in. It’s called Attraction marketing.

Using the Notes App on Facebook is a fabulous way to offer content and connect.

I made a short Video on how to do this.

Share what ever you want Just make it something real and useful !

Hope this helps you in your business!

Dave DeBerardinis


Skype: dave.deberardinis

P.S. (I had too! I just had too!) If you are interested in having a suite of tools and someone to show you “how to do it” Click Here!


If you like this content, Like and Share with others



Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton


Skype: dave.deberardinis

Work With Me Personally – Click Here

PS: Earn $500-1200 Per Day The Easy Way Here!


If you enjoyed this post about Face Book Notes please comment below!


Facebook Notes Facebook Notes Facebook Notes

Facebook Notes

Facebook Notes


Most Incredible Travel Video Ever

I have always been someone that wanted to travel the world and have fun with my family…

My business partner Justin shot this quick video and I wanted to share it with you today because it shows one of the most EPIC travel and Life videos I have seen!

You are going to love it!


LIKE” If you had ever had a travel dream.

“SHARE” & COMMENT below if you’re going to make YOUR LIFE COUNT.

And now for the MOST EPIC HANGOUT You Have Ever Seen In Your Entire Life (recorded live last night)

Here Are Just A Few Of Our Prosperity Team Benefits that you can plug into:

  • Live Prosperity Team Coaching Mastermind – Monday-Friday
  • Live “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Call – Monday-Friday
  • 10k per month Daily Action Assignments
  • Prosperity Team Training Site – Step By Step Tutorials
  • Prosperity Team Facebook Mastermind
  • Marketing Systems, emails & webpages that do all the selling for you.

And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!

All for less then it would cost for ordering pizza for the family 1 night!



If enjoyed today’s post please ‘like & share’ this page so someone else can benefit from it!

Join us


Dave DeBerardinis

Joy Edgerton



Create YouTube Back Link

Creating a YouTube Back Link

Here is a simple way to add YouTube back link.

Set up a YouTube account!

Create a back link to your website or content!

Dave DeBerardinis




If you would like to learn how to what interests you, or even trending news, YouTube videos, and other crazy information and get paid to do it then you need to take a look at our complete Free Training system

Here Are Just A Few Of Our Benefits…

  • Daily “Think & Grow Rich” Mindset Calls – Monday-Friday (Morning)…
  • Daily Internet Marketing Webinars – Monday-Friday (Noon)…
  • Daily Action Assignments & Accountability
  • Facebook Group Mastermind…
  • Training Site (All Recordings & Tutorial Trainings)…
  • Marketing System & Pages That Do All The Heavy Lifting For You…

And Most Importantly A Partnership Top Internet Marketers, Offline Marketers, 6 & 7 Figure Income Earners!


It all starts by clicking here to getting started

Now that you have read my blog post here are the steps you need to take

Step 1 Decide you want to have fun and make money Click on this link and register to get more information

Step 2 Watch the video

Step 3 Fill out the form and register to get started.

Once you have registered you will receive a welcome e mail and will be given access to our exclusive “Private” team training website.

This training will give you detailed step by step training on the marketing tools and strategies you can use to generate the same top income I earn every month with Empower Network

P.P.S. Ready to have access the same exact system I am currently using to generate thousands of dollars every month online?

Just Get In right here!

Dave DeBerardinis

1-802-777-9060 c

Skype: dave.deberardinis



YouTube back link YouTube back link YouTube back link

YouTube back link

YouTube back link